We will assume little beyond some knowledge of number fields and basic representation theory.
We will meet on
Thursdays 13:30 in Room C5, which is the same time slot as the modularity lifting seminar last term.
Below is a tentative list of topics we intend to cover, although we'll probably have to go beyond Hilary term if we want to cover all of them.
Topic |
Speaker |
Notes |
1. Algebraic groups and adeles |
Mick |
2. Non-archimedean theory of automorphic reps |
Zach |
notes |
3. The Satake isomorphism |
Håvard |
notes |
4. Local Langlands correspondence |
Zach |
notes |
5. Archimedean theory of automorphic reps |
James N. |
notes |
6. Automorphic representations |
Alex |
notes |
7. The case of GL2/Q and modular forms |
Arun |
notes |
A PDF containing all the notes so far can be found
here. Comments, corrections and criticisms are most welcome!
Resources and references:
The main reference is
Jayce Getz's notes. Additionally, the following might be useful: