Oxford SulKiDo Martial Art - Fitness Self-Defence Korean Arts
How To Use the Syllabus Section of the Oxford SulKiDo WebSite
We hope you'll find reading the
section of the club web-site
interesting and useful, however it is very important that you
should bear the following caveats in mind while doing so:
You will not be able to learn martial arts from a website - there
really is no substitute for personal training by a competent instructor.
The purpose of the syllabus section of the website is to help
current members of the club by allowing
them to learn the general order/appearance of techniques, thus
giving more time during sessions to work on
perfecting details with guidance from an instructor.
The descriptions of techniques given in the web-site should not
be regarded as definitive. It is impossible to describe the subtleties
involved in whole-body movements in a few sentences, so what you are
seeing is a `sketch' of each technique rather than the whole thing.
While we've tried to be accurate with the photographs, it is
very difficult (especially with amateur equipment) to produce static
pictures that accurately represent complex dynamic movements.
In particular, many of the images which involve fast motion are slightly
mis-leading in that the models have had to hold the pose statically
which makes their precise positions inaccurate representations of the
true techniques.
The syllabus of SulKiDo is defined by Master Kim, 7th Dan
and the UKSF.
If there are any differences between the contents of this website
and the offical UKSF interpretation from Master Kim then his opinion
takes priority.
Having said all these things, we believe the syllabus section should
be genuinely helpful to your training - though
please also read the
safety guidelines.