
















'A New Life for Old Manuscripts: Library Notes on the Digitization Project', Christ Church Matters (Issue 33, Trinity 2014), 12-13.


'Virtual Worlds, Old Documents and New Research Tools: The Digitization Project', Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.9, 2012-13), 30-34.


'From Scriptoria to the Printing House: Workshops in the Upper Library', 'A Tale of 2001 Hebrew Early Printed Books ... and a Collection of Unstudied Manuscripts' and 'Other Worlds and Imaginary Creatures: Forthcoming Exhibition in the Upper Library', Christ Church Matters

(Issue 32, Michaelmas 2013), 12, 13 and 14.


'Engraved Gems and the Upper Library' and  'A Priceless Collection of Theatrical Ephemera', Christ Church Matters (Issue 31, Trinity 2013),

14-15 and 16.


'On Stories, Projects for the Future and the Arabian Nights Exhibition in Paris', Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.8, 2011-12), 30-34.


'The Fingerprint in the Picture: Two Photographs by Charles Dodgson Added to the "Lewis Carroll" Collection', Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.7, Issue 3, Trinity 2011), 25-28.


‘Breaking the Canon? Manuscript 28 and the Traditions of Byzantine and Western Illumination’, Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.7, Issue 2, Hilary 2011), 26-27.


‘Doctoratul de la Oxford al lui N. Iorga’, by Andrei Pippidi and Cristina Neagu, Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, LIX, 2010, 1-14.


Gábor Almási. The Uses of Humanism: Johannes Sambucus (1531-1584), Andreas Dudith (1533-1589), and the Republic of Letters in East Central Europe. (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 185). Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009.', book review in Renaissance Quarterly (Vol.64, No 1, 2011).


‘Words Unwrapped and the Cardinal: An Unusual Portrait of Thomas Wolsey’, Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.6, Issue 3, Trinity 2010), 23-26.


‘Preserving the Past : Remmelin’s Catoptrum Microcosmicum’, interview with paper conservator Victoria Stevens, Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.6, Issue 2, Hilary 2010), 26-28.


‘The Transformation of a Library’, part 1 and 2, Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.5, Issue 3, Trinity 2009 and Vol.6, Issue 1, Michaelmas 2009), 27-28 and 22-24.

The “Processus sub Forma Missae” and Nicolaus Olahus’, Studi Umanistici Piceni XXIX (Istituto Internazionale di Studi Piceni Sassoferrato, 2009), 387-395.


Ignace Bossuyt, Nele Gabriëls, Dirk Sacré and Demmy Verbeke, eds., ‘“Cui dono lepidum novum libellum?” Dedicating Latin Works and Motets in the Sixteenth Century', book review in Renaissance Quarterly (LXII, 2:2009), 488-489.

Reading Between the Lines: A Micrographic Portrait of King Charles I’, Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.5, Issue 3, Trinity 2009), 20-22.


‘Maps of the Mind: Giordano Bruno’s Approach to Illustration’, Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.5, Issue 2, Hilary 2009), 13-17.


‘Reading Copernicus: Giordano Bruno’s Lectures at Oxford’, Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.5, Issue 1, Michaelmas 2008), 8-13.


‘The Case of the Lost Torah’, Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.4, Issue 3, Trinity 2008), 4-5.

‘Dating Wolsey’s Lectionaries’, Christ Church Library Newsletter (Vol.4, Issue 2, Hilary 2008), 1-5.

'The Hungaria-Athila: Nicolaus Olahus’s formula of the orbis loca and orbis gesta’, Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Bonnensis : Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Bonn, 3-9 August 2003 (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2006), 619-629.


A.S.Q. Visser, Joannes Sambucus and the Learned Image: The Use of the Emblem in Late-Renaissance Humanism', book review in Renaissance Quarterly (LIX, 1:2006), 215-216.

'Munci şi zile la Oxford: Cristina Neagu în dialog cu Robert Lazu' [Works and Days at Oxford : Cristina Neagu in dialogue with Robert Lazu], Adevărul literar şi artistic (Bucureşti: 1 November: 2005), 8-9.

'Secretul din faţa ochilor' [The secret in front of our eyes], Adevărul literar şi artistic (Bucureşti: 1 November: 2005), 15.

‘Tradiţie şi modalităţi de interpretare în Romeo şi Julieta’ [Tradition and means of interpretation in Romeo and Juliet], Vatra 1-2 (2002), 79-88.
‘Translation and the Theme of Love – Sacred and Profane’, International Notebook of Poetry 3 (Norcross, GA: LiterArt XXI, 2002), 216-227..
‘Echoes of the classics and the rhetoric of praise in Nicolaus Olahus’ elegiac verse’, International Notebook of Poetry 2 (Norcross, GA: LiterArt XXI, 2001), 41-54.
‘”Processus sub Forma Missae” and Nicolaus Olahus’, Colloquia – Journal of Central European History, V-VII (1998-2000), 43-53.
'Nicolaus Olahus, the Jesuits and the rhetoric of the ars epistolandi', Archaeus (Études d'histoire des religions), IV (2000), fasc.3, 1-8.
'The "Processus sub Forma Missae": Christian alchemy, identity and identification, Archaeus (Études d'histoire des religions), IV (2000), fasc.1-2, 105-118.
'Capela Sixtină şi culoarea paradisului la Michelangelo' [The Sistine Chapel and the colour of Paradise in Michelangelo's painting], Altarul Banatului 1-3 (Timişoara: 2000), 155-160.
'Mit şi licenţă poetică în "The Man Who Died" de D.H.Lawrence' [Myth and poetic licence in "The Man Who Died" by D.H. Lawrence], Vatra 6 (Târgu Mureş: 1999), 51-53.
'T.S. Eliot: "Murder in the Cathedral". Drama poetică şi modelul liturgic' [T.S. Eliot: "Murder in the Cathedral". The poetic theatre and the model of the liturgy], Altarul Banatului 7-9 (Timişoara: 1998), 66-70.
'Vaticanul vizibil, cetatea ascunsă şi alchimia culorilor: Basilica' [The visible Vatican, the hidden palace and the alchemy of colour: St.Peter's basilica], Altarul Banatului 12 (Timişoara: 1997), 179-181

Costello, Tom (ed.), International Literature on Film (London: Bowker-Saur, 1994).(contribution "Romanian Literature on Film").

'Un bizar teatru catoptric şi personajele lui închipuite în "Through the Looking Glass" de Lewis Carroll [A bizarre catoptric theatre and its imagined characters in Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll], Secolul 20 352-354 (Bucureşti:1993), 79-84.

'Simbolismul apei şi al lumii vegetale în "Hamlet". [The symbolism of water and the vegetable world in Hamlet], Transilvania 8 (Sibiu: 1990), 34-36.
'Un semnal de alarmă: greva foamei pentru o cinematografie autonomă' [A cry of alarm: hunger strike for an autonomous cinema], Film 4-5, March (Bucureşti: 1990), 4.
'Arhiva Naţională de Filme în stare de necesitate' [The National Film Archive in a state of crisis], 22, 3 February (Bucureşti: Grupul pentru Dialog Social, 1990), 14.
'Ne-iubirea de aur' [Beyond the love of gold], Almanah Cinema (Bucureşti: 1989), 29-31.
'Enigmă şi cunoaştere' [Mystery and knowledge], România literară 8, 10 March (Bucureşti: 1989), 7.
'"Iacob" şi ne-iubirea de aur'. ["Jacob": Beyond the love of gold], film review of Jacob by Mircea Daneliuc, Transilvania 8 (Sibiu: 1988), 53-55.
'Enigma semnului arab în "Sărmanul Dionis" de Mihai Eminescu' [The mystery of the arabian sign in "Sărmanul Dionis" by Mihai Eminescu], Caietele Eminescu VII (Iaşi: Universitatea Al.I.Cuza, 1986), 184-196.
'Motivul florii de aur în "Avatarii faraonului Tla" şi în "Romeo ăi Julieta"' [The motif of the golden flower in "Avatarii faraonului Tla" and in Romeo and Juliet], Caietele Eminescu VI (Iaşi: Universitatea Al.I.Cuza, 1985), 227-235, & Transilvania 1 (Sibiu: 1987), 25-28.
'Simboluri şi motive iniţiatice în "Fat Frumos din lacrimă" şi în legendele Graalului' [Symbols and initiation rites in "Făt Frumos din lacrimă" and the Grail Legends], Caietele Eminescu V (Iaşi: Universitatea Al.I.Cuza, 1984) 353-366, & Transilvania 1 (Sibiu: 1985), 17-20.
'Insula ca hiperspaţiu în "Cezara" de Mihai Eminescu şi în "Furtuna" de William Shakespeare' [The island as hyperspace in "Cezara" by Mihai Eminescu and in The Tempest by William Shakespeare], Transilvania 1 (Sibiu: 1986), 24-26.


‘The Carmina of Nicolaus Olahus in the Context of His Literary Career’ (D.Phil: University of Oxford, 2000).

'Illustration from Manuscript to Print : 15th and 16th century Books of Hours in the Bodleian Library’ (M.Sc:University of Central England in Birmingham, 2000).

Websites (... other than this)
Greyfriars Oxford Centre for Franciscan Studies (2009-2012)

Christ Church College - Library and Archives (www.chch.ox.ac.uk/library)
Oxford College Archives
(www.oxfordarchives.org.uk) (2006-2014)
PhotoPoetry - Tom Costello modern art collection
Chantry Library - Institute of Paper Conservation (2002-2004)

Worcester College Library (2000)


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