(*=forthcoming/in press)
A Commentary on Vergil, Aeneid 10 (OUP, 1991; repr.
pb.1997, 2002)
Apuleius : A Latin Sophist (OUP, 2000;
repr.pb. 2004)
Apuleius :
Rhetorical Works (OUP, 2001; repr.2007) [jointly with John Hilton
and Vincent Hunink]
A Commentary on
Apuleius Metamorphoses IV.28-VI.24 (Egbert Forsten, 2004) [jointly with the
seven other members of the Groningen Apuleius Group]
Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace (OUP, 2007;
repr. pb. 2011)
Framing the Ass:
Literary Form in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses (OUP, 2013)
Louis MacNeice: The Classical
Radio Plays
[jointly with Amanda Wrigley] (OUP, 2013)
A Commentary on
Apuleius Metamorphoses XI : The Isis-Book (Brill, 2015) [jointly with the seven other
members of the Groningen Apuleius Group
Horace [New Surveys in
the Classics] (CUP, 2014) [Greek translation, ed. E. Karakasis and
T.Papadopoulou, tr.G.Alexakes, Thessaloniki, 2019]
10. Horace : Odes II (CUP, 2017)
11. Victorian Horace: Classics and Class (Bloomsbury,
12. How to Be Content: An Ancient Poet's Guide for an
Age of Excess (Princeton UP, 2020)
13. The Neo-Latin Verse of Urban VIII, Alexander VII
and Leo XIII: Three Papal Poets from Baroque to Risorgimento (Bloomsbury,
14. Apuleius in European Literature: Cupid and Psyche
since 1650 (jointly with Regine May) (OUP, 2024)
15. Greek and Roman Antiquity in First World War
Poetry: Making Connections (jointly with Lorna Hardwick and Elizabeth
Vandiver) (OUP, 2024)
Editor / co-editor
1. Oxford Re
2. Hom
3. Oxford Re
4. Texts, Ideas and the Classics :
Scholarship, Theory and Classical Literature (OUP, 2001)
5. A Comp
6. (joint ed.with M.P
7. The
8. (joint ed. with M.Paschalis, S.Frangoulidis,
and M.Zimmerman, contrib.) The
Greek and the Roman Novel: Parallel Readings, (
9. G.B.Conte, The Poetry of Pathos : Studies in
Virgilian Epic (OUP, 2007)
10. Living
Classics: Greece and Rome in Contemporary Poetry in English (OUP, 2009)
11. (joint ed. with M.Futre Pinheiro) Fictional Traces: Receptions of the Ancient
Novels [2 vols.] (Groningen, 2011)
12. (joint ed. with Christopher Stray) Expurgating the
Classics: Editing Out in
Latin and Greek (Bloomsbury, 2012)
13. (joint ed. with Lorna Hardwick) Classics in the Modern World: A ‘Democratic Turn’? (OUP, 2013)
14. (joint ed. with Theodoros Papanghelis and
Stavros Frangoulidis) Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature. Encounters,
Interactions and Transformations (De
Gruyter, 2013)
15. Characterisation
in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses: nine
studies (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2015)
16. (joint ed. with David Norbrook and Philip
Hardie) Lucretius and the Early Modern
(OUP, 2015)
17. (joint ed. with Stavros Frangoulidis and
Gesine Manuwald) Roman Drama and its
Contexts (De Gruyter, 2016)
18. (joint ed. with Stavros Frangoulidis) Life, Love and Death in Latin Poetry (De
Gruyter, 2018)
19. (joint ed. with Thea Thorsen) Dynamics of Latin Prose: Biographic,
Novelistic, Apologetic (De Gruyter, 2018)
20. (joint ed. with Theodoros Papanghelis and Stavros
Frangoulidis) Intratextuality and Latin
Literature. (De Gruyter, 2018)
21. (joint ed. with Sebastian Matzner) Complex Inferiorities: The Poetics of the
Weaker Voice in Latin Literature (OUP, 2018)
22. (joint ed. with Fiona Macintosh, Justine
McConnell, and Claire Kenward) Epic
Performances from the Middle Ages into the Twenty-First Century (OUP, 2018)
23. (joint ed. with Dennis Duncan, Katrin Kohl and Matthew Reynolds) Babel:
Adventures in Translation (Bodleian Library, 2019)
24. (joint ed. with Thea Thorsen), Roman Receptions of Sappho (OUP, 2019)
25. (joint ed. with Giancarlo Abbamonte) Making and Rethinking the Renaissance
(De Gruyter, 2019)
26. (joint ed. with Fiona Macintosh and Helen
Eastman) Seamus Heaney and the Classics:
Bann Valley Muses (OUP, 2019)
27. (joint ed. with Regine May) Cupid and Psyche: The Reception of Apuleius’
Love Story since 1600 (De Gruyter, 2020)
28. (joint ed. with Colin Burrow, Martin
McLaughlin and Elisabetta Tarantino) Imitative
Series and Clusters from Classical to Early Modern Literature (De Gruyter,
29.(joint ed. with Christopher Pelling) Classical Scholarship and Its History from
the Renaissance to the Present. Essays in Honour of Christopher Stray (De Gruyter,
30. (joint ed. with Spyridon Tzounakas and Stella
Alekou) The Reception of Ancient Cyprus
in Western Culture (De Gruyter, 2023)
31. (joint ed. with Paolo Dainotti and Alexandre
Hasegawa) Style in Latin Poetry (De
Gruyter, 2024).
32. (joint ed. with Gesine Manuwald, William
Barton and Bobby Xinyue) An Anthology of
Neo-Latin Poetry by Classical Scholars (Bloomsbury, 2024)
33. (joint ed. with Silvia Speriani), Polytropos Ajax: Roots, Evolution, and
Reception of a Multifaceted Hero (De Gruyter, 2024)
Editor / co-editor only
Collected Papers on Latin Literature (OUP, 1995)
[with S.Swain and
J.Elsner] Severan Culture
[Festschrift for Ewen Bowie] (CUP, 2007)
[with Edmund
Cueva, Hugh Mason, William Owens, Saundra Schwart], Re-Wiring the Ancient Novel: Volume 1: Greek Novels (Groningen,
[with Chris
Pelling and Chris Stray] Rediscovering E.
R. Dodds: Scholarship, Education, Poetry, and the Paranormal (OUP, 2019).
[with Thea
Thorsen and Iris Brecke] Greek and Latin
Love: The Poetic Connection (De Gruyter, 2021).
Also assisted editorially with
+K.W.Gransden, Virgil:
The Aeneid [2nd edition] (CUP, 2003)
Collected Papers on Latin Poetry (OUP, 2007)
S.J.Heyworth, Classical
Constructions : Papers in Memory of
Don Fowler, Classicist and Epicurean (OUP, 2007)
+T.Hägg, The
Art of Biography in Antiquity (CUP, 2012)
(b) Contributions
to books
1. 'Some Views of the Aeneid in the
Twentieth Century' in (a) 1 (above), 1-20.
2. 'The Literary Form of Horace's Odes' in Horace
[Entretiens Hardt 39] (
3. 'Some Twentieth-Century Views of Horace' in (a)
2 (above), 1-16.
4. 'Horace, Pindar, Iullus Antonius and Augustus :
Odes 4.2' in (a) 2 (above), 108-27.
5. 'Poetry, Philosophy and Letter-Writing' in Ethics
and Rhetoric : Classical Essays for Donald Russell,ed. D.Innes, H.Hine and
C.Pelling (OUP, 1995), 47-61 [reprinted with updates in K.Freudenburg (ed.), Horace: Satires and Epistles (Oxford,
2009) 270-86]
6. 'Apuleius : Metamorphoses' in The
Novel in the Ancient World, ed. G.Schmeling
(Leiden, 1996), 491-516.
7. 'The Sword-Belt of Pallas (Aeneid
X.495-506) : Symbolism and Ideology' in Vergil's Aeneid : Augustan Epic and
Political Context , ed. H.-P. Stahl (
8. 'Some Epic Structures in Cupid and Psyche'
in Cupid and Psyche : Aspects of Apuleius' Golden Ass II, ed.
M.Zimmerman et al., (
9. ‘'Some Twentieth-Century Views of the Roman
Novel' in (a) 3 (above), xi-xxxix
10. 'The Need for a New Text of Catullus' in Vom
Text zum Buch, ed. C.Reitz (St Katharinen, 2001), 63-79. [HERE]
11. 'On (Not) Being Archilochus : Some Generic
Problems in Horace's Epodes', in Iambic Ideas, ed. A.Aloni, A.
Barchiesi, A.Cavarzere (
12. 'Simonides and Horace' in The New Simonides
: Contexts of Praise and Desire, ed. D.Boedeker and D.Sider (OUP,2001),
13. ‘Picturing the
Future : The Prophetic Ekphrasis from Homer to Vergil’ in (a) 4 (above), 70-92.
14. ‘The Prologue to Apuleius’ Metamorphoses
: Text, Translation and Textual Commentary’ [with M.Winterbottom], in A Companion to the Prologue of
Apuleius’ Metamorphoses, ed. A.Kahane and A.Laird (
15. 'Ovid and
Genre : Evolutions of an Elegist' in The
16. ‘Literary
Topography in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses’ in M.Paschalis and
S.Frangoulidis, eds., Space in the Ancient Novel [Ancient Narrative, Suppl.1] (
17. '
Meta-Imagery : some self-reflexive similes in Latin epic', in A.F.Basson and
W.J.Dominik, eds., Literature, Art,
History . Studies on Classical Antiquity and Tradition (In Honour of W.
18. ‘Epic
Extremities : Openings and Closures of Books in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses’ in The Ancient
Novel and Beyond, ed. M.Zimmerman et al. (
19. ‘Some
Textual Problems in Petronius’ in Petroniana : Gedenkschrift Hubert
Petersmann, ed. H.Gaertner (
21. Revised
bibliography and corrections for new edition of K.W.Gransden, Virgil’s
Aeneid (CUP, 2004)
22. ‘Two
Victorian Versions of the Roman Novel’ in Metamorphic Reflections.
Essays presented to Ben Hijmans at his 75th Birthday, ed. M.Zimmerman and
R.Th. van der Paardt, (Leuven-Paris,
2004), 265-78.
23. Catullus 63 : Text and Translation’ and ‘Altering
Attis : Ethnicity, Gender and Genre in Catullus 63’ in R.R.Nauta and M.A.Harder
(eds.), Catullus’ Poem On Attis : Texts and Contexts (
24. ‘Virgil’s Corycius
Senex and Nicander’s Georgica : Georgics 4.116-48’ in Latin
Epic and Didactic Poetry : Genre, Tradition and Individuality, ed. M.Gale (
25. ‘Lyric Middles : The Turn at the Centre in
Horace’s Odes’ in Middles in Latin Poetry, ed. S.Kyriakidis and F.De Martino (Bari, 2004) 81-102 [HERE]
26. ‘Introduction
: Constructing Latin Literature’ in (a) 5 above, 1-12
27. ‘Lyric and Iambic’ in (a) 5 above, 189-200.
28. ‘The Novel’ in (a) 5 above, 213-22.
‘Nostalgia and Decline’ in (a) 5 above, 287-99.
30. ‘ “Waves of Emotion” : An
Epic Metaphor in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses’
in (a) 6 above, 163-76 [HERE]
31. ‘The Poetics of Fiction : poetic influence on the
language of Apuleius’ Metamorphoses’
in The Language of Latin Prose, ed. Tobias Reinhardt,
Michael Lapidge, and J. N. Adams (Oxford, 2005), 273-86
Authority in ‘Cupid and Psyche’ : Apuleius Metamorphoses
6,23-24’ in Shannon N.Byrne, Edmund P.Cueva and Jean
Alvares (eds.), Authors, Authority and Interpreters in the
Ancient Novel (
33. ‘Some Textual
Problems in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses’
in Keulen, W.H, Nauta, R.R, and Panayotakis, S. (eds.), Lectiones Scrupulosae : Essays on the Text and
Interpretation of Apuleius’ Metamorphoses in Honour of Maaike Zimmerman (Groningen,
2006), 59-67 [HERE]
34. ‘The Epic and the
Monuments : Interactions between Virgil’s Aeneid and the
35. ‘Literary texture in the adultery-tales of
Apuleius, Metamorphoses Book 9’ in
R.R.Nauta (ed.), Desultoria Scientia
: Genre in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses and
Related Texts (
36. ‘Exile in Latin Epic’ in J-F.Gaertner (ed.), Writing Exile : The Discourse of
Displacement in Greco-Roman Antiquity and Beyond (
37. ‘Horatian self-representations’ in (a) 7 above, 22-35 [reprinted in
Hungarian as
‘Horatiusi önreprezentációk’, Ókor
2011: 3-9]
38. ‘Town and country’ in (a) 7 above, 235-48
39. ‘Style and
poetic texture’ in (a) 7 above, 262-75
40. ‘The reception of Horace in the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries’ in (a) 7 above,
41. ‘Parallel Cults? Religion and Narrative in Apuleius' Metamorphoses
and Some Greek Novels’ in (a) 8 above, 204-18. [HERE]
42. ‘From Man
to Book : The Close of Tacitus' Agricola’,
in Classical Constructions, ed. S.J.Heyworth (
43. ‘Henry Nettleship and the beginning of modern
Latin studies’ in
44. ‘Some Victorian Versions of Greco-Roman Epic’ in Remaking the Classics, ed. C.A.Stray (
45. ‘Vergil : A
Case Study in Imitation' in Übersetzung*Translation*Traduction II, ed. H.Kittel et al. (De Gruyter, 2007), 1137-43.
46. ‘Intertextuality’ [with J.Morgan] in T.Whitmarsh
(ed.), The
47. ‘Novels Ancient and Modern’ [with G.Sandy] in
T.Whitmarsh (ed.), The
48. ‘Virgilian Contexts’ in L.Hardwick and C.Stray
(eds.), A Companion to Classical
Receptions (
49. ‘The Sophist at Play in Court : Apuleius’ Apology and his Literary Career’ in
W.Riess (ed.), Paideia at Play : Learning
and Wit in Apuleius (
50. ‘Laudes Italiae (Georgics 2.136-175): Virgil as a Caesarian Hesiod’ in G.Urso (ed.),
Patria diversis gentibus una? Unita
politica e identita etniche nell’Italia antica (Milan, 2008), 231-42.
Online at
51. ‘Petronius’ Satyrica
and the English Novel’ in J.Prag and I.Repath (eds.), The Blackwell Handbook to Petronius (Oxford, 2009), 181-97
‘Horace and the Victorians’ in L.Houghton and M.Wyke (eds.), Perceptions of Horace (Cambridge, 2009), 290-304
‘Catullus in New Zealand: Baxter and Stead’ in (a) 10 above, 295-323
54. ‘Apuleius and Homer: Some Traces of the Iliad in the Metamorphoses’ in M.Paschalis, S.Panayotakis, G.Schmeling (eds.),
Readers and
Writers in the Ancient Novel [Ancient
Narrative, Suppl.11] (Groningen,
2009) 169-83.
‘Picturing the Future Again: Proleptic Ekphrasis in Silius’ Punica’ in A.Augoustakis (ed.), Brill’s Companion to
Silius Italicus (
56. ‘Sermones Deorum: divine discourse in Virgil’s Aeneid’ in E.Dickey and A.Chahoud (eds.) Colloquial and Literary
Latin (
‘Foreword’ in M.Bradley (ed.), Classics and Imperialism in the
British Empire (
‘There and back again: Horace’s poetic career’ in P.Hardie and H.Moore (eds.), Classical Literary
Careers and their Reception
(Cambridge, 2010) 39-58
59. ‘Ovid and the modern poetics of exile’ in
J.Ingleheart (ed.), Two Thousand Years of
Solitude: Exile After Ovid (Oxford, 2011) 207-222
‘Bulwer-Lytton’s The Last Days of
Pompeii: Recreating the City’ in S.Hales and J.Paul (eds.), Pompeii in the Public Imagination from its
Rediscovery to Today (Oxford, 2011) 75-89
61. ‘Apuleius On the Radio :
Louis MacNeice’s BBC Dramatisations’ in (a) 11 above, 2.181-94
62. ‘Narrative Subversion and Religious Satire in Metamorphoses 11’ in W.Keulen and
U.Egelhaaf-Gaiser (eds.), Aspects of
Apuleius’ Golden Ass III: The Isis-Book (Leiden, 2011) 73-85
63. ‘Graeco-Roman Pastoral and Social Class in Clough’s Bothie and Hardy’s Under The Greenwood Tree’ in
J.Rignall and M.Kraus (eds.), Ecology and
the Literature of the British Left: The Red and the Green (Farnham, 2012)
64. ‘Expurgating Horace 1660-1900’ in (a) 12 above, 115-25.
65. ‘George Buchanan: The Scottish Horace’ in L.Houghton and
G.Manuwald (eds.) Neo-Latin Poetry in the
British Isles (London, 2012) 155-72.
66. ‘Didactic and Lyric in Horace Odes 2: Lucretius and Vergil’ in (a) 14 above, 367-84.
67. ‘Horace Odes
1.37 and the mythologizing of Actium’ in M.Labate and G.Rosati (eds.), La costruzione del mito augusteo
(Heidelberg, 2013) 169-80.
68. ‘Heroic Traces: Theseus and Hercules in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses’, in M. Carmignani,
L.Graverini, and Benjamin Todd Lee (eds.), Collected
Studies on the Roman Novel - Ensayos sobre la novela romana (Córdoba,
2013), 141-56.
69. ‘How Punic was Apuleius?’, in Tim Whitmarsh and Stuart
Thomson (eds.), The Romance between
Greece and the East (Cambridge, 2013), 211-21.
70. ‘Author and Speaker(s) in Horace Satires 2’, in Anna Marmodoro and Jonathan Hills (eds.), The Author’s Voice in Classical and Late
Antiquity (Oxford, 2013), 153-71.
71. ‘Proleptic ekphrasis in Flavian epic’, in Gesine
Manuwald and Astrid Voigt (eds.), Flavian
Epic Interactions (Berlin/New York, 2013), 215-28.
72. ‘Time, Place and political background’ in T.S.Thorsen
(ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Latin
Love Elegy (Cambridge, 2013), 133-50.
73. ‘The initial poems in Horace’s poetry-books’, in
Jean-Claude Juhle (ed.), Pratiques latines
de la dédicace (Paris, 2014), 243-58.
74. ‘Ovid in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses’
in John F.Miller and Carole E.Newlands (eds.), A Handbook to the Reception of Ovid (Oxford, 2014), 86-99.
75. ‘William Morris’ in Norman Vance and Jennifer Wallace
(eds.), The Oxford History of Classical
Reception in English Literature. Volume 4: 1790-1880 (Oxford, 2015),
76. ‘Lucius in Metamorphoses Books 1-3’, in (a) 15
above, 3-14.
77. ‘Epicurean Subversion? Lucretius’s First Proem and
Contemporary Roman Culture’, in (a) 27 above, 29-44.
78. ‘Vergil’s metapoetic katabasis: the underworld of Aeneid 6 and the history of epic’, in
H-C.Günther (ed.), Virgilian Studies: A
Miscellany dedicated to the memory of Mario Geymonat (Nordhausen, 2015),
79. ‘Two-author Commentaries on Horace: Three Case Studies’,
in C.S.Kraus and C.A.Stray (eds.), Classical
Commentaries (Oxford, 2015), 71-83.
80. ‘Foreword’ to K.Friis-Jensen, The Medieval Horace (Rome, 2015), 7-9.
81. ‘Latin’ in Daniel L. Selden and Phiroze Vasunia (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Literatures of
the Roman Empire, online at (2015, print version pending)
82. ‘Nachwort’ to Amor
und Psyche (tr. Eduard Norden, ill. Walter Tiemann, Darmstadt, 2016),
83. ‘Seneca’s Thyestes:
Three Female Translators into English’ in (a) 17 above, 585-600.
84. ‘Horace Odes 2.7:
Greek models and Roman civil war’, in B.Delignon, N.Le Meur and Olivier
Thévenaz (eds.), La poésie lyrique dans
la cité antique (Paris, 2016), 89-98.
85. ‘The Homeric Hymns and Horatian Lyric’, in A.Faulkner,
A.Vergados, A.Schwab (eds.), The
Reception of the Homeric Hymns (Oxford, 2016), 79-94.
86. ‘Umbricius, the Sybil and Evander: Vergilian Voices in
Juvenal, Satire 3’ in A.Stramaglia (ed.), Giovenale
tra storia, poesia e ideologia (Berlin/Boston, 2016), 169-80.
87. ‘Horace’s hymn to Bacchus (Odes 2.19): politics and poetics’ in A.J.Woodman and J.Wisse
(eds.), Word and Context in Latin Poetry:
Studies in memory of David West [CCJ Suppl.40] (Cambridge, 2017), 89-103
[also appears in P.Martins, A.Hasegawa and J.A.Oliva Neto (eds.), Augustan Poetry: New Trends and Evaluations
(São Paulo, 2019) 231-52].
88. ‘Apuleius’ in William A. Johnson, Daniel S. Richter
(eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Second
Sophistic, 345-56
89. ‘The Vita Phocae:
literary context and texture' in A.Powell and P.Hardie (eds.), The
Ancient Lives of Virgil: Literary and Historical Studies (Swansea, 2017),
90. ‘The chronology of Ovid’s career’ in A.N.Michalopoulos,
S.Papaioannou and A.Zissos (eds.), Dicite,
Pierides: Classical Studies in Honour of Stratis Kyriakidis (Newcastle,
91. ‘Horace’ [Epistles
1.17.36] in P.Corcoran (ed.), Line of
Enquiry: Favourite Lines from Classical Literature (Dublin, 2017), 102-3.
92. Metapoetics in the Prefaces of Claudian’s De raptu Proserpinae’ in The Poetics of Late Latin Literature, ed.
Jas' Elsner and Jesús Hernández Lobato (Oxford, 2017) 236-51.
93. ‘Ovid’s Literary Entrance: Propertian and Horatian
Traces’, in (a)18 (above), 111-24.
94. ‘Psyche amongst the Victorians: An Aspect of Apuleian
Reception’, in (a) 19 (above), 177-94.
95. ‘Linking Horace’s Lyric Finales: Odes 1.38, 2.20 and 3.30’ in (a) 20
(above), 227-39.
96. ‘Force, Frequency and Focalisation: the Function of
Similes in the Battle-Narrative of Vergil, Aeneid
10’ in Lidewij W. van Gils, Irene J.F. de Jong and Caroline H.M. Kroon
(eds.), Textual Strategies in Ancient War
Narrative: Thermopylae, Cannae and Beyond (Amsterdam, 2018), 349-75.
97. ‘Hidden voices: Homoerotic Colour in Horace’s Odes’ in (a) 21 above, 169-84.
98. ‘After the Aeneid:
Ascanius in eighteenth-century opera’ in (a) 22 above, 377-88.
99. ‘Apuleius in France: La Fontaine’s Psyché and its Apuleian Model’ in Simone Finkmann, Anja Behrendt
and Anke Walter (eds.), Antike Erzähl-
und Deutungsmuster. Zwischen Exemplarität und Transformation
(Berlin/Boston, 2018), 385-99
100. ‘An Epic Journey: Translating Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey’ in (a) 23 above, 78-99.
101. ‘Translating Tales: Beast Fables around the World’ in
(a) 23 above, 100-115.
102. ‘Shades of Sappho in Vergil ‘ in (a) 24 above, 137-50.
103. ‘Horace’s Mercury and Mercurial Horace’ in John
F.Miller and Jenny Strauss (eds.), Tracking
Hermes, Pursuing Mercury (Oxford, 2019), 159-172.
104. ‘Figured Books: Horatian Book-Representations’ in
Roberta Berardi, Nicoletta Bruno and Luisa Fizzarotti (eds.), On The Track Of The Books (De Gruyter,
2019), 13-24.
105. ‘Classics and Poetry in England after 1960’ in Kenneth
Haynes (ed.), The Oxford History of
Classical Reception in English Literature. Volume 5: After 1880 (Oxford,
2019), 503-24.
106. ‘Heaney as Translator: Horace and Virgil’ in (a) 26
above, 244-62.
107. ‘Pirating pastoral poverty: Poetics in Tibullus 1.1’ in
Richard Evans and Martine De Marre (eds.), Piracy,
Pillage and Plunder in Antiquity (Routledge, 2019), 115-28.
108. ‘Apuleius at the court of Louis XIV. Psyché (1671,
1678) and its English version (1675)’ in (a) 27 above, 47-59.
109. ‘Victorian Lucretius: Tennyson and Arnold’ in Philip R.
Hardie, Valentina Prosperi and Diego Zucca (eds.), Lucretius Poet and Philosopher: Background and Fortunes of ›De Rerum
Natura (De Gruyter, 2020) 309–322.
110. ‘Serial Similes
in the Battle-Narrative of Vergil’s Aeneid’
in (a) 28 above, 27-38.
111. ‘Psiche nel XIX secolo: immagini dell’arte’ in
Gabriella Moretti and Biagio Santorelli, eds., Latina didaxis xxxiv: Leggere e guardare. Intersezioni fra parola e
imagine nella cultura latina e nella sua fortuna: Atti del convegno, Genova, 7-8
maggio 2019 (Genoa, 2020), 85-94 and 128-35.
112. ‘Artefact ekphrasis and narrative in epic poetry
from Homer to Silius’ in Christiane Reitz and Simone Finkmann, eds., Structures of Epic Poetry (de Gruyter,
2020), 1.773-806.
113. ‘The Gunpowder Plot: John Milton (1608-1674), In Quintum Novembris’ in L.B.T.Houghton,
Gesine Manuwald and Lucy R. Nicholas, eds., An
Anthology of British Neo-Latin Literature (Bloomsbury, 2020), 191-214.
114. ‘Greeting Charles V at Bordeaux, 1539: George Buchanan
(1506-82), Silvae 1’ in Daniel Hadas,
Gesine Manuwald and Lucy R. Nicholas, eds., An
Anthology of European Neo-Latin Literature (Bloomsbury, 2020), 119-30.
115. ‘An Apuleian Masque? Thomas Heywood's Love's Mistress (1634)’, in Bistagne,
F., Boidin, C. and Mouren, R., eds., The
Afterlife of Apuleius (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
Supplement 140, 2020), 79-90.
116. ‘Translating Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura: Contemporary
Verse Versions in English’ in F.Citti and D.Pellecani, eds., Ragione e furore: Lucrezio nell’Italia
contemporanea (Pendragon, 2020), 129-48
117. ‘Catullus and Poetry in English since 1750’ in Ian Du
Quesnay and Tony Woodman, eds., The
Cambridge Companion to Catullus (CUP, 2021), 343-62.
118. ‘Prophetic, Poetic and Political Ambiguity in Vergil Eclogue 4’ in Martin Vöhler, Therese
Fuhrer and Stavros Frangoulidis, eds., Strategies
of Ambiguity in Ancient Literature (De Gruyter, 2021), 273-84.
119. ‘John Conington as Corpus Professor at Oxford’ in (a)
29 above, 155-72.
120. ‘Stravinsky’s Oedipus
Rex: the libretto’, in C.W.
Marshall, ed., Latin poetry and its
reception: essays for Susanna Braund (Routledge, 2021), 251-62.
121. ‘Il carme 4 di Catullo’, in L.Galasso, ed., La letterature latina ellenistica
(Carrocci, 2021), 219-23.
122. ‘Tony Harrison and Rome’, in Sandie Byrne, ed., Tony Harrison and The Classics (OUP,
2022), 57-74.
123. ‘Dramatic Narrative in Epic: Aeneas’ Eyewitness Account
of the Fall of Troy in Virgil, Aeneid 2’, in Matthieu de Bakker, Baukje van der
Berg and Jacqueline Klooster, eds., Emotions
and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Irene de
Jong (Brill, 2022) 540-553.
124. ‘A Professor in Scottish Politics: Andrew Melville
(1545–1622), Stephaniskion’ in Gesine
Manuwald and Lucy R. Nicholas, eds, An
Anthology of Neo-Latin Literature in British Universities (Bloomsbury,
2022) 95-122.
125. ‘Two Laureates’ Georgics:
Virgilian Translations by Dryden and Wordsworth’ in C.Serracino (ed.), Ardet amans: Essays in honour of Horatio Caesar Roger Vella, Sta Venera,
Malta, 2022, 201-215.
126. ‘Horace and Ovid in Matthew Lewis’s The Monk (1796)’ in Frederico Lourenço
& Susana Marques Pereira (eds.), Miscelânea
de Estudos em Honra de Maria de Fátima Silva (2 vols), Coimbra, Imprensa da
Universidade de Coimbra, 2022, 2.249-74.
127. ‘Venus on Cyprus: Interlinked Lists of Aphrodite’s
Cypriot Sanctuaries in Latin Poetry’ in (a) 30 above, 33-50.
128. ‘Maffeo
Barberini’s Poems for the Farnese Family in Early Baroque Rome’ in Jacqueline
Glomski, Gesine Manuwald and Andrew Taylor
(eds.), Baroque Latinity: Studies
in the Neo-Latin Literature of the European Baroque (Bloomsbury, 2023),
129. ‘Vertical Juxtaposition in Horace Odes 1’, in (a) 31 above, 169-98.
130. ‘Jean Dorat (1508-1588): The Latin Lyrics of a Greek
Professor’, in (a) 32 above, 139-62.
131. ‘Horace on Sacred Space: The Odes and Augustan Temples’, in Monica Gale and Anna Chahoud (eds.), The Augustan Space: The Poetics of Geography, Topography and
Monumentality (Cambridge, 2024), 70-84.
132. ‘Catullus 1—Book and Boy?’, in +Stratis Kyriakidis and Charilaos N.
Michalopoulos (eds.), Secretis bene
uiuere siluis: Studies in Latin Literature in Honour of Robert Maltby
(Cambridge Scholars Press, 2024) 196-206.
133. ‘Horace’s Roman Odes: A Book within a Book?’, in Myrto
Aloumpi and Antony Augoustakis (eds.), LUX:
Studies in Greek and Latin Literature In Honor of Lucia Athanassaki (De
Gruyter, 2024) 727-44.
134. ‘Vergil and Sibylline Prophecy: Generic Multiplicity in
the Aeneid’, in Marco Formisano, Lisa
Cordes, and Janja Soldo (eds.), Italo
Calvino and Classics: Lightness –
Quickness – Multiplicity (De Gruyter, 2024), 272-88.
*135. ‘Inside and Outside: David Hadbawnik’s Verse Version
of Vergil’s Aeneid’, in John T.
Hamilton, Evina Sistakou, Martin Vöhler (eds.). Parentheses of Reception (De Gruyter, 2025), 301-16.
Articles in Journals
1. 'Cicero and Crurifragium', CQ n.s. 33
(1983) 453-5
2. 'Evander, Jupiter and
3. 'Fronde verecunda : Statius Silvae
1.5.14', PLLS 5 (1985) 337-40
4. 'Vergilian Similes : Some Connections', PLLS
5 (1985) 99-107
5. 'Catullus 61.109-13 (again)', PCPS n.s.
31 (1985) 11-12
6. 'Philosophical Imagery in Horace Odes
3.5', CQ n.s. 36 (1986) 502-7
7. 'A note on Euripides Medea 12', CQ n.s.36
(1986) 260
8. 'Vergil and the Cult of Athena Parthenos', Hermes
115 (1987) 124-6
9. 'Horace Epode 6.16', CQ n.s. 37
(1987) 523-4
10. 'Horace Odes 3.7 : An Erotic Odyssey
?', CQ n.s. 38 (1988) 186-92
11. 'Three Notes on Apuleius', CQ n.s. 38
(1988) 265-7
12. 'A Tragic Europa ? Horace Odes
3.27", Hermes 116 (1988) 427-34
13. 'Vergil as a Poet of War', PVS 19
(1988) 48-68
14. 'Deflating the Odes : Horace Epistles
1.20', CQ n.s. 38 (1988) 473-6
15. 'A note on Horace Satires 2.4.61', CQ
n.s. 38 (1988) 566-7
16. 'Vergil on Kingship : The First Simile of the Aeneid',
PCPS n.s.34 (1988) 155-9
17. 'Two notes on Achilles Tatius', Philologus
133 (1989) 153-4
18. 'Two notes on Horace's Epodes (10 and
16)', CQ n.s.39 (1989) 271-4
19. 'Augustus, the Poets and the Spolia Opima',
CQ n.s. 39 (1989) 408-14
20. 'Sophocles and the Cult of Philoctetes', JHS
109 (1989) 173-6
21. 'Lucretius, Euripides and The Philosophers', CQ
n.s.40 (1990) 195-8
22. 'Dictamnum and Moly : Vergil Aeneid 12.411-19',
PLLS 6 (1990) 195-8
23. 'The Praise Singer : Horace, Censorinus and Odes
4.8', JRS 80 (1990) 31-43
24. 'The Speaking Book : The Prologue to Apuleius'
Metamorphoses', CQ n.s. 40 (1990) 507-13
25. '
26. 'Some Odyssean Scenes in Apuleius' Metamorphoses',
MD 25 (1990) 193-201
27. 'Discordia taetra : the history of a
line-ending', CQ n.s.41 (1991) 138-49
28. 'A note on Apuleius Metamorphoses
4.31', CQ n.s.41 (1991) 562-3
29. 'The
30. 'The Arms of Capaneus : Statius Thebaid 4.165-77',
CQ n.s.42 (1992) 247-52
31. 'Fuscus the Stoic : Horace Odes 1.22
and Epistles 1.10', CQ n.s. 42 (1992) 543-7
32. 'Apuleius Eroticus : Anth.Lat.712
Riese', Hermes 120 (1992) 83-9
33. 'Dulce et decorum : Horace Odes
3.2.13', RhM 116 (1993) 91-3
34. 'The Romance of The Novel' [survey, with
E.L.Bowie], JRS 83 (1993) 159-78
35. 'A Roman Hecale : Ovid Fasti 3.661-74',
CQ n.s. 43 (1993) 455-7
36. 'Ferox Scelerum ? A note on Tacitus Annals
4.12.2', CQ n.s. 44 (1994), 557-9
37. 'Drink, Suspicion and Comedy in Propertius
1.3', PCPS n.s.40 (1994) 18-26 [HERE]
‘Yew and Bow : Vergil Georgic 2.448', HSCP
96 (1994) 201-2 [HERE]
39. 'Reply to Akbar Khan', in Religion and
Superstition in Latin Literature :
40. 'The New Passage of Tiberius Claudius Donatus'
[with M.Winterbottom],CQ n.s.45 (1995) 547-50
41. 'Discordia taetra : An Appendix' [cf.
article 27 above], CQ n.s. 45 (1995) 504 .
42. 'Vergil Aeneid 1.286 : Julius Caesar or
Augustus ?', PLLS 9 (1996) 127-33
43. 'Hereditary Eloquence Amongst the Torquati :
Catullus 61.209-18', AJP 117 (1996) 285-7
44. 'Mythological Incest : Catullus 88', CQ
n.s. 46 (1996) 581-2
45. 'Archpoet, Poem IV and some Horatian
Intertexts', Mittellat. Jahrbuch 32 (1997) 37-42 [HERE]
46. ‘Prunes and Prism : Wilde and Dickens’, Notes
and Queries 242 [n.s. 44] (1997) 351-2 [HERE]
47. ‘The
Survival and Supremacy of
48. ‘A Conjecture on Ovid Metamorphoses
4.243’, CQ n.s. 47 (1997) 608-9
49. 'From Epic to Novel : Apuleius as Reader of
Vergil', MD 39 (1997) 53-74 [HERE]
50. ‘The Lark Ascending : Corydon,
Corydon’ (Vergil, Ecl.7.70), CQ n.s. 48 (1998) 310-11
51. 'The Milesian
Tales and the Roman Novel’, GCN 9 (1998) 61-73 [HERE]
52. 'Dividing the
Dinner : Book-Divisions in Petronius’ Cena
Trimalchionis', CQ n.s. 48 (1998)
53. 'Notes on the
text and interpretation of Catullus' [with S.J.Heyworth], PCPhS 44 (1998) 85-109 [HERE]
54. ‘Sons, Mothers and Lovers in Thackeray and Virgil’, Notes and Queries 245 [n.s.47] (2000) 329-32 [HERE]
55. 'Apuleius,
Aelius Aristides and Religious Autobiography', Ancient Narrative 1 (2000-1) 245-59 [HERE]
56. ‘Halls full of
girls ? Catullus 89.3’, CQ 51 (2001)
57. ‘Fatal
Attraction : Paris, Helen and the Unity of Catullus 51’, Classical Bulletin 77 (2001) 161-8 [HERE]
58. ‘Ennius and
the Prologue to Lucretius, DRN
1.1-148’, Leeds International Classical
Studies 1.4 (2002) [HERE]
59. ‘A.E.Housman’s
Latin Elegy to Moses Jackson’, TAPA
132 (2002) 209-14.
60. ‘Sparrows and
Apples : The Unity of Catullus 2’, Scripta
Classica Israelica 22 (2003) 85-92 [HERE]
61. ‘Constructing
Apuleius : The Emergence of a Literary Artist’, Ancient Narrative 2 (2002) 143-172 [HERE]
62. ‘Hot or Strong
? A Textual Note on Seneca Phoenissae
254’, CQ 53 (2003) 633-4
63. ‘The Colour of
Olive Leaves : Vergil Aeneid 5.309’, Ordia Prima 2 (2003) 79-81 [HERE]
64. ‘Bimillenary
Ovid : some recent versions of the Metamorphoses’,
Translation and Literature 13 (2004) 251-67 [HERE]
65. ‘Catullus 63 :
Text and Translation’, Mnemosyne 57 (2004) 514-19 [HERE]
66. ‘Altering Attis
: Ethnicity, Gender and Genre in Catullus 63’, Mnemosyne 57 (2004) 520-33 [HERE]
[These last two articles also appear simultaneously in
R.R.Nauta and M.A.Harder (eds.),
Catullus’ Poem On Attis : Texts and Contexts (Leiden, 2004) –
see section (b) above]
67. ‘Hercules and
Augustus in Propertius 4.9’, PLLS 12
(2005) 117-32
68. ‘Vergil and
the Mausoleum Augusti : Georgics
3.12-18’, Acta Classica 48 (2005)
185-88 [HERE]
69. ‘Two Textual Problems in Vergil’s Aeneid (5.325, 10.141)’, Symbolae Osloenses 80 (2005) 39-40 [HERE]
70. ‘Velleius on Tiberius : A Textual Problem at
Velleius Paterculus 2.94.2’, Symbolae
Osloenses 80
(2005) 58-9 [HERE]
71. ‘The Primal Voyage and the Ocean of Epos: Two
Aspects of Metapoetic Imagery in Catullus,
Virgil and Horace’, Dictynna 4 (2007) [HERE]
72. ‘Horace and the Construction of the Victorian
Gentleman’, Helios 33 (2007) 207-22 [HERE]
73. ‘Horace Epistles
2 : the last Horatian book of sermones
?’, PLLS 13 (2008) 173-186
74. ‘Modern Versions of Senecan Tragedy’, Trends in Classics 1 (2009) 148-70
75. ‘Themes and Patterns in Horace Odes Book 2’ CentoPagine IV (2010), 47-59
76. ‘Two textual problems in Ovid, Ex Ponto 3.3’, Acta Classica 54 (2011) 173-175,
77. ‘Interpreting
the anteludia (Apuleius, Metamorphoses 11.8)’, Trends in Classics 4 (2012) 377-87
78. ‘Conjectures
on the text of Horace’, Symbolae
Osloenses 89 (2014) 1-9
79. ‘Robin George
Murdoch Nisbet, 1925–2013’, Biographical
Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy 13
(2014) 365–382
80. ‘Menander’s Thais and Catullus’ Lesbia’, CQ 65 (2015) 888-9
81. ‘Notes on the
Text of Juvenal’, Melita Classica 2
(2015) 9-15
82. ‘Ovid on Gozo?
Metamorphoses as a source for the Tristia ex Melitogaudo’, Melita Classica 3 (2016) 169-77
83. ‘The Lost
Heir: C.Claudius Marcellus in Augustan Poetry’, PhaoS - Revista de Estudos Clássicos 17 (2017) [5300 words]
84. ‘Further notes
on the text and interpretation of Catullus’, Paideia 73 (2018) 853-65
85. ‘Herculis ritu: Caesar as Hercules in
Cicero’s Pro Marcello’, CQ 68 (2018) 338-43
86. ‘Lucretius and
Memmius: De Rerum Natura 1.42’, Cadernos de letras da UFF 28 [no.56]
(2018) 21-27
87. ‘Framing
Epigrams and Elegy in Propertius Book 4’, Papers
of the Langford Latin Seminar 18 (2021) 109-21.
88. ‘Papal
Paradise: Maffeo Barberini's Verse Letter to Lorenzo Magalotti’, Neulateinisches Jahrbuch 24 (2022)
89. ‘Vertical
Juxtaposition in Catullus 64’, Paideia 78
(2023) 1-19
90. ‘Changing
Times: Ovid’s Metamorphoses in
English 2005-2023’, Translation and
Literature 33 (2024) 90-100.
91. ‘Orazio e
Tivoli’, Scienze dell’Antichità [La
Sapienza] 30 (2024) 275-83
92. ‘Receiving
Virgil in the Twenty-first Century’, Arion
32 (2024) 193-215
93. ‘Lyric,
History and Tragedy in Horace Odes 2.1’,
Papers of the Langford Latin
Seminar 19 (2024) 215-28.
(d) Contributions to
reference works
1. 33 articles for the third edition of the
Oxford Classical Dictionary (1996), including 'The Roman Novel',
'Apuleius', 'Petronius' and 'Aeneas'
Contributions (introductions and notes on Augustan poetry) to M.L.Cooley
(ed.), The Age Of Augustus [LACTOR
17] (
3. ‘Aeneas
[2]’ in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and
Its Reception I (De Gruyter, 2009).
4. ‘Novel, Greek and Latin’ for the
5. ‘Reception, Roman’ and ‘Virgil and Homer’
for the Homer Encyclopedia (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011)
6. ‘Apuleius’ for Oxford Bibliographies
Online (OUP, 2011)
Revisions of 65 articles for the fourth edition of the Oxford
Classical Dictionary (2012)
8. 14 articles (mainly short) for the Encyclopedia of Ancient
History (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012)
9. 42 articles (mainly short) for the Virgil Encylopedia (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013)
10. ‘Vergil : Aeneis’ for the Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur der Antike, Bd.2: Die klassische Literatur (bis zum Tode des Augustus), ed. A. Wlosok, S. Döpp, P. L. Schmidt (Munich, forthcoming) [13,500 words, original in English; forthcoming]
(e) Textual conjectures
cited in editions ( in apparatus criticus unless otherwise noted)
Sophocles OT 360 in H.Lloyd-Jones and N.G.Wilson, Sophoclis Fabulae [OCT] (Oxford, 1990) p.135
Euripides Mede
Ovid Met.4.243 in R.J.T
Ovid Met.9.365 in R.J.T
All in S.Morton Br
Apuleius Met.4.31.5, 11.3.5 [see
[bilingual critical edition]
Ovid Pont.1.1.42 [one
conjecture in apparatus], 1.5.81 [ditto] in J.F.Gaertner, Ovid Epistulae Ex
Ponto Book 1 (Oxford, 2005)
Catullus 14.8, 29.19 [in text], 37.11, 38.6, 42.15, 55.9, 55.11, 55.13
[in text], 61.101-2, 61.117, 63.5 [in
text], 88.6, 89.3 in A.Pérez Vega and A.Ramírez de Verger, Catulo : Poemas
(Huelva, 2005) [bilingual critical
edition] [see articles 5, 44, 53, 56
Propertius 1.9.5, 1.9.24 in
S.J.Heyworth, Sexti Properti Elegos [OCT] (Oxford, 2007) pp.14-15
Vergil Aeneid 10.628 in
G.B.Conte, P.Vergilius Maro: Aeneis [Teubner] (Berlin, 2009), p.318.
Vergil Aeneid 10.141 in
G.B.Conte, P.Vergilius Maro: Aeneis [Teubner] (ed.2 Berlin, 2019),
Lucan 1.227 in P.Roche, Lucan De
Bello Civili Book 1 (Oxford, 2009), pp.73 and 221.
Apuleius Metamorphoses
4.31.5, 5.21.2, 5.27.5, 11.3.5, 11.5.2 [in text], 11.9.3 in M.Zimmerman,
Apulei Metamorphoseon Libri XI [OCT] (Oxford, 2012) pp.94, 112,
118, 260, 261, 264
Apuleius De Deo Socratis
18.4 in G.Magnaldi, Apulei Opera Philosophica [OCT] (Oxford, 2019) p.29.
Petronius Satyrica 43.7,
119 v.6, 135.8 v.6, 136.2 x2 [all in text] in G.Schmeling (ed.), Petronius:
Satyricon [Loeb] (Cambridge, Ma. 2020), pp.144, 334, 390, 394 x 2.
Catullus 64.398 [in text], 6, 24,
300 [in apparatus] in G.Trimble, Catullus: Poem 64 (Cambridge, 2025),
pp. 115, 116, 127, 132.
(f) Book Reviews
1. K.W.Gransden, Virgil's
Iliad, CR n.s. 36 (1986) 38-40
2. P.Schenk, Die
Gestalt des Turnus; C.Renger, Aeneas und Turnus, CR n.s. 36
(1986) 40-44
3. F.Ahl, Metaformations,
CR n.s.36 (1986) 236-7
4. T.Berres, Die
Entstehung der Aeneis; W.Moskalew, Formular Language and Poetic Design;
A.Barchiesi, La
traccia del modello, JRS 76 (1986) 318-21
5.M.Bonfanti, Punto
di vista e modi della narrazione, CR n.s. 37 (1987) 173-5
6. R.A.Cardwell
(ed.), Virgil in a Cultural Tradition; J.D.Bernard (ed.), Virgil at
2000, CR n.s. 37 (1987) 175-7
7. L.Ceccarelli, L'alliterazione
a vocale interposta variabile in Virgilio, CR n.s. 38 (1988) 411-12
8. R.O.A.M.Lyne, Further
Voices in Vergil's Aeneid; A.J.Boyle, The Chaonian Dove, JRS 78
(1988) 234-6
9. A.Novara, Poésie
virgilienne de la mémoire, CR n.s. 39 (1989) 390-1
10. S.Koster, Ille
Ego Qui : Dichter zwischen Wort und Macht, CR n.s. 39 (1989) 399
11. F.Serpa, Il
punto su Virgilio; M.L.Delvigo, Testo virgiliano e tradizione indiretta;
W.V.Clausen, Virgil's Aeneid and the
Tradition of Hellenistic Poetry, JRS 79 (1989) 204-6
12. F.Cairns, Virgil's
Augustan Epic, Times Literary Supplement
8-14 Sept. 1989, 984
13. S.F.Wiltshire,
Public and Private in the Aeneid, CR n.s.40 (1990) 27-8
14. F.Cova, Il
poeta Vario, CR n.s. 40 (1990) 487
15. J.H.Bishop, The
Cost of Power, CR n.s. 40 (1990) 264-6
16. J.J.O'Hara, Death
and the Optimistic Prophecy, CR n.s. 41 (1991) 44
17. C.J.Mackie, The
Characterization of Aeneas, CR n.s. 41 (1991) 54-5
18. J.A.Hanson
(ed.), Apuleius : Metamorphoses [2 vols.], CR n.s. 41 (1991) 83-4
19. E.Huber (ed.),
Actas del VII symposio nacional de estudios clásicos, CR n.s. 41 (1991)
20. B.P.Reardon
(ed.), Collected Ancient Greek Novels, Review of English Studies 1991,
21. G.Huber, Der
Motiv der 'Witwe von Ephesus', JRS 81 (1991) 248
22. R.Dimundo, Properzio
4.7, CR n.s. 42 (1992) 193
23. B.D.MacQueen,
Myth, Rhetoric and Fiction : A Reading of Longus' Daphnis and Chloe,
Review of
English Studies 1993, 553-4
24. Lowell
Edmunds, From a Sabine Jar, CR n.s. 43 (1993) 48-50
25. Carl Schlam, The
Metamorphoses of Apuleius, CR n.s. 43 (1993) 63-4
26. F.Montanari, La
prosa latina; La poesia latina, JRS 83 (1993) 184-6
27. Gregson Davis,
Polyhymnia, Plutarchos 1993
28. Jane DeRose
Evans, The Art of Persuasion, Plutarchus 1994
29. R.J.Edgeworth,
The Colours of the Aeneid, CR n.s.44 (1994) 277-8
30. R.Heinze, Virgil's
Epic Technique, Times Literary Supplement 28/1/94, 280
31. S.Farron, Virgil's
Aeneid : A Poem of Grief and Love, CR n.s. 45 (1995) 161-2
32. P.Dronke, Verse
with Prose from Petronius to Dante, Notes and Queries n.s. 42.3
(1995) 389-90
33. M.Janan, Desire
and Narrative in Catullus, CR n.s. 45 (1995) 441-2
34. J.Tatum (ed.),
The Search for the Ancient Novel, JRS 85 (1995) 269
35. R.Glei, Der
Vater der Dinge, Gnomon 67 (1996) 300-302
36. D.Gall, Ipsius
Umbra Creusae, Gnomon 67 (1996) 457-9
37. M.Alessio, Studies
in Vergil Aeneid Eleven, CR n.s. 46 (1996) 19-21
38. K.S.Myers, Ovid's
Causes, CR n.s. 46 (1996) 24-5
39. S.Bartsch, Actors in the Audience, CR n.s. 46
(1996) 64-6
40. N.C.Shumate, Crisis and Conversion in Apuleius’
Metamorphoses, Petronian Society
Newsletter 27 (1997)
T.M.S.Lehtonen, Fortuna, Money and the
Sublunar World, Medium Aevum 66
42. J.J.O’Hara, True Names, EMC/Classical News and Views
16 (1997) 520-23
43. J.Kerrigan, Revenge Tragedy, Review of English Studies 49 (1998) 198-9
44. M.Picone and
B.Zimmermann, eds., Der antike Roman,
JRS 88 (1998) 185-6
45. M.Citroni, Poesia e lettori in Roma antica, Gnomon 70 (1998) 592-6
46. H.Krasser, Horazische Denkfiguren, Gnomon 70 (1998)
47. D.West, Horace
Odes II, TLS 21/5/99, 32
48. V.Hunink, Apuleius Pro Se De Magia, JRS 89 (1999) 36-7
49. C.Moreschini, Amore e Psiche in Apuleio, Gnomon 71 (1999) 73-6
50. J.Blänsdorf, Fragmenta
Poetarum Latinorum, Gnomon 72 (2000) 552-5
51. E.Oliensis, Horace
and the Rhetoric of Authority, Notes and Queries 47.3 (2000) 486-7
52. G.Sandy, The
Greek World of Apuleius, Scholia 9 (2000) 126-131
53. R.Alden Smith,
Poetic Allusion and Poetic Embrace in Ovid and Virgil, CW 94
(2001) 197-9
54. Sarah Annes
Brown, The Metamorphoses of Ovid from Chaucer to Ted Hughes, Scholia 10
55. R.Hingley
(ed.), Images of Rome, BMCR 2002
56. A.Eich, Politische
Literatur in der römischen Gesellschaft, Scripta Classica Israelica
21 (2002) 283-4
57. S.Goldhill
(ed.), Being Greek Under Rome, JRS 92 (2002) 256-7
58. E.A.Schmidt, Zeit
und Form : Dichtungen des Horaz, BMCR 2002
59. E.Dickey, Latin
Forms of Address, TLS 14/2/2003
60. M.Paschalis
(ed.), Horace and Greek Lyric Poetry, BMCR 2003
61. J.D. McClatchy (ed.), Horace, The Odes. New
Translations by Contemporary Poets, BMCR
62. S.Morton
Braund, Latin Literature, JRS 93 (2003) 335-6
63. Keith
Maclennan, Virgil Aeneid VI, BMCR 2003
E.H.Sutherland, Horace’s Well-Trained Reader and R.L.B.McNeill, Horace
: Image, Identity and Audience, JRS 94 (2004) 56-8
65. Andreola
Rossi, Contexts of War : Manipulation of Genre in Virgilian Battle Narrative,
BMCR 2004
66. Glenn W. Most
and Sarah Spence (eds.) Materiali e discussioni per l’analisi dei testi
classici 52.
Virgil : Special Issue in Honor of Michael C.J.Putnam, BMCR 2005
67. M.Paschalis (ed.), Roman and Greek Imperial Epic, BMCR 2006
68. M.Baltes et
al, Apuleius : De deo Socratis. Über den Gott des Sokrates, CR 56 (2006) 139-41
69. Juan
Martos : Apuleyo. Las Metamorfosis o El Asno de Oro, Gnomon 78
(2006) 227-31.
70. Niall Rudd, The
Common Spring: Essays on Latin and English Poetry, BMCR 2006
71. R.Alden Smith, The
Primacy Of Vision in Virgil’s Aeneid, BMCR
72. Judith Krabbe, Lusus
Iste : Apuleius’ Metamorphoses, IJCT 13
(2006) 139-42
73. Benjamin Todd
Lee, Apuleius’ Florida : A Commentary,
Sehepunkte 6.11 (2006)
74. Kai Merten, Antike
Mythen – Mythos Antike, JHS 127
(2007) 261-2
75. John Henderson, Oxford
Reds, Pelican Record 43.2 (2007)
76. Robert DeMaria, Jr. and Robert D.Brown, eds. Classical
Literature and its
Reception : An Anthology.
Notes and Queries n.s. 55 (2008) 227-8
77. R.K.Gibson, Excess
and Restraint : Propertius, Horace and Ovid’s Ars Amatoria, JRS
98 (2008) 233-4
78. Marco Fantuzzi and Theodore Papanghelis, (edd.) Brill’s Companion to Greek and Latin
Pastoral, CR 58 (2008) 400-03
79. Luca Graverini, Wytse Keulen, and Alessandro Barchiesi,
A. Il romanzo antico : forme, testi,
Ordia Prima 4 (2009) 251-54
80. J.J.O’Hara, Inconsistencies
in Roman Epic, Phoenix 63 (2009)
81. A.Powell, Virgil
The Partisan, Mnemosyne 63 (2010)
82. Y.Nadeau, Erotica
for Caesar Augustus, Gnomon 82
(2010) 321-4
83. Gregson Davis, ed., A
Companion to Horace, BMCR
84. A.Poochigian, Aratus:
Phaenomena, TLS 28.1.2011 p.27.
85. Julia Haig
Gaisser, Catullus, Classical World 104 (2011) 261-2
86. Victor
Skretkowicz, European Erotic Romance,
Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance
Studies 27 (2011) 43-5
87. G.B.Conte, Vergilius:
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