Oxford Silk Group ABRG, Department of Zoology, Oxford University Argiope
Home \ Team \ Fujia Chen \ Publications
Fujia Chen

Fujia Chen: Publications:

2012 Chen, F., Porter, D. & Vollrath, F. - Silk Cocoon: Multilayer structure and mechanical properties (Bombyx mori). Acta Biomaterialia, 8 (7): 2620-2627 access

2012 Chen, F. J., Porter, D. & Vollrath, F. - Morphology and structure of silkworm cocoons. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 32 (4): 772-778 access

2012 Chen, F., Porter, D. & Vollrath, F. - Structure and physical properties of silkworm cocoons. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9 (74): 2299-2308 access


2011 Chen, F. & Hodgkinson, J. - "Impact damage" in Encyclopaedia of Composites, Wiley Publishing, in press


2010 Chen, F., Porter, D. & Vollrath, F. - A nonwoven composite model based on silkworm cocoon (Bombyx mori). Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 4 (9): 28-33 Email for access

2010 Chen, F., Porter, D. & Vollrath. - Silkworm cocoons inspire models for random fiber and particulate composites. Physical Review E 82 (4): 0419111-0419116 access


2009 Vollrath, F., Chen, F. & Porter, D. - Silks and their composites. pp1355-1365 in Transactions of the 14th Fundamental Research Symposium on advances in pulp and paper research, Oxford 2009. ISBN 978 0 9545272 7 3 Email for access

2009 Chen, F. & Hodgkinson, J. - Impact behaviour of composites with different fibre structure, Journal of Aerospace Engineering 223 (7): 1009-1017 access




Silk Cocoons: From Nature to Synthetics, Biofuture, Ghent, Belgium, 2011


Silkworm Cocoons: A biomimetic model for nonwoven and particulate composite structures, Materials Research Society Fall meeting, Boston, USA, 2010


The silkworm cocoon: a biological composite system 17th International conference on composite materials, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2009

Damage mechanism of silkworm cocoon 14th International conference on deformation, yield and fracture of polymers, Rolduc, Kerkrade, Holland, 2009


Silkworm cocoon: a complex biological composite 24th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, Salemo, Italy, 2008

Silkworm cocoon: A natural composite system SAMPE/IOM3 Annual Student Seminar, London, UK, 2008

Silkworm cocoon: A natural composite system Oxford Polymer Network annual meeting, Oxford, UK 2008


Mechanical behaviour of silkworm cocoon natural composite SAMPE/IOM3 Annual Student Seminar, London, UK, 2007



2010 Early Stage Researcher Grant, COST, EU
2009 Young Member’s Grant, SAMPE, UK
2006 Distinct Graduate, Shanghai, China
2005 Fashion Design Student Award, TUSN, China
2004 Rieter Scholarship, Shanghai, China
2003-06 People’s Scholarship, Shanghai, China



Materials Research Society Fall meeting, Boston, USA, 2010

Principles and development of bio-inspired materials, COST, Vienna, Austria, 2010

17th International conference on composite materials, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2009

14th International conference on deformation, yield and fracture of polymers, Rolduc, Kerkrade, Holland, 2009

24th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, Salemo, Italy, 2008

SAMPE/IOM3 Annual Student Seminar, London, UK, 2008

Oxford polymer network annual meeting, Oxford, UK 2008

SAMPE/IOM3 Annual Student Seminar, London, UK, 2007


Recent News

November 2019

Prof. Fritz Vollrath and colleagues from the Fudan University in China are widely covered in the news for their discovery of a means to produce fake Rhino horns using horse hair. Hopes are that this product may undermine the illegal market for rhino horn, and demistify the properties of rhino horn. View Here


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