
bulletEconomics Resources
bulletRisk Management


bullet Mathematical Finance Group
bullet Nomura Centre for Quantitative Finance
bulletOxford Centre for Computational Finance
bulletSaid Business School
bulletFaculty of Mathematics
bullet Sub-Faculty of Economics
bulletDepartment of Physics
bulletDepartment of Statistics

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bulletFinanceWise : Search engine that focuses specifically on financial content.
bullet The Bank of England
bulletOlsen and associates
bulletList of UK Universities : Updated by the University of Wolverhampton.
bulletWachowicz's Web World : Many financial management links, including some PowerPoint slides.

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bullet The econophysics forum
bullet Science-Finance

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Economics Resources

bulletWorldwide Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers : Economics Departments around the world, listed by country.
bulletResources for Economists : The American Economics Association's Resources list.
bulletList of WWW Resources in Economics : WebEc directory of free Economics information on the WWW.
bulletEconometrics Links : Econometrics links from the Royal Economic Society.

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bulletNuma Web : Good derivatives portal
bulletMath Finance : Option pricing formulae and much more.

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Risk Management

bulletGloriaMundi : All about Value-at-Risk
bulletRiskMetrics : JP Morgan
bulletRiskLab : Good selection of papers
bullet The New Basle Capital Accord

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bullet Applied Mathematical Finance
bullet Econometrica
bulletJournal of finance
bullet Risk Publications
bulletQuantitative Finance
bulletElectronic Journals : Bodleian Library list
bulletOLIS : Oxford University online catalogue
bulletISI Web of Science (WOS) : Science Citation Index (SCI)
bulletJStor : Journal archive
bulletNBER Working Papers : Archive of working papers from the US National Bureau of Economic Research
bulletNetEc Working Papers : Searchable database of working papers from many departments.
bulletBIDS : Bibliographic service for the UK academic community.

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