The 2005 Varsity Match (16.6.2005)
Oxford beat Cambridge in the 2005 Varsity Match by 8 games to 1.
The match was held yesterday, Thursday 16th June, at the Hurlingham Club in
Richard Hilditch kindly agreed to come along to act as a referee, but he and
the players were a little disappointed that the promised sunshine didn't
materialise - instead it was cloudy with some misty rain and the odd heavier
shower. The Hurlingham Club was its usual immaculate self, with the Marsh
Classic professional tennis tournament going on as a backdrop to the Varsity
Match (or the other way round, depending on your point of view). The rain
ensured that the lawns were just on the slow side of easy-paced, but so much
flatter and smoother than anything in Oxford or Cambridge that the teams
found them a real pleasure to play on.
Oxford were strong favourites to win the match for the third year running,
and most of last year's team were back again. In contrast, Cambridge had a
team with very little experience of competitive Association Croquet. Four of
the singles matches were settled in Oxford's favour by large margins, and at
number two Mark Snow established an unassailable lead but was unable to
close out a finish before time was called. In the last match, Sam Mooring
seemed unusually out of form, and eventually lost by 7 to a good performance
by Hugo Bush. Singles score: Oxford 5 Cambridge 1.
This year the traditional lunch at the Eight Bells was turned down in the
interests of time. The Oxford team and some of the Cambridge team went to
the River Cafe (I think the proprietor thought the Opens had started when we
turned up in whites) while the remainder grabbed a sandwich from one of
Hurlingham's own eateries. With the match won at lunchtime, the teams made
five substitutions between them for the afternoon doubles. This didn't
affect the pattern, as Oxford won all three matches, two of them by large
margins again.
Cambridge can take a lot of positives out of their performance as they
performed better than the gulf between the teams would have suggested. Hugo
in particular seemed to have all the strokes, and with a bit more playing
could be a good player. If Richard Gibson learned to be more decisive then
he could improve very rapidly too, but as it was both his games went to time
and it seemed that he couldn't possibly catch up in the three hours
available. From the matches I saw, Andrew Cottrell and Roger Cotes played
particularly well for Oxford.
Both teams would like to thank the Hurlingham club warmly for hosting the
match once more.
Results: (Oxford names first)
Jonathan Kirby bt Asif Arshad (c) +20
Mark Snow bt Richard Gibson +12T (19-7)
Andrew Cottrell bt Mikey Lear +25
Sam Mooring lost to Hugo Bush -7
Chris Hansen (c) bt Michael T +24
Roger Cotes bt Chris Fenwick +24
Snow and Cotes bt Arshad and Alan Mak +23
Cottrell and Michael Solomon bt Bush and Gibson +10T (23-13)
Mooring and Anton Evseev bt Will Seymour and James Ellis +20
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