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What kit to get and from where

This page contains information about suitable equipment to buy for ordinary college and personal use, based on OUACC's experience of using similar equipment. For information about how to learn the basics of the game, where to go to see the OUACC demonstration match and how to receive free OUACC coaching, please follow this link.

If you are considering buying kit, and would like to try out similar items before you buy or would like some further advice, then do not hesitate to get in touch with the OUACC Committee.

Where to Buy Equipment

[Updated January 2025.]

The most economic way of buying equipment is to buy the best value pieces of kit separately. Boxed sets are without exception naff and expensive. Separate pieces are available from various shops, but for many items the Croquet England Shop offers better prices than the high-street. Contact the CqE shop on 01242 233 555 or email office@croquetengland.org.uk. Note that being an U25 Premium Croquet England Member (£10/£17.50) gives you a 10% member discount on many item in the CqE Shop, so if buying a George Wood mallet (£288-382), it is cheaper to join and buy a mallet with discount than buy a mallet on its own. All you have to do is persuade your college/JCR to buy into the idea! Do check that the sum remains correct and exactly which items and how many of each are discounted in your membership deal!

Croquet England (CqE) Membership
For OUACC members, Basic Under 25 (U25) membership of Croquet England is free (for first 25 OUACC applicants) - contact the OUACC Secretary for information. This offers a 2% discount from the CqE Shop. If you play in many tournaments, or want to buy a mallet, it may be worth becoming a Premium U25 member for only £10/£17.50* with a 10% Shop discount.

* £16 if you receive paper copies of the magazine.

Suitable Equipment for College Use

The sections below contain details of items suitable for college use, and which are commonly used at the OUACC. For detailed information about buying kit see http://www.oxfordcroquet.com/equip. The prices in the sections below are only given for guidance: for up-to-date prices, please contact the supplier.


Note that for cuppers, visiting teams are permitted to bring standard equipment to substituted for absent or inferior equipment! You do not want to be practicing with a garage forecourt set. There are currently 2 types of Croquet England approved balls you can purchase. These meet the required tight specifications (size, bounce, weight).

  • Sunshiny CQ-16 16 oz Tournament
    Priced at £384 for a set of four, available from the Croquet England Shop. These are more suitable for college purchases given their lower price. As with the Dawson's, these are of the approved by the CA and match tournament ball specifications.
  • Dawson International Mk3
    Priced at around £445 (!) for a set of four balls, and available from the Croquet England Shop. These are generally regarded as being the best balls and are a favourite amongst tournament organisers. However, these are quite expensive for colleges to be able to afford. On the other hand they are very durable and should last for many years.
  • Invictus Balls. Due soon in the UK

Many other balls do not meet the CqE specifications. If you have to economise ensure that the balls weigh 16 oz. Read the description carefully: "The balls meet with the regulation specifications for size and weight". Urgh, they do not meet the bounce specifications and are not approved.


When buying mallets there are several factors to consider, as well as price. ( See Oxford Croquet for more than you wanted to know):

  • Handle length
    The most common length is 36" (~91 cm), but if you are buying several for a college, it may be useful to include one that is slightly longer, for example 38" (96.5 cm), which may be more comfortable for taller players. Conversely, a shorter one can be useful, although this is less critical since players can always hold their hands slightly lower down a long shafted mallet.
  • Handle material
    Although mallets with wooden shafts are sometimes cheaper than other types, for general use in a college it IS worth spending a little extra to buy a mallet with a carbon fibre or metal shaft which will not break easily if it receives rough treatment from inexperienced players. Having replacement handles/shafts fitted is expensive.
  • Weight
    The typical weight is approximately 3lb (1360 g), since this often provides the best compromise for the demands of different strokes. Whilst handle length is a common option on mallets you normally accept the provided weight unless you want a bespoke mallet.
  • Head length
    Basic mallets often have approximately 9" long heads. However, where a longer head-length is an available option, it is well worth considering since longer heads are more 'stable' and more accurate to play with. For this reason the mallets used by elite players all tend to be about 11" long. Bear in mind also that longer length heads are easier to catch on the ground as the mallet is swung - for this reason for college use it is not advisable to buy a mallet with a head that is longer than 11". 10 - 11" is fine.
  • Head width
    Narrower heads enable some shots to be played that might be hampered by a wider head, and most more expensive mallets tend to be quite narrow. However, for inexperienced players, such as for general college use, it is advisable to have a mallet with a standard head to reduce the likelihood of miss-hitting.

The following is a selection of mallets could be of interest.

  • George Wood - Evolution or Discovery Mallets (£288-383) - available from the CqE Shop (Note potential 10% discount for Croquet England Premium members). Avoid wooden shafted mallets.
  • Manor House's "2000" (~£285) carbon fibre shaft, mallet wooden heads. Longer heads are available. Supplied by the manufacturer "Dave Trimmer". If you have a silly budget the top of the range carbon fibre mallets come in at ~£450! There can be a waiting list of many months for some mallets so order early.
  • PHC mallets from South Africa - rapid delivery.
  • M.C. Percival Mallets - www.croquetmallets.co.uk.

Don't forget that there are also charges for postage. If you buy a number of mallets, where applicable, postage is charged at bulk rates. Beware that mallets ordered from abroad can attract taxes and duties as well as shipping costs.


The ideal hoops for college are heavy metal hoops. Currently these would include the Croquet England Championship Croquet Hoops (£354) or if you have very deep pockets the Ultra Championship Croquet Hoops (£660!) If your college buys solid metal hoops they should last many years. Tube and wire hoops are poor substitutes but budgets can be limited. See available hoops on the Croquet England shop site. If possible avoid hoops which are 4" (10.1 cm) wide; the intended gape is 3.75" (~9.5 cm).

© 2025 Oxford University Association Croquet Club