Text book
Protecting Group Chemistry is #95 in OUP’s Oxford Chemistry Primers series. This book is primarily about functional group reactivity and mechanism organised around the reaction conditions that result in protecting group cleavage.

Tutorials/College Teaching
I am the Tutorial Fellow in Organic Chemistry at Brasenose College; contact details here.
University Lectures
My recent lecture courses are listed below:
• Core Carbonyl Chemistry
[1st year: HT, 8 lectures – 2023 slides here]
• Organic Synthesis I
[2nd year: MT, 4 lectures]
• Advanced Synthesis and Total Synthesis
[3rd year: HT, 8 lectures + TT, problem class]
• Radicals, Radical Cations and Radical Anions
[SBM-CDT students: MT, 2 days, lectures + group work]