OUACC Logo Oxford University Croquet Club


We are delighted to welcome entries for Croquet Cuppers 2024. You will need a team of 4 players ALL from the SAME college/PPH.

A large number of our entrants have never played croquet before, so don't be afraid to get stuck in if it's your first time.

The deadline for entries is 23.59 on Sunday 21st April (0th Week TT) 2024.

There are two simple steps to confirming your entry:

  1. Fill out the  contact details form ; and
  2. Pay your £2 entry fee through PayPal here, making sure to confirm your captain's Oxford email address.

Croquet Cuppers is sponsored by Croquet England (CqE). CqE is the National Governing Body of Croquet in England and Wales. They provide tremendous support for the OUACC, as well as croquet clubs across the country. Signing up to CqE grants you access to discounts on equipment and allows you to participate in national tournaments. See here for more information on the perks of membership, how to become a member, and the benefits of colleges going through CqE when purchasing croquet equipment.

You can find the nearest croquet club to your home, where you will be able to get more coaching and competitive play here.

© 2025 Oxford University Association Croquet Club