[SulKiDo] [Korean] [Syllabus] [Grading]

Son Pae Ki

These are a set of 10 escape techniques for use against wrist grabs. As well as being useful methods in their own right, they are used to teach the fundamental principles involved in leverage and joint locking. Students must demonstrate proficiency at these techniques as part of the deputy yellow grading.

Each technique starts from an initial position of attacker and defender standing parallel facing each other with the attacker having grabbed one of the defender's wrists. Techniques are described from the perspective of the defenders right wrist being the one held. Terms such as `right' or `backwards' are from the perspective of the person performing the action.
1 Same side hold. Defender supinates then restores grabbed wrist prior to using shoulder power to lever hand up towards same side ear. Finish with right knife hand to right side of attacker's neck (until your control is adequate please aim at the collar bone rather than the neck!).
2 Same side hold. Defender pronates hand and twists anti-clockwise about wrist, aiming to loosen hold. Elbow is levered forwards to bring right hand to left shoulder. Finish with knife hand to right side of attacker's neck.
3 Same side hold. Lever forward with right elbow to rotate gripped wrist and simultaneously step back with left leg to place it behind right (ie. body becomes sideways to the attacker). Clasp hands together and withdraw wrist from grip. Step forward with right foot between attackers legs and deliver strike to abdomen with right elbow.
4 Same side hold. Make dummy movement inwards with hand, then circle anti-clockwise to bring opponents wrist up to the centre line of their body (thumb down) with hand at right-angles to forearm. Press right knife hand down into wrist to release. Finish with palm strike to abdomen.
5 Cross hold. Rotate wrist anti-clockwise then use shoulder power to lever hand to your left shoulder. Finish with right knife hand strike to right side of attacker's neck.
6 Cross hold. Make dummy movement inwards with hand, then circle clockwise to bring opponents wrist up to the centre line of their body (thumb down) with hand at right-angles to forearm. Press right knife hand down into wrist to release. Finish with palm strike to abdomen.
7 Two-handed hold at wrists. Ball your gripped right hand into a fist and take hold of this with your left hand. Pull upwards with left hand while using right shoulder to lever right elbow upwards and towards attacker. Continue till free then perform back-fist strike to attacker's right temple with your right hand (this is a particularly vulnerable area so be sure you miss or stop short by a wide margin).
8 Two-handed hold, attacker has left hand at wrist and right at elbow.
9 Two-handed hold, attacker has right hand at wrist and left at elbow.
10 Two handed hold at wrists, attackers right hand usually below their left.