Hilary Term 2022

1st Week Thursday 20th January, 7.30pm

Sir Joseph Hotung Auditorium, Mansfield College
The Second Doctor
The Evil of the Daleks (Animation)
Welcome back to WhoSoc (Hilary 2022 Edition)! We begin with an exciting (animated) reconstruction of the classic 1967 Second Doctor story, The Evil of the Daleks. The Second Doctor and Jamie are on the trail of their stolen TARDIS, but the search takes them back to 1866. Just what is Edward Waterfield up to? Why does the Doctor appear to be helping his greatest enemy, the Daleks? Will Jamie survive the experiments designed to find 'the Human Factor'? Come along to find out!
2nd Week Thursday 27th January, 8pm

Rainolds Room, Corpus Christi
The Second Doctor The Sixth Doctor
The Two Doctors
The Sixth Doctor and Peri team up with the Second Doctor and Jamie in this exciting multi-Doctor serial! The Time Lords have sent the Second Doctor and Jamie to put an end to dangerous time travel experiments. But after the Doctor vanishes, it’s up to his future self to investigate. Why are the Sontarans about to dissect his past self? And how will their findings aid their conquest of the universe? It’s up to the Doctors to find out...for their own sakes.
3rd Week Thursday 3rd February, 8pm

Rainolds Room, Corpus Christi
The First Doctor
The Romans
Friends, Romans, WhoSoc, lend me your attendance this week! The First Doctor, Vicki, Ian, and Barbara take a rare holiday in 64AD Italy – but a comedy of errors ensues. With the Doctor mistaken for a famous musician and facing a live performance before Emperor Nero, and Ian and Barbara kidnapped and forced into slavery, just how are they going to escape and reunite before Rome burns?
4th Week Thursday 10th February, 8pm

Rainolds Room, Corpus Christi
The Twelfth Doctor
Heaven Sent & Hell Bent
The triumphant tale of the Twelfth Doctor, trapped in his Confession Dial. Join us as we watch Peter Capaldi’s tour-de-force performance in Heaven Sent, fighting to avenge Clara Oswald’s death. His return to Gallifrey in Hell Bent, where a confrontation with the powers-that-be leads to a fiery stand-off, is not to be missed. Let’s see how this finale holds up!
5th Week Tuesday 15th February, 8pm

Rainolds Room, Corpus Christi
Sarah Jane Adventures Night (School Reunion & SJA Randomiser)
Return to the late 2000s-early 2010s with us as we revisit the The Sarah Jane Adventures spin-off show! As a warm-up, we see the Tenth Doctor reunite with an old friend in School Reunion. Just what is lurking in the corridors of the local high school? Then, we will select a random serial from the five series of the show to watch and showcase the high quality of this great spin-off!
Thursday 17th February, 8pm

In the legendary Geek Quiz, members of Oxford's geekiest societies get together to battle it out for the crown of "team who won that term". If you can write a round not entirely related to Doctor Who, bring it along. Please ensure your round is visual – make a PowerPoint with each question displayed on a different slide. Our society usually divides up into a few different teams – come along and help us beat those pesky TrekSoc-ers!
6th Week Thursday 24th February, 8pm

Rainolds Room, Corpus Christi
The Seventh Doctor
Ghost Light & Termly Meal + SPECIAL GUESTS (The Toffolo Brothers)
The Seventh Doctor and Ace’s visit to Gabriel Chase, an ominous Victorian mansion, in 1893 proves to be more than just a random visit. As an Oxford don arrives to refute the controversial Josiah Samuel Smith’s evolutionary theories, the secrets of Gabriel Chase will unravel. Ace is in for the fright of her life. Luckily, we are joined by the fantastic Toffolo brothers, Matt and Jonathan (https://www.youtube.com/user/batmanmarch) for a special evening to watch and discuss this fascinatingly complex story (with a termly meal beforehand, too!).
7th Week Thursday 3rd March, 8pm

Rainolds Room, Corpus Christi
The Eleventh Doctor
A Good Man Goes to War & Commitee Elections
The Eleventh Doctor is on the warpath. As he builds an army to take the fight to Demons Run to rescue Amy Pond, little does he know he is about to discover just who River Song is. If that wasn’t enough, we’ll be conducting our Committee elections.
8th Week Thursday 8th March, 8pm

Rainolds Room, Corpus Christi
The Eighth Doctor
Doctor Who: The Television Movie & Committee Meeting
HE’S ALIVE! Paul McGann stars as the Eighth Doctor in what was, until 2013’s Night of the Doctor, his only screen outing. Despite there being no follow-up American TV revival, this 1996 story nevertheless is warmly remembered – it’s time we rediscover why. The Eighth Doctor, recently regenerated, battles the Master in San Francisco on the eve of the new millennium. With the help of cardiologist Grace Holloway, it's up to the Doctor to prevent the Master’s plans from succeeding as the bells ring in a new year. Join us afterwards for the termly committee meeting, where we will be discussing what to watch next term.

A downloadable copy of this termcard can be found here.

An archive of past termcards from the last few years can be found here.