Oxford University Club Cricket Club

2002 Season

Fixtures and Results

Played 16, Won 12, Lost 4

Date        Fixture                    Result                             

21/4/2002   at Eynsham                 41 run loss      Scorecard   Report
 5/5/2002   vs Langford                cancelled                    Report
12/5/2002   vs Rhodes Trust            45 run loss      Scorecard   Report
19/5/2002   vs Sunningwell             53 run win       Scorecard   Report
26/5/2002   vs OBs                     6 wicket win     Scorecard   Report
31/5/2002   vs Keele University        58 run loss      Scorecard   Report
 2/6/2002   at Marlborough House       6 wicket win     Scorecard   Report
16/6/2002   vs Chadlington             4 wicket win     Scorecard   Report
23/6/2002   vs Oxenford                57 run loss      Scorecard   Report
30/6/2002   vs Oxenford                cancelled                          
 5/7/2002   vs Fireflies               cancelled                          
14/7/2002   at Abingdon Vale           5 wicket win     Scorecard   Report
21/7/2002   vs King's School           148 run win      Scorecard   Report
28/7/2002   vs Deloitte & Touche       68 run win       Scorecard   Report
 2/8/2002   vs Pacific                 6 wicket win     Scorecard   Report
11/8/2002   at Oxenford                145 run win      Scorecard   Report
18/8/2002   vs Marlborough House       129 run win      Scorecard   Report
25/8/2002   at Ascott-under-Wychwood   22 run win       Scorecard   Report
31/8/2002   vs OBs                     won on forfeit   Scorecard   Report
 8/9/2002   at IMM (Medicine)          32 run win       Scorecard   Report
3/10/2002   AGM                                         Minutes           

Partnership Records

   W   Batsmen                              Date        Fixture                R   

 1st   Sam Dean and James Cullis            21/7/2002   vs King's School        76 
 2nd   Lawrence Schafer and Richard Clark   18/8/2002   vs Marlborough House    90 
 3rd   James Watson and Sam Dean             8/9/2002   vs Medicine            121 
 4th   James Cullis and Mike Price          23/6/2002   vs Oxenford             70 
 5th   Sam Dean and Anthony O'Dea           11/8/2002   at Oxenford            153 
 6th   Matt Benson and Anthony O'Dea        19/5/2002   vs Sunningwell          38 
 7th   Anthony O'Dea and Matt Benson        28/7/2002   vs Deloitte & Touche    47 
 8th   Richard Clark and Chris Bumby        12/5/2002   vs Rhodes Trust         21 
 9th   Martin Booth and Chris Bumby         21/7/2002   vs King's School        16 
10th   Martin Booth and Anurag Abinashi     21/7/2002   vs King's School        34*

Highest Scores

Batsman            Date        Fixture                    R  

James Watson        8/9/2002   vs Medicine                97 
Lawrence Schafer   25/8/2002   at Ascott-under-Wychwood   89 
James Cullis       21/7/2002   vs King's School           88 
Lawrence Schafer   18/8/2002   vs Marlborough House       87 
Sam Dean           11/8/2002   at Oxenford                85*
Richard Clark      12/5/2002   vs Rhodes Trust            75 
Quentin Williams   16/6/2002   vs Chadlington             62 
Anthony O'Dea      11/8/2002   at Oxenford                58 
Sam Dean            8/9/2002   vs Medicine                56 
Anthony O'Dea      28/7/2002   vs Deloitte & Touche       56 
Jeremy Chalk       14/7/2002   at Abingdon Vale           52 
James Watson       19/5/2002   vs Sunningwell             52 
Mike Price         23/6/2002   vs Oxenford                51 
Richard Clark      28/7/2002   vs Deloitte & Touche       50 

Batting Averages

Batsman              Ave     R   I   NO   HS   50 100

Lawrence Schafer   51.00   204    5   1   89    2   0
Sam Dean           48.80   244    8   3   85*   2   0
James Watson       39.13   313    8   0   97    2   0
James Cullis       37.60   188    5   0   88    1   0
Richard Clark      36.50   292    9   1   75    2   0
Martin Booth       36.00    72    4   2   41*   0   0
Mike Price         34.67   104    6   3   51    1   0
Anthony O'Dea      32.25   258   12   4   58    2   0
Quentin Williams   27.64   304   11   0   62    1   0
Anurag Abinashi    19.00    38    3   1   30*   0   0
Jeremy Chalk       13.38   107    8   0   60    1   0
Jeremy Taylor      11.00    22    3   1   14    0   0
Matt Benson        11.67    70    6   0   23    0   0
Rhodri Lewis       10.67    32    4   1   11    0   0
Tony McNally       10.33    31    4   1   15    0   0
Chris Bumby        10.00    30    4   1   16*   0   0
Stanton Smith       9.00    18    4   2    9*   0   0
Ed Rackham          5.00    15    3   0    7    0   0
Nigel Gray          2.00     4    3   1    2*   0   0
Julian Swartz       1.00     2    4   2    2    0   0

Minimum of 3 innings required.

Geoff Kot          32.00    32    1   0   32    1   0
Anamitra Deb       15.00    15    2   1   11    0   0
Dave Close          8.00    16    2   0   16    0   0
Charles Wroth       8.00     8    1   0    8    0   0
Tim Flaherty        7.00    14    2   0    8    0   0
Alex Watson         5.00     5    1   0    5    0   0
Dave Frame          3.00     6    2   0    4    0   0
Marcus Taylor       3.00     3    1   0    3    0   0
Chris Ham           2.00     2    1   0    2    0   0
Mark Parrington     1.00     1    1   0    1    0   0
Aaron Chakura       0.00     0    1   0    0    0   0
Nick Gallus            -    21    1   1   21*   0   0

Best Bowling

Bowler          Date        Fixture                    W-R 

Alan Salt        2/6/2002   at Marlborough House       5-5 
Matt Benson     28/7/2002   vs Deloitte & Touche       5-20
Mike Price      18/8/2002   vs Marlborough House       4-21
Matt Benson     11/8/2002   at Oxenford                4-25
Matt Benson     25/8/2002   at Ascott-under-Wychwood   4-41
Chris Bumby     28/7/2002   vs Deloitte & Touche       4-45
Geoff Kot        8/9/2002   vs Medicine                3-17
James Watson    21/7/2002   vs King's School           3-19
Mike Price       2/8/2002   vs Pacific                 3-20
Stanton Smith   18/8/2002   vs Marlborough House       3-21
Sam Dean        26/5/2002   vs OBs                     3-28
Stanton Smith   16/6/2002   vs Chadlington             3-31
Chris Bumby     21/4/2002   at Eynsham                 3-34
James Cullis    23/6/2002   vs Oxenford                3-40

Bowling Averages

Bowler               Ave      O   M     R    W     BB  3W  5W      SR      ER

James Watson        9.43   50.0   7   132   14   3-19   1   0   21.43    2.64
Matt Benson        13.57   43.0   6   190   14   5-20   2   1   18.43    4.42
Chris Bumby        15.75   57.0   4   252   16   4-45   2   0   21.38    4.42
Mike Price         16.15   47.0   6   210   13   4-21   2   0   21.69    4.47
Sam Dean           17.63   41.0   2   141    8   3-28   1   0   30.75    3.44
Stanton Smith      18.73   44.3   3   206   11   3-21   2   0   24.27    4.63
Tony McNally       18.75   33.0   4   150    8   2-12   0   0   24.75    4.55
Rhodri Lewis       21.00   17.0   0   105    5   2-11   0   0   20.40    6.18
Geoff Kot          21.67   11.3   1    65    3   3-17   1   0   23.00    5.65
Richard Clark      22.50   17.0   1    89    4   2-12   0   0   25.50    5.24
Julian Swartz      23.00   10.0   0    92    4   1-6    0   0   15.00    9.20
James Cullis       27.80   28.0   1   139    5   3-40   1   0   33.60    4.96
Matt Hardy         36.00   13.0   3    36    1   1-21   0   0   78.00    2.77
Anamitra Deb       45.50   28.0   2   111    2   1-26   0   0   84.00    3.96

Minimum of 10 overs required.

Tim Flaherty        1.00    2.0   1     1    1   1-1    0   0   12.00    0.50
Alan Salt           1.00    4.5   1     5    5   5-5    0   1    5.80    1.03
Dave Frame          3.00    1.0   0     3    1   1-3    0   0    6.00    3.00
Martin Booth        4.33    4.4   1    13    3   2-4    0   0    9.33    2.79
Phil Clark          4.50    7.2   4     9    2   2-9    0   0   22.00    1.23
Anurag Abinashi    13.00    5.0   0    13    1   1-12   0   0   30.00    2.60
Ed Rackham         21.00    7.0   0    42    2   1-8    0   0   21.00    6.00
Marcus Taylor      27.00    5.0   0    27    1   1-27   0   0   30.00    5.40
Neil Godfrey       41.00    9.0   3    41    1   1-41   0   0   54.00    4.56
Anthony O'Dea      42.00    6.0   0    42    1   1-38   0   0   36.00    7.00
Ashwin Batra           -    1.0   0     3    0   0-3    0   0       -    3.00
Alex Watson            -    3.0   0    17    0   0-17   0   0       -    5.67
Dave Close             -    5.0   0    32    0   0-32   0   0       -    6.40
Chris Ham              -    2.0   0    14    0   0-14   0   0       -    7.00
Lawrence Schafer       -    3.0   0    27    0   0-27   0   0       -    9.00
Nigel Gray             -    8.0   0    75    0   0-10   0   0       -    9.38
Jeremy Taylor          -    2.0   0    26    0   0-26   0   0       -   13.00
Nick Gallus            -    2.0   0    26    0   0-26   0   0       -   13.00

If you have any comments about these pages, please email Sam Dean (sdean@atm.ox.ac.uk).