Some links to media coverage of New Caledonian crows
Here are a few links to media coverage of our work on New Caledonian crows - some more links are available on relevant pages.
Schweizer Fernsehen (Swiss TV): "Minikameras für Krähen" Einstein 3 April 2008 (in German)
BBC News online: "Clever crows are caught on camera"
Nature News: "Tiny cameras give new meaning to 'bird's-eye view'"
National Geographic: "Tiny 'Crow-Cams' Capture Tool Use in Wild Birds"
Scientific American: "The Secret Lives of Tool-Wielding Crows"
New Scientist: "Tool use by shy crows caught on camera"
Science podcast: interview about 'crowcams' with Christian Rutz
NPR (USA): "Crow Cam Captures Creative Behavior in the Wild"
New York Times: "A Bird’s-Thigh View of Tool-Making Sheds Light on Crows"
New Scientist: "Bright birds make their own tools"
MSNBC: "Crows share tricks of the trade"
Nature News: "Crows switch sides to use tools" "Crow shows she's no bird-brain" (wire-bending)
Nature News: "Clever crows know their tools" (wire-bending)
New Scientist: "Crow reveals talent for technology" (wire-bending)
New Scientist: "Look, no hands!" (feature on NC crows). New Scientist 175 (issue 2356, 17 August 2002): 44-47
BBC News: "Crows prove they are no birdbrains" (wire-bending)