Hilary Term 2009

1st Week Thursday 22nd January, 8pm

St. John's College Video Room
The Tenth Doctor The Fifth Doctor
Utopia & Castrovalva
Resisting possible spoilers, Utopia is a story from the end of David Tennant's second season containing my Crowning Moment of Awesome of the rebooted series. Connected as they are by having not been featured in the term of *@$*€* stories last year, Castrovalva is the first story for Peter Davison's Fifth Doctor (previously, the youngest actor to play the part). Tennant's post-regeneration bears certain resemblance to the first few episodes of this.
2nd Week Thursday 29th January, 8pm

St. John's College Video Room
The Third Doctor
A classic serial staring Jon Pertwee and Caroline John as Liz Shaw. Around a drilling operation to find the source of infinite free energy (note how they never say "free" energy anymore), something goes horribly wrong and the Doctor is flung into a parallel universe. When I say 'parallel', of course, I mean 'evil'. Cliches are abound with goatees and nazi-esque apparrel all around, and yet it remains one of my favourite episodes.
3rd Week Thursday 5th February, 8pm

St. John's College Video Room
Regardless, this week we foray outside of Doctor Who into the wider realm of British sci-fi/fantasy television. This week we watch Neil Gaiman's Neverware, described by IMDb as: "Richard Mayhew leads an ordinary life in London when one day a girl named Door falls, injured, across his path. The next thing he knows, his life is gone and he's pulled into the fantastical world of London Below. Pursued by the murderous Messrs. Croup and Vandemar, Door and Richard with the help of Hunter and the Marquis de Carabas, attempt to find the Angel Islington, who knows the secret behind the murder of Door's family, and possibly a way for Richard to go home."
4th Week Thursday 12th February, 8pm

St. John's College Video Room
The First Doctor
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
This classic serial from the second original series is the last with the original TARDIS crew of William Hartnell, Carole Ann Ford as Susan, Jacqueline Hill as Barbara, and William Russell as Ian Chesterton in their second encounter with the Daleks, this time on Earth in 2164. We get plenty of old school Dalek action (before Davros came about and they started bickering all the time) and we will be using the original pie-tin special effects.
5th Week Thursday 19th February, 8pm

North Quad Lecture Room, St. John's
The Geek Quiz
This is a bring your own round event, so if you feel up to it, write up a short round of questions on a generally geeky theme. The more creative the style of the round, the more people enjoy it. The more specific the knowledge required, the less people enjoy it. The way I run these is to let people form their own teams initially and then try and encourage migration such that we have teams of a roughly equal size (I'm looking at you OUSFG). I then ask each team in turn if any of its members has a round. A person stands up and presents their round and everyone else does their best, including the person's own team (so please no sharing unless you really want to scupper your team). Once everyone gets bored, we go to the pub (or at least try and get people to go to the pub).
6th Week Thursday 26th February, 8pm

St. John's College Video Room
The Fourth Doctor
The Horror of Fang Rock
The Horror of Fang Rock is beautifully summarised by Wikipedia by, "The cursed island of Fang Rock is a place of rumour and tales of beasts from the sea. Three lighthouse men face their fears when something comes in from the sea which brings death to all it touches."
Saturday 28th February, 2pm

St. John's College Video Room
Blake's 7 Season One marathon
Blake's 7 is a late 70's/early 80's BBC sci-fi show created and often written by Terry Nation. It follows a group of fugitives from the totalitarian Terran Federation as they try to escape and get back at the Federation. Being our marathon, drinking is encouraged so please bring whatever spirits, beers, wines, hootch, etc you have lying around or choose to purchase and join us for a day's drinking and telly.
7th Week Thursday 5th March, 8pm

Moya, St. Clement's
DocSoc Meal
This term we are trying Slovakian cuisine at Moya on St. Clements. We'll meet at 8pm outside. I hear the food is fantastic and the more in the conversation, the better.
8th Week Thursday 12th March, 8pm

St. John's College Video Room
Canon Night
To finish off this term, we're having a night of Doctor Who from slightly outside the realms of canon. The exact things we watch will depend on the interests of those that turn up, but current possibilties are:

  • The Curse of Fatal Death - an old Children in Need special written by Stephen Moffat, starring Rowan Atkinson as the Doctor and Jonathan Price as the Master.
  • The Scream of the Shalka - a flash webcast shown on the BBC website slightly before the new series was announced, starring Richard E. Grant as the Doctor and Derek Jacobi as the Master. Some spectacular cliffhangers.
  • Real Time - an audio-book given pictures for those that need to look at something, starring Colin Baker as the Doctor against the Cybermen and written by Gary Russell.
  • Shada - a flash webcast remaking the lost Douglas Adam's penned Tom Baker serial instead using Paul McGann as the Doctor. It's set in "the other town", but is really quite entertaining.

Possibilities do not include Dimensions in Time.

An archive of past termcards from the last few years can be found here.