Michaelmas Term 2011

1st Week Thursday 13th October, 8pm

Old Law Library, Magdalen
The Eleventh Doctor
Freshers' Drinks featuring Vincent and the Doctor
Free drinks and meeting the fabulous members of DocSoc; I don't know what more you could want, really. There'll be Doctor Who themed cocktails, and, possibly, if no one can talk the society's President out of it, fish fingers and custard.

NB:Vincent and the Doctor was shown as the result of a vote of those assembled, choosing from Series Five episodes.
2nd Week Thursday 20th October, 8pm

Daubeny Lecture Theatre, Magdalen
The Fourth Doctor
Pyramids of Mars
Going slightly off course, the TARDIS lands the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith inside a Victorian mansion. The owner is missing, and before long they're under attack by what appear to be mummies, which are roaming the grounds in a generally murderous fashion.
3rd Week Thursday 27th October, 8pm

Daubeny Lecture Theatre, Magdalen
The Second Doctor
The Mind Robber
This episode features the Second Doctor, Zoe, Jamie, trees that turn into letters when seen from above, a unicorn, Medusa, Rapunzel, and giant toy soldiers.
4th Week Thursday 3rd November, 8pm

North Quad Lecture Room, St. John's
The Geek Quiz
Any society that reckons it qualifies as 'geeky' is more than welcome to come along to this. Bring question rounds or alcohol or cake or nothing but your wonderful selves and your obsessive obscure interests.
5th Week Thursday 10th November, 8pm

Daubeny Lecture Theatre, Magdalen
The Ninth Doctor
Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways
The two-part finale to New Who Series One. The Doctor, Jack and Rose are dragged into TV shows which are quite a lot like some programmes we might recognise, only with significantly more death. Then things get worse. The first time the Daleks try to destroy the earth in the new series, and the Doctor's first regeneration in it as well.
6th Week Thursday 17th November, 8pm

Daubeny Lecture Theatre, Magdalen
The Third Doctor
The Time Warrior
This Third Doctor story is filled with landmarks for the show: the first appearances of the Sontarans and Sarah-Jane Smith (portrayed by the legendary, late Elisabeth Sladen) as well as the first time that Gallifrey is referred to by name, so if for no other reason, The Time Warrior is worth seeing. But just in case you're not entirely persuaded, it also has bandits from the Middle Ages and the Brigadier.
7th Week Thursday 24th November, 8pm

Nando's, 77-79 George Street
DocSoc Meal
This term, we continue our quest to eat every type of cuisine available in Oxford with a trip to Nando's on George Street.
Saturday 26th November, 3pm

Old Law Library, Magdalen
The Sixth Doctor
The Trial of a Time Lord Marathon
No, we're not joking. Yes, it's Colin Baker (and his face that we get to see up close much too much); yes, we are going to watch all 14 episodes of it; yes, in one sitting; and yes, you will lose your sanity (if you haven't already). The Sixth Doctor is standing trial back on Gallifrey, accused of breaking the Gallifreyan laws of interference and genocide (hmm, sound like any other Doctor we know?), so come along to see BRIAN BLESSED, Peri die (but actually not - a lovely early tribute to the show's inability to kill off [annoying] companions) and be replaced by Mel. Wait, why are we watching this again?
8th Week Thursday 1st December, 8pm

Daubeny Lecture Theatre, Magdalen
The Fifth Doctor
Tegan's being used by the Mara (again) and gets the TARDIS to land on the planet Manussa. There, despite celebrating the 500th anniversary of the banishment of the Mara from the planet, the Mara also takes control of Lon (a very young Martin Clunes) and uses both of them to steal the Great Crystal from a guy in a pink and black fur hat. In order to stop the Mara from existing physically again with the help of the Crystal, the Doctor allows himself to be bitten by a snake so that he can commune with a dead dude who predicted the Mara's rebirth and who tells him that fear is the only weapon against the Mara. Weren't the Eighties great!

An archive of past termcards from the last few years can be found here.