
This page provides an index of links to all the files available for download from this web site. Please visit other areas of the site for explanations.

Publications Downloads

Click here for an index of our publication documents that we have for download from this site.
For a more comprehensive list visit the publications page.

Software Downloads

Click here for a list of all the software installers available for download.

Source Code

Assembla SVN

Most source code is hosted on assembla. Register on the website and request permission for access from us.


Selections of code is released under open source licenses when and where possible on GitHub.

SLIM Curve

The core Levenberg-Marquardt (incl. Maximum Likehood, MLE), Rapid Lifetime (RLD) and Non-negative Least Squares (NNLS) routines from TRI2 are all released open source in the SLIM Curve library, hosted at LOCI in Madison.

Aortic Ring assay

The source code to perform the image processing for the Aortic Ring assay is open source at our assembla SVN.
Published here: M. Baker, et al., "Use of the mouse aortic ring assay to study angiogenesis," Nat. Protocols 7, 89-104 (2012).

Some documents are in pdf format.
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