Michaelmas Term 2022

1st Week Thursday 13th October, 8pm

Miles Room, St Peter's
The Thirteenth Doctor The Tenth Doctor
Freshers’ Drinks - The Girl in the Fireplace & The Witchfinders
New year, same old society! Plenty of drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) - including some special recipes from our own Social Secretary - will be abound as we settle in with some classic NuWho episodes.

The Girl in the Fireplace features Mickey Smith’s first adventure alongside the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler. Madame de Pompadour is stalked by some mysterious, creepy dolls, featuring time windows leading to France in the 18th century.

We will also be watching the The Witchfinders - a 13th Doctor story in 17th century England. Witch trails and a suspicious King James test the Doctor’s boundary of not interfering with the past.
2nd Week Thursday 20th October, 8pm

Miles Room, St Peter's
The Fourth Doctor
The City of Death
A serial featuring the Fourth Doctor and Romana, 1979 Paris is the location of a time-heist. Can a painting truly prevent the extinction of a species?
Saturday 22nd October, 8pm

Teaching Room 5, Trinity
Varsity Quiz
The Varsity Quiz is back! Taking place in Oxford, watch us battle it out with Cambridge rivals to prove who is the superior Whovian society!

Cambridge will be visiting us this time round - a meal and tour will be provided alongside the quiz. Look out for sign-ups!
Sunday 23rd October, 7:30pm

The Thirteenth Doctor
Power of the Doctor
The final 2022 special, Jodie Whittaker will return as the Thirteenth Doctor for the last time. It will feature current and former companions, and WhoSoc will be arranging a viewing of the special together when the airing date is announced. Watch this space!
3rd Week Thursday 27th October, 8pm

Garden Room, Trinity
The Twelfth Doctor
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
World Enough and Time features, for the first time, multiple incarnations of the Master! The Twelfth Doctor entrusts Missy to Nardole and Bill to demonstrate her rehabilitation, but will it end in disaster? The story concludes in The Doctor Falls.
4th Week Thursday 3rd November, 8pm

Levine Auditorium, Trinity
The Fifth Doctor
The Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Adric end up on the planet Deva Loka, where Tegan becomes possessed by a villain with a sustained interest in her.
5th Week Tuesday 8th November, 8pm

Garden Room, Trinity
Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.
The second theatrical film in the Doctor Who Universe, a policeman stumbles into the TARDIS and is transported to 2150 AD by Dr. Who. Evil Daleks reign supreme, and it’s up to Dr. Who (a scientist from Earth), to defeat them, featuring a very familiar face...
Thursday 10th November, 8pm

Garden Room, Trinity
Geek Quiz
It’s Geek Quiz time! Battle it out with the geekiest societies Oxford has to offer for "not last"! Nevertheless, do come along - we are often divided into a few teams, ready to take on Pokeballs, TrekSoc-ers and Oxford’s mini version of Middle-Earth!

If you can write a round that is related to the geek societies at large, do bring it along!
6th Week Thursday 17th November, 8pm

Levine Auditorium, Trinity
The Ninth Doctor
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
A two-parter introducing Captain Jack Harkness, the Ninth Doctor and Rose arrive in the London during the Blitz. Chasing an item through the Time Vortex, they encounter a Time Agent, a child with a gas mask, and a zombie army.
Saturday 19th November, 7:30pm

Miles Room, St Peter's
Doctor Who x Harry Potter Exchange Drinks
Come along for a night of snacks, quiz and good old fun with Harry Potter society. Magic and science fiction together can only lead to nothing but good things.....
7th Week Thursday 24th November, 8pm

Miles Room, St Peter's
The Third Doctor
Termly Meal + The Daemons with guest Matt Barber
Matt Barber is the author of The Black Archives #26: The Daemons, the five-parter that concluded Season 8. Featuring the Third Doctor with his companions, the Master and his cult exerts dark forces on the village of Devil’s End. Stone gargoyles, unexplained murders and energy domes come together in the art of secret science.

Our termly meal will take place beforehand with Matt Barber, though you are welcome to join us at the usual 8pm time. There will also be a Q&A!
8th Week Thursday 1st December, 8pm

Miles Room, St Peter's
The Seventh Doctor
Survival + Committee Meeting
Our final event of the term! Survival is the last story of the Classic Who era, featuring the Seventh Doctor and Ace. Ace is brought back to her hometown, where the people from her personal life have unfortunately been tangled up with the Doctor’s enemies.

Our committee meeting will take place afterwards - come and have a say in what we will watch in 2023!

A downloadable copy of this termcard can be found here.

An archive of past termcards from the last few years can be found here.