Annual Conference
This year's annual conference is taking place on 3rd-5th July 2020 in Liverpool Hope University, UK,
The theme is:
Thinking about Nothing: Negation, Philosophy and the Mystical
The conference is jointed organised with The Association for Continental Philosophy
Liverpool Hope invites abstracts for Thinking about Nothing, the
annual conference of the Mystical Theology Network. The conference
seeks to engage scholars and creative practitioners in a
multi-disciplinary examination of 'nothingness', 'negativity' and the mystical.
How and why is 'nothing' such a central concern for the
mystical? What meaning, if any, derives from negation, un-knowing,
un-saying; or from evoking the Absolute in terms of absence, silence,
darkness, void, abyss, desert, and no-thing-ness? Why do mystics across
different religious traditions return continually to images and ideas
of negativity? And how might these interfaces between ‘nothingness’ and
‘the mystical’ illuminate our contemporary concerns with these two
elusive notions?
Confirmed Speakers:
Professor Melissa Raphael, University of Gloucestershire
Professor George Pattison, Glasgow University
Dr Kate Kirkpatrick, King's College, London
Dr Rik Van-Nieuwenhove, Durham University
This interdisciplinary conference brings together
theologians, philosophers, historians, literary scholars, linguists,
psychologists, artists, art historians, poets, musicians, and
contemplative practitioners to examine interfaces between themes of
'nothingness', 'negativity', and the mystical. We also welcome
proposals for creative responses from visual arts, performance, music
and sound, poetry and literature.
All proposals should include:
1. Full name
2. E-mail
3. Current institution and/or academic affiliation
4. Title of the paper of Proejct
5. Any technical equipment needed
6. Proposal (up to 350 words)
• Paper proposal — A proposal for presenting a short (20 minute) original paper
• Session proposal — A proposal for a session or roundtable where different papers are
presented on a common theme and emphasis is placed on shared discourse. Session
proposals should include abstract, name of presider, list of panelists or respondents.
• Project proposal — A proposal for a presentation, event, exhibition, performance or
screening. Project proposals should include description of media and
venue/technology requirements
Deadline: November 30th 2019
Please send proposals and enquiries to:
Simon Podmore (podmors@hope.ac.uk),
Duane Williams (williad3@hope.ac.uk),
Deborah Casewell (casewed@hope.ac.uk)
Further Information will be available on the conference website (available shortly)
You can also follow us on Twitter for the latest updates @MysticTheology