Hilary Term 2019

1st Week Thursday 17th January, 8pm

Seminar Room East, Mansfield College
The Twelfth Doctor The Eleventh Doctor The Tenth Doctor The Ninth Doctor
Christmas Lucky Dip!
Tisn’t quite the season anymore, but it’s as good a time as any to feast on some festive classics. We’ll stuff each of Doctor Who’s Christmas specials (and a satsuma) into the WhoSoc Christmas Stocking and pluck out two at random to watch this evening. There’s no way of knowing know which episodes we’ll be watching until we arrive, but we can guarantee two things: festive cheer, and snow which is actually an exploded spaceship disintegrating through our atmosphere. (R.I.P. Doctor Who’s Christmas Day BBC One slot, 2005 - 2017)
2nd Week Thursday 24th January, 8pm

Seminar Room East, Mansfield College
The First Doctor
Recon Week: The Massacre
Sound the klaxon! Another WhoSoc first! Back in the 1970s, the BBC scrapped tonnes of their Doctor Who tapes, resulting in 97 First and Second Doctor stories being unavailable to this day. The missing episodes still survive in various fragments – sound recordings, telesnaps, sometimes full scenes – and there have been many official and unofficial efforts to piece these stories back together. Tonight, we’ve picked First Doctor story The Massacre, in which the Doctor and Steven visit 16th century Paris. While it isn’t a well-known story to all fans, it’s a favourite to many: a companion-focused story with a twist involving the appearance of a historical figure. We’re going to view the Loose Cannon reconstruction.
3rd Week Thursday 31st January, 8pm

Seminar Room East, Mansfield College
The Third Doctor
The Green Death
Giant maggots! A Welsh mining town! Environmentalism! This late Third Doctor story is remembered as one of the greats, with an iconic array of nasties and an emotional departure. Don’t miss our only outing to the 1970s this term!
4th Week Thursday 7th February, 8pm

Seminar Room East, Mansfield College
The First Doctor
The Romans
DONNA: You've been here before then?
TENTH DOCTOR: Mmm. Ages ago. Before you ask, that fire had nothing to do with me. Well, a little bit.
- The Fires of Pompeii, 2008

Doctor Who takes a comedic turn in The Romans, broadcast 54 years ago this week. The First Doctor and Vicki are carted off to the court of Emperor Nero while Ian and Barbara, trying to enjoy a relaxing spa break, are kidnapped by Roman slave traders. Yikes!
5th Week Thursday 14th February, 8pm

Sir Joseph Hotung Auditorium, Mansfield College
The Geek Quiz
In the legendary Geek Quiz, members of Oxford's geekiest societies get together to battle it out for the crown of "team who won that term". If you can write a round not entirely related to Doctor Who, bring it along. Please ensure your round is visual – make a PowerPoint with each question displayed on a different slide. Our society usually divides up into a few different teams – come along and help us beat those pesky TrekSoc-ers!
6th Week Thursday 21st February, 8pm

Lecture Room B, Worcester College
The Seventh Doctor
Ghost Light and Committee Elections
It’s right to the end of the Classic run this week, with the last serial to be filmed before the show went off air. Sylvester McCoy’s final series is one of the most renowned in Doctor Who’s history, with the spooky (and a little confusing) Ghost Light taking the Doctor and Ace to a haunted mansion in Victorian times. Stick around afterwards for our annual elections where we’ll vote on next year’s committee. We want as many people involved as possible in our 30th anniversary year, so come and chat to us about taking on any committee role, big or small!
7th Week Thursday 28th February, Time TBC

Location TBC
The Twelfth Doctor
Oxygen and Society Meal
Capitalism in space! Oxygen, a Twelfth Doctor episode from the same writer as Mummy on the Orient Express and Flatline, comes jam-packed full of fresh and clever Who concepts. The Doctor, Bill and Nardole (the latter finally allowed to join an adventure!) arrive on a mining station in a dark future where employees have to pay for the air they breathe... Join us afterwards (or possibly before) for our termly meal in one of Oxford’s many restaurants.
8th Week Thursday 7th March, 8pm

Seminar Room East, Mansfield College
The Eighth Doctor
Doctor Who: The TV Movie (and Committee Meeting)
Paul McGann’s solo outing, and the only full televised Doctor Who adventure of the 1990s, The TV Movie was an attempt at reimagining the programme for a new American audience and drew in an impressive 10 million viewers in the UK, but unfortunately didn’t convince executives to bring back the series for good. But we love it! The newly-regenerated Eighth Doctor, played by Paul McGann, is joined by Californian cardiologist Grace Holloway to do battle with the Master in San Francisco on the eve of the new millennium. Join us afterwards for our committee meeting where we discuss what to watch next term.

A downloadable copy of this termcard can be found here.

An archive of past termcards from the last few years can be found here.