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The 2008 Varsity Match (10.6.2008)

After the complete disappearance of Cambridge's club last year, Oxford were pleased when, thanks to the timely action and superb organisation of Richard Fellows, the Cambridge club were undergoing a resurrection this year. Given the club's situation, it was hardly surprising that Oxford were better prepared for the match, coming out on top 9 games to 0.

Once again, the match was held at the Hurlingham club in London. The lawns were spectacular as usual and players enjoyed their games immensely. Better weather could not have been hoped for, though some might argue it was even a tad too warm, given the development of one or two headaches. Richard Hilditch kindly agreed to come along to act as a referee, bringing with him his usual enthusiasm. Lunch was generously provided by Hurlingham.

All in all, Richard Fellows did a superb job of organising the event and a enjoyable day was had by all. Oxford wishes Cambridge the best of luck in their endeavour to solidify their club and look forward to next year's match.

Both teams would like to thank Hurlingham for hosting the match and Pol Roger for sponsoring the event.

Robert Wilkinson

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