The Oxford University
Doctor Who Society

DocSoc was founded in 1989, at a time when the show had just been axed, seemingly forever. Fans met to watch illicit VHS copies of their favourite programmes in reverent silence. Now that the BBC are slowly working their way through a DVD release of the entire extant back catalogue, we do things somewhat differently; there's snark to be had, within sensible limits, and drinking games, although they aren't mandatory.

We're a welcoming bunch and love to see new faces at our meetings. We meet normally once a week in term-time, to watch episodes, hear speakers, or have more social events. To find out what we're up to this term, see our termcard.

You don't have to be a member to come to our meetings, although if you start coming regularly we do ask you to join. It's £5 for a year or £10 for life - you can send a cheque to the treasurer (see here for their name and college) or give it to one of the committee at any meeting.