<p>Living with grandfather, Moses Benjamin in Aldgate, 1861, aged 19</p><p><p>this looks like the son of sarah benjamin and lewis isaacs m 1839</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>seems to be a commercial traveller lodging in Birmingham in 1871</p></p><p><p>a number of possible lines inc</p></p><p><p>commercial traveller, lodging with Leah Levy in 1871, subsequently married to her</p><p><p>xvi278 birth cert brum</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Name: Lewis Isaacs</p></p><p><p>Date: 15th January 1841</p></p><p><p>Place: 67 Pershore Street, Birmingham</p></p><p><p>Father: John Lewis Isaacs</p></p><p><p>Father's occupation: Tailor</p></p><p><p>Mother: Hannah Isaacs formerly Benjamin Reg district: Birmingham</p></p><p><p>Sub-district: St Martin Birmingham</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>witness at marriage was jacob cohen, a princes st, wolverhampton pawnbroker born in prussia 44 in 1861</p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Birmingham Daily Post</p></p><p><p>Publication date:Monday 15 December 1873</p></p><p><p>Liquidations by arrangement</p></p><p><p>Article text:</p></p><p><p>Lewis Isaacs, Pershore Street, Birmingham, boerding-house keeper and commercial traveller. First meeting, at the oflices of Mr. Burton, solicitor, Union Chambers, 53. Union Passage, Birmingham, December 24, at 10.</p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Died age 31, Market Street, Manchester MST/109/85</p></p><p></p>