Related PhDs:
I have supervised the following PhDs to completion:
- Hugh Roberts, 'Representations of ancient Cynicism in French texts, 1546-1615', Oxford Brookes University, 2003
I am currently supervising the following PhDs:
- Marie Carty, 'Marie Dumesnil and the portait of the French actress in eighteenth-century France', Exeter University, 2007
Direction de thèses de doctorat:
J'ai dirigé les thèses suivantes:
- Hugh Roberts, 'Representations of ancient Cynicism in French texts, 1546-1615', Oxford Brookes University, 2003
Thèses actuellement en cours:
- Marie Carty, 'Marie Dumesnil and the portait of the French actress in eighteenth-century France', Exeter University, 2007