E: This section is a little round-up of professional hypocrisy and petty, pigeon-holing tyranny. Whew.
C: No wonder Shirley's library recruiter is so schizophrenic talking up "Your Future in Libraryland." He should become a consultant and not worry about telling it like it is.
E: I wish recruiters would simply say, "You just have to be a Good Nigger to get through library school." It's a continuation of the whole educational system, which is concerned with control, but not discovery. Of course, all librarians are products of that sad cycle, which is why radical change books in education (Farber, Illich, Holt, Dennison, etc.) are crucial in understanding how we've been conditioned.
C: And the beat goes on. It's shocking that if the person who wrote "Phdfft!" wants that degree, and a future job in academe, she must remain anonymous.
E: It's better to kick out the jams and cut your losses, because Authority is insatiable; it has to keep flexing its control to feel secure.
C: That's what really comes through in Bianca Guttag's article. The power structure will even tell you what (NOT) to do in bed - and break your ass anyway.
E: Steve's and Joan's articles show a beautiful way to let the sun shine in. Every time the System Makers lay their heavy trip down, Protest, Publicize, Analyze, Poke fun.
C: How about guerrilla tactics to match these radical cataloger's strategy? Postman and Weingartner's Soft Revolution makes a good operating manual. We might as well learn from our radical academic colleagues, who've had a little longer experience fighting.
E: Of course in this case - LC's deprecating heads - why not just cross out the offensive term in the public catalog, write in a fair one, refile, and discreetly, but firmly, explain it to the catalog department?