1. Introduction

  2. Eyeballing

  3. Significance

  4. Power

  5. Point of Stability

  6. Recap

At what sample size do correlation coefficients stabilise?

Let's think for a minute about a different question:

  • If I were to repeat the experiment, how similar would the results be?

Try again to generate 1000 samples from the population with ρ = 0.21, but with n=10,50,100

Notice the range of sample r values

If we want our sample correlation r to approximate the population coefficient ρ, it is not sufficient to say either that r is significantly greater than zero, or that the experiment is well powered.

We need a measure of the difference r-ρ.

The simulation above explored how stable the sample correlation coefficients r are (arrr!) given a certain sample size.

Point of Stability

In this paper, Schönbrodt and Perugini (2013) asked:

  • How many subjects do I need to get a stable estimate of the correlation coefficient?

They answered the question by simulating a sample, to which they kept incrementally adding more subjects until the sample correlation coefficient r came within an acceptable range of the population coefficient ρ.

Then they asked how many subjects there were at the point r entered the 'corridor of stability'

By repeating this for many samples, they could work out for what sample size the sample correlation r would be acceptably near to the population correlation ρ a certain proportion, say 80%, of the time.

Running the simulation

Select section 4 in the Matlab file CorrelationSim.m and run it

  • It will take about 60 seconds to run

You should see a plot how r evolves with sample size for a large number of simulated samples, as in the paper by Schönbrodt and Perugini (2013)

  • What do the red dots represent?

  • What about the blue dashed lines?

You should also have a histogram showing the distribution of the Point of Stability.


For what sample size do you think about 80% of the samples fall within the corridor of stability?

You can find out exactly by

  • Sort the vector containing he PoS for all samples

  • The vector contains 100 samples, so if we sort them from smallest to largest, the 80th one will be the sample size for which 80% of samples fall within the corridor of stability

  • ?

How close is close?

The width of the corridor of stability is calculated based on a w-value.

In his classic work on power, Jacob Cohen (1988) suggested that effect sizes of w=0.1, 0.3, 0.5 represented small, medium and large effect sizes for correlation, so a corridor of stability bounded by by w=0.1 (as in the Schönbrodt paper) is allowing for only a small deviation in effect size between the sample and the population

We can be more liberal by defining the corridor of stability using w=0.3 or w=0.5

  • Try changing w in the Matlab file.

  • For w=0.3, at what sample size are 80% of simulations within the corridor of stability?
