Manipulation, the allocational role of prices and
production externalities
Itay Goldstein, Alexander Gümbel
In this paper we show that profitable market manipulation
via trade is possible if prices perform an allocational role. If market
prices affect the real value of an asset (e.g. because they contain
information relevant to a firm's investment decisions), a potentially
informed speculator may wish to trade even in the absence of information. A
source of profits will then be the effect that his trade has on the real
value of the traded asset. We show that the problem is exacerbated if, in
the real sector, there are multiple firms with positive investment
spillovers. In this case, firm managers who have perfect private information
may ignore it and follow the price signal, knowing that other managers are
also looking at this signal. Shutting down a financial market may improve
investment efficiency in this case. We discuss the implications of our
argument to foreign exchange markets.
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