Emerging Market Spreads: Then Versus Now
Paolo Mauro, Nathan Sussman, Yishay Yafeh
This paper analyzes yield spreads on sovereign debt issued
by emerging markets using modern data from the 1990s and newly-collected
historical data on debt traded in London during 1870–1913, a previous
“golden era” for international capital market integration. Applying several
empirical approaches, we show that the co-movement of spreads across
emerging markets is higher today than it was in the historical sample. We
also show that sharp changes in spreads today tend to be mostly related to
global events, whereas country-specific events played a bigger role in
1870–1913. Although we find some evidence that economic fundamentals, too,
co-move more strongly today than at that time, our interpretation of the
results is that today’s investors pay less attention to country-specific
events than their predecessors did in 1870–1913.
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