Alexander KORSUNSKY - Publications
The list is organised into the following topics:
Eigenstrain Analysis of Residual Stresses
Research in Engineering and Advanced Materials
Elasticity and
Fracture Mechanics
Singular Integral
Materials Engineering
Rock Mechanics
Books and Chapters
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check the arXiv.
Eigenstrain Analysis of Residual Stresses
A.M. (2005). On the Modelling of Residual Stresses Due to Surface Peening
Using Eigenstrain Distributions. Journal of Strain Analysis, 40 (8).
A.M., Regino G., Nowell D. (2004) Variational determination of eigenstrain
sources of residual stress. ICCES, Madeira, July 2004.
Korsunsky, A. M., Regino G., Nowell D. (2004). Residual Stress Analysis
of Welded Joints by the Variational Eigenstrain Approach. The
e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, ISSN 1435-4934 (Smart Structures
and Non-Destructive Testing Session of the 3rd Intl Conf on Experimental
Mechanics, ICEM2004, Nov 2004, Singapore).
Research in Engineering and Advanced Materials
Liu, J., K. Kim, M. Golshan, D. Laundy, and A.M. Korsunsky, Energy calibration
and full-pattern refinement for strain analysis using energy-dispersive
and monochromatic X-ray diffraction. Journal of Applied Crystallography,
2005. 38: p. 661-667.
Golshan, M., J. Liu, K. Kim, D. Laundy, D. Dini, and A.M. Korsunsky, Analysis
of plastic deformation and residual elastic strain in a titanium alloy
using synchrotron x-ray diffraction. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics,
2005. 38(10A): p. A195-A199.
Korsunsky, A.M., K.E. Jarnes, and M.R. Daymond, Intergranular stresses
in polycrystalline fatigue: diffraction measurement and self-consistent
modelling. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2004. 71(4-6): p. 805-812.
A.M., Collins S.P., Owen R.A., Daymond M.R., Achtioui S., James K.E., Fast
residual stress mapping using energy dispersive synchrotron X-ray diffraction
on station 16.3 at the SRS, J. Synchrotron Rad. v.9, p.77-81, 2002.
Jensen, M. V. R. S., D. Dye, James, K.E., Korsunsky, A.M., Roberts, S.
M., Reed, R. C. (2002). Residual stresses in a welded superalloy disc:
characterization using synchrotron diffraction and numerical process modelling.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials
Science To appear.
A.I., Korsunsky A.M., Kaloshkin S.D., Tcherdyntsev V.V., Shelekhov E.V.,
Sviridova T.A., The evolution of crystalline precursors during the formation
of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystalline intermetallics in mechanically alloyed powders,
presented at ISMANAM2000, Oxford; Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and
Nanocrystalline Materials, Ismanam-2000 360-3: 137-142..
A. I., A. M. Korsunsky, et al. (2001). Crystallochemical aspects of solid
state reactions in mechanically alloyed Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystalline powders.
Acta Materialia 49(10): 1821-1833.
A.M., Salimon A.I., Pape I., Polyakov A.M., Fitch A.N. In-situ investigation
of the solid-state reaction reasulting in the formation of quasicrystals
in mechanically alloyed Al-Cu-Fe alloys. ESRF report HS-857, 24-27 June
A.M., Salimon A.I., Pape I., Polyakov A.M., Fitch A.N. The thermal expansion
coefficient of mechanically alloyed Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystalline powders,
Scripta Mater., v. 44, p. 217–222, 2001.
A.M., Daymond M.R. and Wells K.E., The Development of Strain Anisotropy
during Plastic Deformation of an Aluminium Polycrystal, Materials Science
Forum v. 347-349, p. 492-497, 2000.
Korsunsky A.M., Wells K.E. and Shaw B.A., A Comparative Study of Diffraction
Methods for Strain Measurement in a Particulate MMC, Materials Science
Forum v. 347-349, p. 504-509, 2000.
Salimon A.I., Korsunsky A.M., Shelekhov E.V., Sviridova T.A., Preparation
and Analysis of Quasicrystalline Phases by High Energy Ball Milling
and X-Ray Diffraction. Materials Science Forum v. 321-324, p. 676-681,
Korsunsky A.M., Wells K.E., High Energy Synchrotron X-Ray Measurements
of 2D Residual Stress States in Metal Matrix Composites. Materials Science
Forum v. 321-324, p. 218-223, 2000.
AI, Korsunsky AM, Ivanov AN, The character of dislocation structure evolution
in nanocrystalline FCCNi-Co alloys prepared by high-energy mechanical milling,
AND PROCESSING, v.271,p.196-205, 1999.
Wells K.E., Korsunsky A.M., Strain analysis in composites using synchrotron
A.M., Wells K.E, Withers P.J., Mapping two-dimensional state of strain
using synchroton X-ray diffraction, SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 1998, Vol.39, No.12,
A.M. and Withers P.J., Investigation of residual stress induced crack closure
and its effects on fatigue in metal matrix composites, Key Engineering
Materials, vols. 127-131, p. 1183-1190, 1997.
Korsunsky A.M., Residual stress evolution in a metal matrix composite subjected
to plastic bending, in T. Ericsson, Ed., Proc. 5th Intl. Conf. on Residual
Stresses (ICRS-5), Linkoping, Sweden, 16-18 June, 1997.
Watts M.R., Withers P.J., Korsunsky A.M. and Fitzpatrick M.E., X-ray and
neutron diffraction measurement of micro and macrostresses in metal matrix
composites, in Proc. ECRS4, Cluny-en-Bourgogne, May 1996.
Korsunsky A.M., Fitzpatrick M.E., and Withers P.J., Neutron diffraction
measurement and modelling of stresses around fatigue cracks in Al/SiC composites,
in Proceedings of the Tenth Intl. Conf. on Composite Materials (ICCM-10),
A.Poursartip and K.Street, eds., Whistler B.C., Canada, 14-18 August, 1995,
vol.1, pp.545-552.
and Plasticity
Korsunsky, A. M. (2001). The influence of punch blunting on the elastic
indentation response. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design
36(4): 391-400.
A.M., (4.1.1a) Elastic
behavior of materials: Continuum aspects, contributed to Elsevier
Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Technology, 2001.
A.M. and Withers P.J., Plastic bending of a residually-stressed beam, Intl.
J. Solids and Struct., v.34, no.16, pp.1985-2002, 1997.
A.M., Axisymmetric inclusion in one of two perfectly bonded dissimilar
elastic half spaces, J. Appl. Mech. - Trans. ASME, v.64, no.3., pp.697-700,
Korsunsky A.M., An analysis of residual stresses and strains in shot peening,
in T. Ericsson, Ed., Proc. 5th Intl. Conf. on Residual Stresses (ICRS-5),
Linkoping, Sweden, 16-18 June, 1997.
draft) Korsunsky A.M., The Somigliana ring dislocation revisited. 1. Papkovich
potential solutions for dislocations in an infinite space, J. Elasticity,
v.44, no.2, pp.97-114, 1996.
draft) Korsunsky A.M., The Somigliana ring dislocation revisited. 2. Solutions
for dislocations in a half space and in one of two perfectly bonded dissimilar
half space, J. Elasticity, v.44, no.2, pp.115-129, 1996.
A.M., Fundamental eigenstrain solutions for axisymmetric crack problems,
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, v.43, pp.1221-1241, 1995.
Korsunsky, A.M. The Solution of Axisymmetric Crack Problems in Inhomogeneous
Media, D.Phil. Thesis, University of Oxford, 1994 (on
Korsunsky A.M., Ring nuclei of strain for bonded dissimilar elastic half
spaces (with particular application to axisymmetric crack problems), Report
OUEL 1966/92, Dept. Eng. Sci., Oxford, 1992.
Ma L.F.
and Korsunsky A.M., An efficient numerical method for the solution of sliding
contact problems, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 64:1236–1255, 2005.(DOI: 10.1002/nme.1428).
Ma, L.F. and A.M. Korsunsky, Fundamental formulation for frictional contact
problems of coated systems. International Journal of Solids and Structures,
2004. 41(11-12): p. 2837-2854.
Korsunsky, A. M, The influence of punch blunting on the elastic indentation
response. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 36(4): 391-400,
J.R., Korsunsky A.M., Bhat D.G., Bull S.J., Indentation hardness evaluation
of cathodic arc deposited thin hard coatings. Surf. and Coat. Technol.,
v. 139, pp. 63-74, 2001.
J.R., Korsunsky A.M., Bull S.J., Davidson R.I., On the Application of the
Work-of-Indentation Approach to Depth-Sensing Indentation Experiments in
Coated Systems. Surf. and Coat. Technol., v. 137, pp. 217-224, 2001.
J.R., Korsunsky A.M., The influence of coating cracking and delamination
on the hardness coated systems, Proceedings of 13th Euro Conf on Fracture,
(Elsevier Science), Sep 2000, San Sebastian, Spain.
Tuck J.R., Korsunsky A.M., Davidson R.I. and Bull S.J., Design for hardness
of electroplated Ni coatings, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing,
v.78, p.105-109, 2000.
J.R., Korsunsky A.M., Davidson R.I., Bull S.J., Elliott D.M., Modelling
of the hardness of elastroplated nickel coatings on copper substrates.
Surf. and Coat. Technol., v. 127, pp.1-8, 2000.
A.M., McGurk M.R., Bull S.J., and Page T.F., On the hardness of coated
systems, Surf. and Coat. Technol., v. 99, pp.171-183, 1998.
S.J., Korsunsky A.M., Mechanical properties of thin carbon overcoats, Tribology
Intl, v.31, pp.547-551, 1998.
A., Warren P.D., and Hills D.A., Impact Fracture Thresholds in Brittle
Solids, Wear, v.186-187, pp.99-104, 1995.
Korsunsky, A.M. and K. Kim, Determination of essential work of necking
and tearing from a single tensile test. International Journal of Fracture,
2005. 132(3): p. L37-L44.
Miklashevich, I. A., A. V. Chigarev, A.M. Korsunsky. (2001). Variational
determination of the crack trajectory in inhomogeneous media. International
Journal of Fracture 111(2): L29-L34.
Korsunsky, A. M. (2001). Debonding of a weak interface in front of a through-thickness
crack. International Journal of Fracture 109(4): L35-L40.
Korsunsky A.M., Evans J.T., Analysis of cohesive zones in cracks and slip
bands using hypersingular interpolative quadratures, Int. J. Fracture,
v.104, pp.L37-42, 2000.
Korsunsky A.M., Hills D.A., Solution of axisymmetric crack problems using
distibuted dislocation ring dipoles, J. Strain Anal., v.35, pp. 373-382,
Shaw B.A., Korsunsky A.M., Evans J.T., Surface treatment and residual stress
effects on the fatigue strength of carburised gears, 12th Euro Conf on
Fracture (ECF-12) - Fracture From Defects, K.J. Miller, ed., pp. 157-162,
Sheffield, UK, 14-18 Sep 1998.
Korsunsky A.M., and Hills D.A., The solution of crack problems using distributed
strain nuclei, Proceedings of the Inst Mech Eng Part C - Journal of Mechanical
Engineering Science, 1996, v.210, No.1, pp.23-31, 1996.
Korsunsky A.M., and Hills D.A., The solution of plane crack problems by
dislocation dipole procedures, Journal of Strain Analysis, v.30, pp.21-27,
Dyskin A.V., Ustinov K.B., and Korsunsky A.M., On modelling of defect interaction,
Int. J. Fract., v.71, no.4, pp.R79-83, 1995.
Korsunsky, A.M. The Solution of Axisymmetric Crack Problems in Inhomogeneous
Media, D.Phil. Thesis, University of Oxford, 1994.
Galybin A.N., Dyskin A.V. and Korsunsky A.M., An investigation of the stress
field singularity at the mouth of a surface-breaking crack, Int. J. Solids
and Structures, v.29, no.3, pp.271-277, 1992.
Integral Equations
Hills, D.A., D. Dini, A. Magadu, and A.M. Korsunsky, A review of asymptotic
procedures in stress analysis: known solutions and their applications.
Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2004. 39(6): p. 553-568.
Duo, P., A.M. Korsunsky, and D.A. Hills, The application of asymptotic
analysis for modes I and III semi-infinite wedge solutions to a circumferentially
notched shaft. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2005.
40(3): p. 255-262.
Ma, L.F. and A.M. Korsunsky, A note on the Gauss-Jacobi quadrature formulae
for singular integral equations of the second kind. International Journal
of Fracture, 2004. 126(4): p. 399-405.
Ma, L.F. and A.M. Korsunsky, Effect of friction on edge singularities in
slip bands. International Journal of Fracture, 2003. 123(1-2): p. L143-L150.
Korsunsky A.M., Gauss-Chebyshev quadratures for strongly singular integrals,
A.M., Gauss-Jacobi quadratures for hypersingular integrals, in Proc. 1st
UK Conf. on Boundary Integral Methods, pp.164-177, L. Elliott, D.B. Ingham,
D. Lesnic, eds., Leeds, 30 June - 1 July, 1997.
Korsunsky, A.M., K. Kim, and L.R. Botvina, An analysis of defect size evolution.
International Journal of Fracture, 2004. 128(1-4): p. 139-145.
Korsunsky A.M., On the modelling of fibre micro-buckling in metal matrix
composites, presented at FRC'98, 8th Intl Conf. on Fibre Reinforced Composites,
(A.G.Gibson, ed.), Newcastle upon Tyne, April 1998.
Korsunsky A.M., Love channel waves propagation along a seam with transversal
isotropy, VINITI, 548-B87, pp.27-32, 1987 (in Russian).
Korsunsky A.M., Application of the boundary element technique for the numerical
analysis of the stress field in heavy elastic rock mass with curvilinear
surface, VINITI, 8407-B87, pp.41-47, 1987 (in Russian).
Korsunsky A.M., The influence of the surface profile on the stress state
of a compressed elastic rock mass containing a soft layer, Simferopol Univ.
Rock Mechanics Summer School, 1988 (in Russian).
Korsunsky A.M., Adaptation of BEM Techniques for Quick Elastic Analysis
of Situations in Mining Industry, M.Sc. Thesis, Moscow Institute of Physics
and Technology, Moscow, 1989 (in Russian).
Korsunsky A.M., Ring L.M., A combined numerical-analytical technique for
the stress analysis in the vicinity of a mined layer, in Proc. Intl. Conf.
on Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock (MJFR-90), April 1990, Vienna.
Hills D.A., Dai D.N., Kelly P.A., and Korsunsky A.M. Solution of Crack
Problems: The Distributed Dislocation Technique, in book series: Solid
Mechanics and its Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
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last modified on 9 June 2000.
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