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2nd Oxford Financial Research Summer Symposium


3-12 June 2003


Supported by Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB)



Workshops and Papers


Alexander Ljungqvist 

Assistant Professor of Finance

Stern, New York University

"Competing for securities underwriting mandates"



Alan Morrison

University Lecturer in Management Studies, Said Business School, University of Oxford

"Multinational Bank Regulation with Deposit Insurance and Diversification Effects"



Max Maksimovic

Bank of America Professor of Finance at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland

"Financial and legal constraints to firm growth: does size matter?"



Dimitrios Tsomocos

University Lecturer in Management Science (Finance), Said Business School, University of Oxford

"A model to analyse financial fragility"


Bruno Biais

Professor of Finance, Université de Toulouse I, Director of Research at IDEI, and Fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France

"Credit, Wages and Bankruptcy Laws"



Deutsche Bank Lecture: Xavier Freixas

President of the European Finance Association & Director, Center for Financial Economics Research of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

"European banking integration: Where to we stand?"


Andrew Winton

Minnesota Finance and Banking Chair, Finance Department,

University of Minnesota

"A model of entrepreneurial finance"



Albert S. "Pete" Kyle

Professor of Business Administration,

Fuqua School of Business, Duke University

"Adjustment costs, industry structure and corporate finance"



Steve Tadelis

Assistant Professor

Dept of Economics, Stanford University

"A theory of partnerships"



Clarendon Lectures in Finance: Franklin Allen

Co-Director, Financial Institutions Center,

"Understanding Financial Crises: Banking Crises" 



Maureen O'Hara 

Robert W. Purcell Professor of Management, Cornell College & President of the American Finance Association

"Information and the cost of capital"



Clarendon Lectures in Finance: Franklin Allen

Co-Director, Financial Institutions Center, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

"Understanding Financial Crises: Currency Crises"




Zsuzsanna Fluck

Associate Professor of Finance, Eli Broad Graduate School of Management, Michigan State University & Fellow of the William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan

"The political economy of stock exchanges"



Clarendon Lectures in Finance: Franklin Allen

Co-Director, Financial Institutions Center, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

"Understanding Financial Crises: Bubbles and Crises"




Ross Levine 

Carlson Chair in Finance

University of Minnesota

"Bank Supervision and Corporate Finance"



Gael Giraud

Economist, CNRS, Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg

"The limit-price exchange process"



Zhaohui Chen

Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

"Buy-Side and Sell-Side Research"