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Ee jang : 2nd Hard Form

This hard form consists of 20 movements executed in a `H' shape. This form is required for the yellow belt grading. Notation is as for the 6 basic forms.
1left 90WFLface block with left forearm
2aheadWFRkick with right, restore then punch with right
3cl 180EFRface block with right forearm
4aheadEFLkick with left, restore then punch with left
5left 90NBLlow knife hand block
6aheadNBRknife hand block
7aheadNFLface block with left forearm
8aheadNFRpunch to face with right
9ac 270EFLface block with left forearm
10aheadEFRkick with right, restore then punch with right
11cl 180WFRface block with right forearm
12aheadWFLkick with left, restore then punch with left
13left 90SBLlow two-fist block
14aheadSBRhigh two-fist outward-moving block
15aheadSBLinward moving body block with left fist
16aheadSFRpunch with right
17ac 270WFLface block with left forearm
18aheadWFRkick with right, restore then punch with right
19cl 180EFRface block with right forearm
20aheadEFLkick with left, restore then punch with left