Hilary Term 2018

1st Week Thursday 18th January, 8pm

Seminar Room, Mansfield College
The Ninth Doctor
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
We start the year with an ending. The finale of the first revival series, Bad Wolf sees the Doctor, Rose and Jack trapped in the most terrifying thing 2005 had to offer – TV Game Shows! When it turns out the distant future population of Earth is being dulled and controlled by mysterious masters, the Doctor is determined to uncover them and ruin their plans. But when his foes turn out to be some unexpected old friends, the results may change his companions lives, and his own, forever.
2nd Week Thursday 25th January, 8pm

Seminar Room, Mansfield College
The Fourth Doctor
A story of near legendary status, mostly because it was never finished due to industrial strikes. Now, thanks to animation, we can watch the full story of the Fourth Doctor and Romana's adventure to "The Other Place" as they attempt to solve the mystery of a book, the Time Lords, and an old Professor.
3rd Week Thursday 1st February, 8pm

Seminar Room, Mansfield College
The Third Doctor
Day of the Daleks
Once again, 3rd week is led by the Third Doctor and Jo Grant, who face a surprise attack from rebels, looking to save the future from potential Dalek invasion. With an unprecedented amount of time travel factoring into the plot, and the return of a certain group of villains from their "final end", this is a fan favourite always worth seeing.
Saturday 3rd February, 12pm

Worcester College JCR
Torchwood Marathon – Chibnall Edition
With Chibnall now officially showrunner, following the dramatic final minutes of Twice Upon a Time, we celebrate his previous major writing role, Torchwood! Join us for a marathon that ranged from the best the show has to offer, to the worst. Feel free to bring snacks and drop in at any time!
4th Week Thursday 8th February, 8pm

Seminar Room, Mansfield College
The First Doctor
The War Machines
One of the few stories in the 60s to be explicitly set in the 60s, The War Machines is the debut of future companions Ben and Polly (recently glimpsed in the Christmas Special), and has the First Doctor (or Doctor Who, as he's infamously called) fight against a malevolent AI and its evil machines of war.
5th Week Thursday 15th February, 8pm

Nazrin Shah Auditorium, Worcester College
The Geek Quiz
In the legendary Geek Quiz, members of Oxford's geekiest societies get together in order to battle it out for the crown of "team who won that term". If you can write a round not entirely related to Doctor Who, bring it along. Cosplay is always welcome!
6th Week Thursday 22nd February, 8pm

Lecture Room B, Worcester College
The Twelfth Doctor
Last Christmas and Husts/Committee Elections
This is a week of two halves. First, we watch the first Christmas special starring Peter Capaldi, as the Doctor, Clara, and Santa fight to escape a battle that may just be in their heads. After, join us for husts, where we elect the committee of the following year! It's always important to have people to run the society, so please stick around, whether to run or to ask questions!
7th Week Thursday 1st March, Time TBC

Location TBC
The Tenth Doctor
Midnight and Society Meal
With 7th week, we (again) have a week of two halves. Cited as one of the more horror-themed episodes of his era, Midnight sees the Tenth Doctor and a group of innocents trapped on a shuttle, menaced by something unknown. Afterwards to recover from the scares, join us for a trip out to one of Oxford's many restaurants.
8th Week Thursday 8th March, 8pm

Seminar Room, Mansfield College
The Seventh Doctor
Silver Nemesis (and Committee Meeting)
8th Week is 80s Week! For this term, we have the final appearance of the Cybermen in the classic series, who are hunting for an ancient Time Lord superweapon. Having to contend with both the excellent cybernetic fiends and a time travelling witch known as Lady Peinforte, can the Doctor and Ace save the day and themselves? Feel free to bring jelly babies and stick around for our committee meeting afterwards!

An archive of past termcards from the last few years can be found here.