Bose-Einstein Condensate Philosophy of Physics
University of Oxford

Coming to Oxford a senior visitor

A junior or senior faculty member in physics, philosophy, or mathematics, whose interest lies in the philosophy of physics, foundations of physics, or philosophy of mathematics, should contact one of the permanent members of the Philosophy of Physics group directly.

Given 3 months notice - 6 months for arrival in Michaelmas (autumn) term) - it is ordinarily a simple matter to arrange for temporary membership of Wolfson College or Linacre College (contact Harvey Brown and Simon Saunders respectively). Such membership is virtually cost-free and carries with it library, computing, sports, and dining rights, but rarely housing. Those wishing for use of an office, usually shared, at the Philosophy Centre, should contact Harvey Brown or Simon Saunders at least 6 months, and preferably 12 months in advance. Office space is naturally at a premium and can by no means be assured.

Visitors may be accommodated for up to three nights at the above Colleges or at All Souls College at relatively short notice (3 or 4 weeks is normally sufficient; less in the case of All Souls).

For a Visiting Fellowship at All Souls College, for between one and three terms, there is a scheme for applications which is advertised annually. Note that this scheme covers all disciplines.

Notes on applications to All Souls

All Souls College offers to each Visiting Fellow a flat about 10 minutes bus-ride from College, an office in College, and all meals free. The College doesn't pay a salary (so for income it is a matter of having a grant or sabbatical money).

There are about 24 Visiting Fellowships each year, for which about 120 people apply (no disciplines are specified, so it is all-comers). Alas, prospective applicants should bear in mind that no matter how distinguished they are, they might not succeed. It is however easier to get a term, than 2 or a year; and chances are better for those flexible about which term they come for.

The deadline for application is mid-Sept, and the decision is made in early December, for the following academic year. Applicants should write a short research proposal (which should mention common interests with people at Oxford). For details of application procedures, go to the All Souls website and click on the link to "Elections & Appointments" .

Philosophy Centre
Radcliffe Humanities
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Rd
Oxford OX2 6GG
T +44 (0)1865 276926
F +44 (0)1865 276932