1. Introduction

  2. Eyeballing

  3. Significance

  4. Power

  5. Point of Stability

  6. Recap

Is it reliable?

Let's think for a minute about a different question:

  • If I were to repeat the experiment, how similar would the results be?

Go to the Matlab script CorrelationSim.m

  • Select Section 2 and run this section

You have just generated a population of data pairs (x,y) or (attractiveness, trustworthiness) with true correlation coefficient ρ = 0.21

Now we are going to draw lots of samples of size n from that population and work out the sample correlation coefficient r in each sample

  • Select and run Section 3 of CorrelationSim.m
  • How many samples did you generate? Look at the code!

  • Change the number of samples to 10000 and run it again.

You should have a figure containing a histogram of the sample correlation coefficients for each of the 10000 samples.


So - given that the true correlation ρ = 0.21, you can observe quite a range of sample correlation coefficients.

What do you think you could change to get a narrower range?

