Classes at Oxford

  • B15: Linear Systems and Optimal control (2019-2023)

    Syllabus: state-space representation, observability/controllability, state feedback and pole placement, linear quadratic regulator (LQR), linear observer, Kalman filter, introduction to robust control, controller limitations.

  • A2: Introduction to control theory (2020-2023)
  • Syllabus: Laplace transforms, feedback systems, transfer function representation, PID control, time domain behaviour, stability, frequency domain analysis, Bode and Nyquist plots, discrete-time systems, z transform.

  • A2: Introduction to computer science (2021)

    Syllabus: number representation, computer architecture, memory organisation, processor, arithmetic logic unit (ALU), assembly, introduction to programming in Python.

  • A1: Mathematics II (2021)

    Syllabus: Linear algebra, partial differential equations, statistics, probability.

  • P1: Mathematics I (2021)

    Syllabus: calculus, complex numbers, ordinary differential equations, integration, limits, series.

Classes at Louvain

  • Mathematics III: complex valued functions and partial differential equations (2017-2018)
  • Mathematics I: calculus (2017-2018)
  • Thermodynamics (2016-2017)