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5th Oxford Financial Research Summer Symposium


Oxford University will hold the fifth Summer Symposium between Tuesday 6 June and Thursday 15 June 2006, in the Said Business School.


The Symposium is a major event in the academic and financial community. It attracts worldwide interest, and prestigious speakers from the whole spectrum of financial research.


The purpose of the Symposium is to bring together leading financial economists from around the world to interact in an informal and relaxed environment.  There are one or two workshops a day but a majority of the time is reserved for participants to undertake their own research and to collaborate with others in the Symposium. 





Prof Colin Mayer

Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies, Said Business School, University of Oxford & Director, Oxford Centre for Financial Studies 

Prof William Wilhelm

American Standards Visiting Professor, Said Business School, University of Oxford & Professor of Commerce, McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia

Sponsored by Financial Services Authority



"This world class conference sets the standard of the profession". Prof. Max Maksimovic


"The symposium not only has an outstanding program of twice daily seminars, but beyond that brings participants together for private collaborations during the rest of the day. Private discussions with Oxford faculty and faculty from other universities are just as valuable as the formal seminars themselves." Prof. Albert S. "Pete" Kyle  




Symposium Administrator Christine Seal, 01865 288902, christine.seal@sbs.ox.ac.uk


General Information

On arrival in Oxford

General Timetable

Detailed Timetable (pswd required)

Delegate List (pswd required)

Symposium accommodation