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143. Conductive metal-organic framework synthesis from metal nanoparticle precursors.
A.M. Lister, Y. Wang, B.I. Armitage, W. Li and M.R. Castell.
Journal of Physics: Materials, 8, 025004 (2025).
142. Scanning tunnelling microscopy of bimetallic Ni/Co-HITP metal-organic framework monolayers.
F. Gu, S. Shu, C.E. Patrick and M.R. Castell.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128, 17797 - 17805 (2024).
141. Planar NbnOm clusters on the Au(111) surface.
S. Wang, Y. Zhu, M. Van den Bossche, J. Goniakowski, C. Noguera and M.R. Castell.
Small Structures, 2300141 (2023).
140. Chemiresistive polymer percolation network gas sensor created with a nanosphere template.
W. Li, M.J. Lefferts, Y. Wang, A.M. Lister, A. Forssberg, R. Chen, L. Wang and M.R. Castell.
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2202042 (2023).
139. Scanning tunneling microscopy of MnOx ultrathin films on Au(111).
P. Chen, Y. Zhu, T. Ge and M.R. Castell.
Surface Science, 730, 122248 (2023).
138. Ammonia breath analysis.
M.J. Lefferts and M.R. Castell.
Sensors & Diagnostics, 1, 955 - 967 (2022).
137. Transition volumes from multiply twinned particles to single crystals of supported Ag and Au nanoparticles.
P. Chen, F. Silly, Y. Zhao and M.R. Castell.
Applied Physics Letters, 121, 061604 (2022).
136. Polypyrrole percolation network gas sensors: improved reproducibility through conductance monitoring during polymer growth.
W. Li, M.J. Lefferts, B.I. Armitage, K. Murugappan and M.R. Castell.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4, 2536 - 2543 (2022).
135. Epitaxially constrained grain boundary structures in an oxide honeycomb monolayer.
S. Wang, X. Hu, J. Goniakowski, C. Noguera and M.R. Castell.
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2102213 (2022).
134. Influence of soil type on chemiresistive detection of buried ANFO.
M.J. Lefferts and M.R. Castell.
Forensic Chemistry, 27, 100401 (2022).
133. Encapsulated Pd crystals on anatase supports:
high precision determination of the titanate overlayer moiré structure.
Y. Gao, P. Chen and M.R. Castell.
Surface Science, 715, 121941 (2022).
132. Thermodynamics driving the strong metal-support interaction:
titanate encapsulation of supported Pd nanocrystals.
P. Chen, Y. Gao and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review Materials, 5, 075001 (2021).
131. PEDOT percolation networks for reversible chemiresistive sensing of NO2.
M.J. Lefferts, B.I. Armitage, K. Murugappan and M.R. Castell.
RSC Advances, 11, 22789 - 22797 (2021).
130. Electrohydrodynamic jet printed conducting polymer for enhanced chemiresistive gas sensors.
N. Mkhize, K. Murugappan, M.R. Castell and H. Bhaskaran.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, 4591 - 4596 (2021).
129. ANFO vapour detection with conducting polymer percolation network sensors and GC/MS.
M.J. Lefferts, L.H. Humphreys, N. Mai, K. Murugappan, B.I. Armitage, J.F. Pons and M.R. Castell.
Analyst, 146, 2186 - 2193 (2021).
128. Conducting polymer percolation gas sensor on a flexible substrate.
B.I. Armitage, K. Murugappan, M.J. Lefferts, A. Cowsik and M.R. Castell.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 12669 - 12676 (2020).
127. Experimental determination of the {111}/{001} surface energy ratio for Pd crystals.
P. Chen, Y. Gao and M.R. Castell.
Applied Physics Letters, 117, 101601 (2020).
126. 2020 Roadmap on solid-state batteries.

M. Pasta, et al.
Journal of Physics: Energy, 2, 32008 (2020).
125. Shapes of epitaxial gold nanocrystals on SrTiO3 substrates.

P. Chen, K. Murugappan and M.R. Castell.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22, 4416 - 4428 (2020).
124. Atomic and electronic structure of an epitaxial Nb2O3
honeycomb monolayer on Au(111).
S. Wang, J. Goniakowski, C. Noguera and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review B, 100, 125408 (2019).
123. Thermal degradation of monolayer MoS2 on SrTiO3 supports.
P. Chen, W. Xu, Y. Gao, P. Holdway, J.H. Warner and M.R. Castell.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 3876 - 3885 (2019).
122. Influence of the support on stabilizing local defects in strained monolayer oxide films.
S. Wang, X. Hu, J. Goniakowski, C. Noguera and M.R. Castell.
Nanoscale, 11, 2412 - 2422 (2019).
121. Epitaxial growth of monolayer MoS2 on SrTiO3 single crystal
substrates for applications in nanoelectronics.
P. Chen, W. Xu, Y. Gao, J.H. Warner and M.R. Castell.
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1, 6976 - 6988 (2018).
120. Electrical percolation through a discontinuous Au nanoparticle film.
M.J. Lefferts, K. Murugappan, C. Wu and M.R. Castell.
Applied Physics Letters, 112, 251602 (2018).
119. Maximising the resolving power of the scanning tunneling microscope.
L. Jones, S. Wang, X. Hu, S.U. Rahman and M.R. Castell.
Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging, 4, 7 (2018).
118. Single-layer TiOx reconstructions on SrTiO3 (111):
(√7 × √7)R19.1°, (√13 × √13)R13.9°, and related structures.
T.K. Andersen, S. Wang, M.R. Castell, D.D. Fong and L.D. Marks.
Surface Science, 675, 36 - 41 (2018).
117. Magnetic iron oxide nanowires formed by reactive dewetting.
R.A. Bennett, H.A. Etman, H. Hicks, L. Richards, C. Wu, M.R. Castell, S.S. Dhesi and F. Maccherozzi.
Nano Letters, 18, 2365 - 2372 (2018).
116. Bridging electrode gaps with conducting polymers around the electrical percolation threshold.
K. Murugappan and M.R. Castell.
Electrochemistry Communications, 87, 40 - 43 (2018).
115. STM and STS of oxide ultrathin films.
M.R. Castell.
In Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry, volume 3, pages 332 - 337 (2018).
Elsevier Inc., edited by K. Wandelt.
114. Ultrathin oxide films on Au(111) substrates.
C. Wu and M.R. Castell.
In the book Oxide Materials at the Two-Dimensional Limit, chapter 5, pages 149 - 168 (2016).
Springer International Publishing, edited by F.P. Netzer and A. Fortunelli.
113. Transition from reconstruction toward thin film on the (110) surface of strontium titanate.
Z. Wang, A. Loon, A. Subramanian, S. Gerhold, E. McDermott, J.A. Enterkin, M. Hieckel, B.C. Russell, R.J. Green,
A. Moewes, J. Guo, P. Blaha, M.R. Castell, U. Diebold and L.D. Marks.
Nano Letters, 16, 2407 - 2412 (2016).
112. Metal-free chemical vapor deposition growth of graphitic tubular structures on engineered perovskite oxide substrates.
J. Sun, F. Dillon, C. Wu, J. Jiang, K. Jurkschat, A.A. Koos, A. Crossley, N. Grobert and M.R. Castell.
Carbon, 99, 591 - 598 (2016).
111. Vapour sensing of explosive materials.
M.J. Lefferts and M.R. Castell.
Analytical Methods, 7, 9005 - 9017 (2015).
110. Scanning tunnelling microscopy of surfaces and nanostructures.
M.R. Castell
In the book Nanocharacterisation: 2nd edition, chapter 3, pages 80 - 107 (2015).
Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing, Cambridge, U.K., edited by A.I. Kirkland and S.J. Haigh.
109. Smart Align - a new tool for robust non-rigid registration of scanning microscope data.
L. Jones, H. Yang, T.J. Pennycook, M.S.J. Marshall, S.V. Aert, N.D. Browning, M.R. Castell and P.D. Nellist.
Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging, 1, 8 (2015).
108. Transition from order to configurational disorder for surface reconstructions on SrTiO3 (111).
L.D. Marks, A.N. Chiaramonti, S.U. Rahman and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review Letters, 114, 226101 (2015).
107. Stoichiometry engineering of ternary oxide ultrathin films: BaxTi2O3 on Au (111).
C. Wu, M.R. Castell, J. Goniakowski and C. Noguera.
Physical Review B, 91, 155424 (2015).
106. Defects on strontium titanate.
M.S.J. Marshall, A.E. Becerra-Toledo, L.D. Marks and M.R. Castell.
In the book Defects at Oxide Surfaces, chapter 11, pages 327 - 349 (2015).
Springer International Publishing, edited by J. Jupille and G. Thornton.
105. Out- versus in-plane magnetic anisotropy of free Fe and Co nanocrystals: tight-binding and first-principles studies.
D. Li, C. Barreteau, M.R. Castell, F. Silly and A. Smogunov.
Physical Review B, 90, 205409 (2014).
104. Scanning tunnelling microscopy of epitaxial nanostructures.
M.S.J. Marshall and M.R. Castell.
Chemical Society Reviews, 43, 2226 - 2239 (2014).
103. The effect of the size of surface Pd island ensembles on electron transfer of adsorbed perchlorate ions on Au (111).
C. Wu, F. Xu, M.R. Castell and S.C.E. Tsang.
Chemical Communications, 50, 1198 - 1201 (2014).
102. Initial growth stages of titanium and barium oxide films on SrTiO3 (001).
C. Wu, K. Kruska and M.R. Castell.
Surface Science, 618, 94 - 100 (2013).
101. Synthesis of carbon nanocoil forests on BaSrTiO3 substrates with the aid of a Sn catalyst.
J. Sun, A.A. Koos, F. Dillon, K. Jurkschat, M.R. Castell and N. Grobert.
Carbon, 60, 5 - 15 (2013).
100. Controlled growth of Ni nanocrystals on SrTiO3 and their application
in the catalytic synthesis of carbon nanotubes.
J. Sun, C. Wu, F. Silly, A.A. Koos, F. Dillon, N. Grobert and M.R. Castell.
Chemical Communications, 49, 3748 - 3750 (2013).
99. Structure and composition of linear TiOx nanostructures on SrTiO3 (001) surfaces.
M.S.J. Marshall, A.E. Becerra-Toledo, D.J. Payne, R.G. Egdell, L.D. Marks and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review B, 86, 125416 (2012).
98. c(4×2) and related structural units on the SrTiO3 (001) surface:
scanning tunneling microscopy, density functional theory, and atomic structure.
A.E. Becerra-Toledo, M.S.J. Marshall, M.R. Castell and L.D. Marks.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 214701 (2012).
97. Formation mechanism for a hybrid supramolecular network involving cooperative interactions.
M. Mura, F. Silly, V. Burlakov, M.R. Castell, G.A.D. Briggs and L.N. Kantorovich.
Physical Review Letters, 108, 176103 (2012).
96. Water adsorption on SrTiO3 (001): I. experimental and simulated STM.
A.E. Becerra-Toledo, M.R. Castell and L.D. Marks.
Surface Science, 606, 762 - 765 (2012).
95. Ba and BaOx surface structures on Au (111).
C. Wu and M.R. Castell.
Surface Science, 606, 181 - 185 (2012).
94. Surface and defect structure of oxide nanowires on SrTiO3.
M.S.J. Marshall, A.E. Becerra-Toledo, L.D. Marks and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review Letters, 107, 086102 (2011).
93. The (2×2) reconstructions on the SrTiO3 (001) surface: a combined scanning tunneling microscopy
and density functional theory study.
Y. Lin, A.E. Becerra-Toledo, F. Silly, K.R. Poeppelmeier, M.R. Castell and L.D. Marks.
Surface Science Letters, 605, L51 - L55 (2011).
92. Surface structures of ultrathin TiOx films on Au (111).
C. Wu, M.S.J. Marshall and M.R. Castell.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 8643 - 8652 (2011).
91. Atomic and electronic surface structures of dopants in oxides: STM and XPS
of Nb- and La-doped SrTiO3 (001).
M.S.J. Marshall, D.T. Newell, D.J. Payne, R.G. Egdell and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review B, 83, 035410 (2011).
90. Synthesis of epitaxial metal oxide nanocrystals via a phase separation approach.
K.A. Bogle, V. Anbusathaiah, M. Arredondo, J.Y. Lin, Y.H. Chu, C. O'Neill, J.M. Gregg, M.R. Castell and V. Nagarajan.
ACS Nano, 4, 5139 - 5146 (2010).
89. Experimental and theoretical analysis of H-bonded supramolecular assemblies of PTCDA molecules.
M. Mura, X. Sun, F. Silly, H.T. Jonkman, G.A.D. Briggs, M.R. Castell and L.N. Kantorovich.
Physical Review B, 81, 195412 (2010).
88. Intricate hydrogen-bonded networks: binary and ternary combinations of uracil, PTCDI, and melamine.
J.A. Gardener, O.Y. Shvarova, G.A.D. Briggs and M.R. Castell.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114, 5859 - 5866 (2010).
87. A homologous series of structures on the surface of SrTiO3 (110).
J.A. Enterkin, A.K. Subramanian, B.C. Russell, M.R. Castell, K.R. Poeppelmeier and L.D. Marks.
Nature Materials, 9, 245 - 248 (2010).
86. Endohedral metallofullerenes in self-assembled monolayers.
M.D. Gimenez-Lopez, J.A. Gardener, A.Q. Shaw, A. Iwasiewicz-Wabnig, K. Porfyrakis, C. Balmer,
G. Dantelle, M. Hadjipanayi, A. Crossley, N.R. Champness, M.R. Castell, G.A.D. Briggs and A.N. Khlobystov.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, 123 - 131 (2010).
85. Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of C60 monolayers on Au (111).
J.A. Gardener, G.A.D. Briggs and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review B, 80, 235434 (2009).
84. H-bonding supramolecular assemblies of PTCDI molecules on the Au (111) surface.
M. Mura, F. Silly, G.A.D. Briggs, M.R. Castell and L.N. Kantorovich.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 21840 - 21848 (2009).
83. Temperature-dependent stability of supported five-fold twinned copper nanocrystals.
F. Silly and M.R. Castell.
ACS Nano, 3, 901 - 906 (2009).
82. Shape transitions of epitaxial islands during strained layer growth:
anatase TiO2 (001) on SrTiO3 (001).
M.S.J. Marshall and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review Letters, 102, 146102 (2009).
81. Grating of single Lu@C82 molecules using supramolecular network.
F. Silly, A.Q. Shaw, K. Porfyrakis, J.H. Warner, A.A.R. Watt, M.R. Castell,
H. Umemoto, T. Akachi, H. Shinohara and G.A.D. Briggs.
Chemical Communications, 4616 - 4618 (2008).
80. Melamine structures on the Au (111) surface.
F. Silly, A.Q. Shaw, M.R. Castell, G.A.D. Briggs, M. Mura, N. Martsinovich and L. Kantorovich.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 11476 - 11480 (2008).
79. Reconstructions on the polar SrTiO3 (110) surface: analysis using STM, LEED, and AES.
B.C. Russell and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review B, 77, 245414 (2008).
78. Deriving molecular bonding from a macromolecular self-assembly using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.
F. Silly, U.K. Weber, A.Q. Shaw, V.M. Burlakov, M.R. Castell, G.A.D. Briggs and D.G. Pettifor.
Physical Review B, 77, 201408 (2008).
77. Surface of sputtered and annealed polar SrTiO3 (111): TiOx
- rich (n×n) reconstructions.
B.C. Russell and M.R. Castell.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 6538 - 6545 (2008).
76. A chiral pinwheel supramolecular network driven by the assembly of PTCDI and melamine.
F. Silly, A.Q. Shaw, M.R. Castell and G.A.D. Briggs.
Chemical Communications, 1907 - 1909 (2008).
75. Epitaxial ordering of a perylenetetracarboxylic diimide - melamine supramolecular network
driven by
the Au (111) - (22×√3) reconstruction.
F. Silly, A.Q. Shaw, G.A.D. Briggs and M.R. Castell.
Applied Physics Letters, 92, 023102 (2008).
74. Pairs and heptamers of C70 molecules ordered via PTCDI-melamine
supramolecular networks.
F. Silly, A.Q. Shaw, K. Porfyrakis, G.A.D. Briggs and M.R. Castell.
Applied Physics Letters, 91, 253109 (2007).
73. Atomic-scale studies on the growth of palladium and titanium on GaN (0001).
C. Nörenberg and M.R. Castell.
Surface Science, 601, 4438 - 4443 (2007).
72. Scanning tunneling microscopy of surfaces and nanostructures.
M.R. Castell
In the book Nanocharacterisation, chapter 3, pages 66 - 93 (2007).
Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing, Cambridge, U.K., edited by A.I. Kirkland and J.L. Hutchison.
71. C70 ordering on nanostructured SrTiO3 (001).
D.S. Deak, K. Porfyrakis and M.R. Castell.
Chemical Communications, 2941 - 2943 (2007).
70. SrTiO3(001)-(√5×√5)-R26.6°
reconstruction: a surface resulting from phase separation in a reducing environment.
D.T. Newell, A. Harrison, F. Silly and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review B, 75, 205429 (2007).
69. (√13×√13)R13.9° and (√7×√7)R19.1°
reconstructions of the polar SrTiO3 (111) surface.
B.C. Russell and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review B, 75, 155433 (2007).
68. Controlled surface ordering of endohedral fullerenes with a SrTiO3 template.
D.S. Deak, F. Silly, K. Porfyrakis and M.R. Castell.
Nanotechnology, 18, 075301 (2007).
67. Structure of vapour deposited adenine on a nanostructured
perovskite surface studied by STM.
D.G. Fraser, D.S. Deak, S. Liu, and M.R. Castell.
Faraday Discussions, 133, 303 - 309 (2006).
66. Template ordered open-grid arrays of paired endohedral fullerenes.
D.S. Deak, F. Silly, K. Porfyrakis and M.R. Castell.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128, 13976 - 13977 (2006).
65. SrTiO3 (001) reconstructions: the (2×2) to c(4×4) transition.
F. Silly, D.T. Newell and M.R. Castell.
Surface Science Letters, 600, L219 - L223 (2006).
64. Hot STM of nanostructure dynamics on SrTiO3 (001).
H.L. Marsh, D.S. Deak, F. Silly, A.I. Kirkland and M.R. Castell.
Nanotechnology, 17, 3543 - 3548 (2006).
63. Ordering of TiO2-based nanostructures on SrTiO3 (001)
D.S. Deak, F. Silly, D.T. Newell and M.R. Castell.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 9246 - 9251 (2006).
62. Bimodal growth of Au on SrTiO3 (001).
F. Silly and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review Letters, 96, 086104 (2006).
61. Growth of Ag icosahedral nanocrystals on a SrTiO3 (001) support.
F. Silly and M.R. Castell.
Applied Physics Letters, 87, 213107 (2005).
60. Growth shapes of supported Pd nanocrystals on SrTiO3 (001).
F. Silly, A.C. Powell, M.G. Martin and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review B, 72, 165403 (2005).
59. Fe nanocrystal growth on SrTiO3 (001).
F. Silly and M.R. Castell.
Applied Physics Letters, 87, 063106 (2005).
58. Self-assembled supported Co nanocrystals: The adhesion energy of face-centered-cubic
Co on SrTiO3 (001) - (2×2).
F. Silly and M.R. Castell.
Applied Physics Letters, 87, 053106 (2005).
57. Encapsulated Pd nanocrystals supported by nanoline-structured
SrTiO3 (001).
F. Silly and M.R. Castell.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109, 12316 - 12319 (2005).
56. Selecting the shape of supported metal nanocrystals: Pd huts, hexagons, or pyramids on
SrTiO3 (001).
F. Silly and M.R. Castell.
Physical Review Letters, 94, 046103 (2005).
55. Formation of single domain anatase TiO2 (001) - (1×4) islands on
SrTiO3 (001) after thermal annealing.
F. Silly and M.R. Castell.
Applied Physics Letters, 85 (15), 3223 - 3225 (2004).
54. Effect of strong electron correlations on interatomic bonding
and the electronic structure of defects in NiO.
Y. Yun, D. Nguyen-Manh, S.L. Dudarev and M.R. Castell.
Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials III, p. 449 - 456.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Modeling
and Simulation of Materials, Sicily, 2004.
53. SrTiO3 (001) (2×1) reconstructions: First-principles calculations of surface
energy and atomic structure compared
with scanning tunneling microscopy images.
K. Johnston, M.R. Castell, A.T. Paxton and M.W. Finnis.
Physical Review B, 70, 085415 (2004).
52. Common methods for the preparation of clean A- and B-type GaN surfaces assessed by
R.A. Oliver, C. Nörenberg, M.G. Martin, A. Crossley, M.R. Castell and G.A.D. Briggs.
Institute of Physics Conference Series, 180, 329 - 332 (2003).
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Cambridge, 2003.
51. Wulff shape of microscopic voids in UO2 crystals.
M.R. Castell
Physical Review B, 68, 235411 (2003).
50. Gallium nitride surface preparation optimised using in situ scanning tunnelling microscopy.
R.A. Oliver, C. Nörenberg, M.G. Martin, A. Crossley, M.R. Castell and G.A.D. Briggs.
Applied Surface Science, 214, 1 - 10 (2003).
49. The effect of V:III ratio on the growth of InN nanostructures by molecular beam epitaxy.
R.A. Oliver, C. Nörenberg, M.G. Martin, M.R. Castell, L. Allers and G.A.D. Briggs.
Surface Science, 532 - 535, 806 - 810 (2003).
48. Commentary: Dopant mapping for the nanotechnology age.
M.R. Castell, D.A. Muller and P.M. Voyles.
Nature Materials, 2, 129 - 131 (2003).
47. Stranski-Krastanov growth of InN nanostructures on GaN studied by RHEED, STM and AFM.
C. Nörenberg, R.A. Oliver, M.G. Martin, L. Allers, M.R. Castell and G.A.D. Briggs.
physica status solidi (a), 194 (2), 536 - 540 (2002).
46. Nanostructures on the SrTiO3 (001) surface studied by STM.
M.R. Castell
Surface Science, 516, 33 - 42 (2002).
45. STM of reconstructions on the SrTiO3 (001) surface.
M.R. Castell
Surface Science, 505, 1 - 13 (2002).
44. Heteroepitaxial growth of InN islands studied by STM and AFM.
C. Nörenberg, M.G. Martin, R.A. Oliver, M.R. Castell and
G.A.D. Briggs.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 35, 615 - 619 (2002).
43. Heteroepitaxial growth of InN islands on GaN (0001) and Si (111): a combined STM / AFM study.
C. Nörenberg, M.G. Martin, R.A. Oliver, M.R. Castell and
G.A.D. Briggs.
Institute of Physics Conference Series, 169, 539 - 542 (2001).
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, 2001.
42. The evolution of Ni nanoislands on the rutile TiO2 (110) surface with
coverage, heating and oxygen treatment.
R.E. Tanner, I. Goldfarb, M.R. Castell and G.A.D. Briggs.
Surface Science, 486, 167 - 184 (2001).
41. Mapping surface elastic properties of stiff and compliant materials
on the nanoscale using ultrasonic force microscopy.
F. Dinelli, M.R. Castell, D.A. Ritchie, N.J. Mason, G.A.D. Briggs
and O.V. Kolosov.
Philosophical Magazine A, 80 (10), 2299 - 2323
40. Microscopy of metal oxide surfaces.
M.R. Castell, S.L. Dudarev, C. Muggelberg, A.P. Sutton,
G.A.D. Briggs and D.T. Goddard.
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 6 (4), 324 - 328
39. Mechanism for secondary electron dopant contrast in the SEM.
C.P. Sealy, M.R. Castell and P.R. Wilshaw.
Journal of Electron Microscopy, 49 (2), 311 - 321
38. Understanding STM images and EELS spectra of oxides with
strongly correlated electrons: a comparison of nickel
and uranium oxides.
S.L. Dudarev, M.R. Castell, G.A. Botton, S.Y. Savrasov, C. Muggelberg, G.A.D. Briggs, A.P. Sutton and D.T. Goddard.
Micron, 31, 363 - 372 (2000).
37. Electron tunnelling at surfaces of Mott insulating d- and
f- metal oxides: the ab-initio interpretation of STM images.
S.L. Dudarev, M.R. Castell, G.A.D. Briggs and A.P. Sutton.
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium
Nanostructures: Physics and Technology, p. 244
St. Petersburg, 1999.
36. Deactivation and diffusion of boron in ion-implanted silicon: dopant mapping through secondary electron imaging.
M.R. Castell, T.W. Simpson, I.V. Mitchell, D.D. Perovic and
J.-M. Baribeau.
Institute of Physics Conference Series, 164, 481 -
486 (1999).
Proceedings of the 11th Oxford Conference on Microscopy of
Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, 1999.
35. Reply to: Comment on High resolution scanning tunnelling
microscopy of the rutile TiO2 (110) surface.
by R.E. Tanner, M.R.Castell and G.A.D. Briggs [Surface Science, 412-413,
672 - 681 (1998).]
R.E. Tanner, M.R. Castell and G.A.D. Briggs.
Surface Science, 437 (1-2), 263 - 264 (1999).
34. An STM study of the UO2 (001) surface.
C. Muggelberg, M.R. Castell, G.A.D. Briggs and D.T. Goddard.
Applied Surface Science, 142, 124 - 128 (1999).
33. Deactivation and diffusion of boron in ion-implanted silicon studied by
secondary electron imaging.
M.R. Castell, T.W. Simpson, I.V. Mitchell, D.D. Perovic and J.-M.
Applied Physics Letters, 74 (16), 2304 - 2306 (1999).
32. Unexpected differences in the surface electronic structure of NiO and
CoO observed by STM and explained
by first-principles theory.
M.R. Castell, S.L. Dudarev, G.A.D. Briggs and A.P. Sutton.
Physical Review B, 59 (11), 7342 - 7345 (1999).
31. Bulk and surface electronic structure of NiO and CoO: a comparative ab
initio LSDA+U analysis and application
to the interpretation of STM images.
S.L. Dudarev, M.R. Castell, G.A.D. Briggs and A.P. Sutton.
Physica B, 259-261, 717 - 718 (1999).
30. Covalent bonding in NiO: Evidence from a combined STM, LSDA+U and EELS
M.R. Castell, S.L. Dudarev, G.A. Botton, G.A.D. Briggs and A.P.
In The Electron, p. 299 - 305 (1998).
Proceedings of the International Centennial Symposium on the Electron,
Cambridge 1997.
IOM Communications Ltd, London, U.K., Book 687, edited by A. Kirkland and
P.D. Brown.
29. Quantitative imaging of semiconductor doping distributions using a
scanning electron microscope.
D.D. Perovic, R. Turan and M.R. Castell.
In The Electron, p. 258 - 265 (1998).
Proceedings of the International Centennial Symposium on the Electron,
Cambridge 1997.
IOM Communications Ltd, London, U.K., Book 687, edited by A. Kirkland and
P.D. Brown.
28. Equilibrium shape of CoSi2 hut clusters on Si (100).
S.H. Brongersma, M.R. Castell, D.D. Perovic and M. Zinke-Allmang.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 16 (4), 2188 - 2190 (1998).
27. High resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy of the rutile TiO2 (110) surface.
R.E. Tanner, M.R. Castell and G.A.D. Briggs.
Surface Science, 412-413, 672 - 681 (1998).
26. Imaging the elastic nanostructure of Ge islands by ultrasonic force microscopy.
O.V. Kolosov, M.R. Castell, C.D. Marsh, G.A.D. Briggs, T.I. Kamins
and R.S. Williams.
Physical Review Letters, 81 (5), 1046 - 1049 (1998).
25. The atomic structure of the UO2+x (110) surface and the effects of interstitial oxygen:
an elevated-temperature STM study.
C. Muggelberg, M.R. Castell, G.A.D. Briggs and D.T. Goddard.
Surface Science, 402-404, 673 - 677 (1998).
24. Surface structure and bonding in the strongly correlated metal oxides NiO and UO2.
M.R. Castell, S.L. Dudarev, C. Muggelberg, A.P. Sutton, G.A.D. Briggs and D.T. Goddard.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 16 (3), 1055 - 1058 (1998).
23. The atomic structure of the UO2 (111) surface and the effects of additional
surface oxygen studied by elevated temperature STM.
C. Muggelberg, M.R. Castell, G.A.D. Briggs and D.T. Goddard.
Surface Review and Letters, 5 (1), 315 - 320 (1998).
22. Stress-induced shape transition of CoSi2 clusters on Si (100).
S.H. Brongersma, M.R. Castell, D.D. Perovic and M. Zinke-Allmang.
Physical Review Letters, 80 (17), 3795 - 3798 (1998).
21. Imaging insulating oxides by elevated-temperature STM.
M.R. Castell, C. Muggelberg, S.L. Dudarev, A.P. Sutton, G.A.D. Briggs and D.T. Goddard.
Applied Physics A, 66, S963 - S967 (1998).
20. Fracture properties of GaAs-AlAs superlattices studied by atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.
M.R. Castell, A. Howie and D.A. Ritchie.
Acta Materialia, 46 (2), 579 - 584 (1998).
19. Application of secondary electron dopant contrast imaging to InP/InGaAsP laser structures.
C.P. Sealy, M.R. Castell, C.L. Reynolds and P.R. Wilshaw.
Institute of Physics Conference Series, 157, 561 - 564 (1997).
Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, 1997.
18. Electronic contribution to secondary electron compositional contrast in the scanning electron microscope.
M.R. Castell, D.D. Perovic and H. Lafontaine.
Ultramicroscopy, 69, 279 - 287 (1997).
17. Atomic resolution STM of the NiO (001) surface structure and defect sites: c(2×2) patterning and effects of
covalent bonding.
M.R. Castell, S.L. Dudarev, P.L. Wincott, N.G. Condon, C. Muggelberg,
G. Thornton, D. Nguyen Manh, A.P. Sutton and G.A.D. Briggs.
Surface Review and Letters, 4 (5), 1003 - 1008 (1997).
16. Surface states on NiO (100) and the origin of the contrast reversal in
atomically resolved scanning tunnelling microscope images.
S.L. Dudarev, A.I. Liechtenstein, M.R. Castell, G.A.D. Briggs and A.P.
Physical Review B, 56 (8), 4900 - 4908 (1997).
15. Atomic resolution STM of a system with strongly correlated electrons:
NiO (001) surface structure and defect sites.
M.R. Castell, P.L. Wincott, N.G. Condon, C. Muggelberg, G. Thornton,
S.L. Dudarev, A.P. Sutton and G.A.D. Briggs.
Physical Review B, 55 (12), 7859 - 7863 (1997).
14. The indentation response of GaAs-AlAs heterostructures.
M.R. Castell, G. Shafirstein and D.A. Ritchie.
Philosophical Magazine A, 74 (5), 1185 - 1194 (1996).
13. Scanning tunneling microscopy of the UO2 (111) surface.
M.R. Castell, C. Muggelberg, G.A.D. Briggs and D.T. Goddard.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 14 (2), 966 - 969 (1996).
12. SEM imaging of contrast arising from different doping concentrations in
C.P. Sealy, M.R. Castell, A.J. Wilkinson and P.R. Wilshaw.
Institute of Physics Conference Series, 146, 609 - 612 (1995).
Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, 1995.
11. Topographical, compositional, and dopant contrast from cleavage surfaces of
GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs superlattices.
M.R. Castell, D.D. Perovic, A. Howie, D.A. Ritchie, C. Lavoie and T.Tiedje.
Institute of Physics Conference Series, 146, 281 - 284 (1995).
Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, 1995.
10. Field-Emission SEM imaging of compositional and doping layer semiconductor superlattices.
D.D. Perovic, M.R. Castell, A. Howie, C. Lavoie, T. Tiedje and J.S.W. Cole.
Ultramicroscopy, 58, 104 - 113 (1995).
9. Doping layer imaging in the field-emission scanning electron microscope.
D.D. Perovic, M.R. Castell, A. Howie, C. Lavoie, T. Tiedje and J.S.W. Cole.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electron Microscopy 13, Paris, 91 - 92 (1994).
8. Atomic and electronic Z-contrast effects in high-resolution imaging.
A.L. Bleloch, M.R. Castell, A. Howie and C.A. Walsh.
Ultramicroscopy, 54, 107 - 115 (1994).
7. Indentation plasticity of single and multiple layer GaAs-AlAs heterostructures.
M.R. Castell, A. Howie, D.D. Perovic, D.A. Ritchie, A.C. Churchill and G.A.C. Jones.
Institute of Physics Conference Series, 134, 467 - 470 (1993).
Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, 1993.
6. Plastic deformation under microindentations in GaAs/AlAs superlattices.
M.R. Castell, A. Howie, D.D. Perovic, D.A. Ritchie, A.C. Churchill and G.A.C. Jones.
Philosophical Magazine Letters, 67 (2), 89 - 93 (1993).
5. Indentation of semiconductor superlattices.
M.R. Castell, A. Howie, D.D. Perovic, A.J. Whitehead, D. Ritchie, A. Churchill and G.A.C Jones.
in Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behavior of Materials Having
Ultra-Fine Microstructures, NATO ASI Series E, 233, 489 - 494 (1993).
Editors: M. Nastasi, D.M. Parkin and H. Gleiter, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dortrecht.
4. Nanometer-scale characterisation of indentations.
M.R. Castell, N. Stelmashenko, A. Churchill, D. Ritchie, L.M. Brown, A. Howie,
G.A.C. Jones, A.J. Whitehead, T.F. Page, T.P. Weihs and J.B. Pethica.
in Advances in Crystal Plasticity, 113 - 132 (1993),
a symposium in honour of Professor Z.S. Basinski edited by D.S. Wilkinson
and J.D. Embury, Canadian Institute of Mining, Montreal.
3. Scanning tunneling microscopy of nanoindentations.
M.R. Castell and T.P. Weihs.
Material Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 239, 367 - 370 (1992).
Thin Films: Stresses and Mechanical Properties III.
Editors: W.D. Nix, J.C. Bravman, E. Arzt and L.B. Freund.
2. Imaging of low-load indentations into Si and GaAs by scanning tunneling microscopy.
M.R. Castell, M.G. Walls and A. Howie.
Ultramicroscopy, 42-44, 1490 - 1497 (1992).
1. Thin film processing with reactive atom beams.
S.A. Davies, N.J. Barrett, R. Clampitt, M.R. Castell and P. Allen.
Vuoto, 20 (2), 463 - 466 (1990).