- French: a handbook of grammar, current usage and word power, London and New York, Cassell, 1993, revised and extended edition; new edition 2000, 524 pp. Click here to view or download a PDF of this book for your personal use.
- French: a handbook of grammar, current usage and word power, London, Cassell, 1992; republished as Cassell's Contemporary French, New York, Macmillan, 1992, 420 pp.
- Basic French Grammar, London, John Murray, 1996, 170 pp.
- Dossiers, France, Télévision , London, John Murray, 1995, 156 pp (with G. Bishop and A.P. Dyson)
- Actualités, TV, Presse, London, Thomas Nelson, 1991, 108 pp. (with A.P. Dyson)
- Enfin!, Basingstoke, Macmillan Education, 1990, 128 pp. (with A.P. Dyson)
- Actualités, Radio, Presse, Basingstoke, Macmillan Education, 1987, 58 pp. (with A.P. Dyson)
Textbooks authored and co-authored:
Livres pédagogiques
- French: a handbook of grammar, current usage and word power, Londres et New York, Cassell, 1993, édition augmentée; nouvelle édition 2000, 524 pp.
- French: a handbook of grammar, current usage and word power, Londres, Cassell, 1992; publié également sous le titre Cassell's Contemporary French, New York, Macmillan, 1992, 420 pp.
- Basic French Grammar, Londres, John Murray, 1996, 170 pp.
- Dossiers, France, Télévision , Londres, John Murray, 1995, 156 pp (avec G. Bishop et A.P. Dyson)
- Actualités, TV, Presse, Londres, Thomas Nelson, 1991, 108 pp. (avec A.P. Dyson)
- Enfin!, Basingstoke, Macmillan Education, 1990, 128 pp. (avec A.P. Dyson)
- Actualités, Radio, Presse, Basingstoke, Macmillan Education, 1987, 58 pp. (avec A.P. Dyson)