Business Groups and Risk Sharing around the World
Tarun Khanna, Yishay Yafeh
Researchers commonly assume that business groups, a
ubiquitous organizational form in emerging markets, permit affiliated firms
to share risk by smoothing income flows and by reallocating money from one
affiliate to another in times of distress. This view has received support in
the literature on Japanese keiretsu. To examine the generality of these
findings worldwide, we amass a new data set on business groups in 15
emerging markets, and couple this with historical and modern data from
Japan. Our results, using multiple estimation techniques, corroborate the
existing evidence on risk sharing within the Japanese keiretsu. In addition,
in some emerging markets such as Brazil, Korea, Taiwan and Thailand, we find
evidence suggesting that group affiliation is associated with a 20 – 30
percent reduction in the standard deviation of operating returns. We also
find evidence of substantial “liquidity smoothing” in India, although data
constraints prevent us from knowing the extent to which this phenomenon is
widespread. However, risk reduction by business groups is far from a
universal phenomenon -- the magnitude of the effect is small in most of the
other countries in our sample, even though it is sometimes statistically
significant. Tests of two-dimensional first-order-stochastic-dominance
suggest that the Japan result – that group affiliated firms have both lower
levels of operating profitability and lower standard deviations of operating
profitability – does not generalize to most emerging markets. Finally, we
find no correlation between the extent of income smoothing provided by
groups and measures of capital market development. We conclude that the
provision of risk sharing, to compensate for under-developed capital
markets, is probably not the most important reason for the ubiquity of
business groups around the world.
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