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List of Publications
- Grafen. A. 2024. What distinctions are usefully drawn today between
natural and sexual selection? Chapter 6, pp 67-80, in: Sex, Gender,
Ethics and the Darwinian Evolution of Mankind (ed. M. Veuille),
Routledge. ISBN: 9781003405313
- Scott, T. W., Grafen, A. and S.A. West. 2023. Host–parasite
coevolution and the stability of genetic kin recognition. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences (USA), 120, 1091-6490. doi:
- Scott, T. W., Grafen, A. and S.A. West. 2022. Multiple social
encounters can eliminate Crozier’s paradox and stabilise genetic kin
recognition. Nature Communications 13: 3902. doi:
- Levin, S. and A. Grafen 2021. Extending the range of additivity in
using inclusive fitness. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 1970-1983. doi:
- Grafen, A. 2020. A simple completion of Fisher’s fundamental theorem
of natural selection, Ecology and Evolution, 11, 735–742. doi:
- Grafen, A. 2020. The Price equation and reproductive value.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375: 20190356. doi:
- Grafen, A. 2019. Should we ask for more than consistency of
Darwinism with Mendelism? Studies in History and Philosophy of
Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 78. doi:
- Levin, S., and A. Grafen, A. 2019. Inclusive fitness is an
indispensable approximation for understanding organismal design.
Evolution, 73, 1066-1076. doi: 10.1111/evo.13739
- Grafen, A. 2018. Editorial: The fundamental theorem of natural
selection. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 135, 393-394. doi:
- Grafen, A. 2018. The left hand side of the Fundamental Theorem of
Natural Selection. Journal of theoretical Biology 456, 175-189. doi:
- Biernaskie, J.M., Grafen, A. and J.C. Perry. 2018. A general model
of biological signals, from cues to handicaps. Evolution Letters. doi:
- Crewe, P., Gratwick, R. and A. Grafen. 2018. Defining fitness in an
uncertain world. Journal of mathematical Biology 76, 1059-1099. doi:
- Grafen, A. 2015. Biological fitness and the Price Equation in
class-structured populations. Journal of theoretical Biology 373, 62-72.
doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.02.014.
- Grafen, A. 2015. Biological fitness and the Fundamental Theorem of
Natural Selection. American Naturalist 186, 1-14. doi:
- Grafen. 2014. Total reproductive values for females and for males in
sexual diploids are not equal. Journal of theoretical Biology 359,
233-235. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.05.021.
- Biernaskie, J.M., Grafen, A. and J.C. Perry. 2014. The evolution of
index signals to avoid the cost of dishonesty. Proc. R. Roy. Soc. B 281,
20140876. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0876.
- Batty, C.J.K., Crewe, P., Grafen, A. and R. Gratwick. 2014.
Foundations of a mathematical theory of darwinism. Journal of
mathematical Biology 69, 295-334. doi: 10.1007/s00285-013-0706-2.
- Grafen, A. 2014. The formal darwinism project in outline: response
to commentaries. Biology and Philosophy, 29, 281-292. doi:
- Grafen, A. 2014. The formal darwinism project in outline. Biology
and Philosophy, 29, 155-174. doi: 10.1007/s10539-013-9414-y.
- Abbot, P. and over 100 others. 2011. Inclusive fitness theory and
eusociality. Nature 471, E1-E4. doi: 10.1038/nature09831.
- Taylor, P.D. and A. Grafen. 2010. Relatedness with different
interaction configurations. Journal of theoretical Biology, 262,
391-397. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2009.10.012.
- Grafen, A. 2009. Formalizing Darwinism and inclusive fitness theory.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 364, 3135-3141. doi:
- Gardner, A. and A. Grafen. 2009.
Capturing the superorganism: a formal theory of group adaptation.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology. doi:
- Grafen, A. 2008. The simplest formal
argument for fitness optimisation. Journal of Genetics, 87,
- Grafen, A, and M. Archetti. 2008.
Natural selection of altruism in inelastic viscous homogeneous
population. Journal of theoretical Biology, 252, 694-710.
- Grafen, A. 2007. An inclusive
fitness analysis of altruism on a cyclical network. Journal of
evolutionary Biology, 20, 2278-2283.
- Grafen, A. 2007. The formal Darwinism
project: a mid-term report. Journal of evolutionary Biology 20,
1243-1254. doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2007.01321.x
- Grafen, A. 2007. Detecting kin selection at
work using inclusive fitness. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London)
B 274, 713-719.
- Grafen, A. 2006. Various remarks on
Lehmann and Kellerís article. Journal of evolutionary Biology 19,
- Grafen, A. 2006. A theory of Fisher’s
reproductive value. Journal of mathematical Biology 53, 15-60.
- Grafen A, 2006. Optimization of inclusive
fitness, Journal of theoretical Biology 238, 541-563
- Nee S, Colegrave N, West SA, and A. Grafen.
2006 Response to comment on “The illusion of invariant quantities in
life histories” Science 312, 5771.
- Nee, S, N. Colegrave, S.A. West and A. Grafen.
2005. The illusion of invariant quantities in life histories.
Science 309: 1236-1239 (Profiled in: de Jong, Is Invariance Across
Animal Species Just an Illusion?, Science 309: 1193-1195).
- Grafen, A. 2004. Willam Donald
Hamilton. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 50,
- Goymann W., I.T. Moore, A. Scheuerlein, K.
Hirschenhauser, A. Grafen, and J.C. Wingfield. 2004. Testosterone in
tropical birds: Effects of environmental and social factors. American
Naturalist, 164, 327-334.
- Axelrod R., R.A. Hammond, and A. Grafen
2004. Altruism via kin-selection strategies that rely on arbitrary
tags with which they coevolve. Evolution, 58, 1833-1838.
- Belshaw, R., A. Grafen, and D.L.J. Quicke.
2003. Inferring life history from ovipositor morphology in
parasitoid wasps using phylogenetic regression and discriminant
analysis. Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society, 139, 213-228.
- Grafen, A. 2003. Fisher the evolutionary
biologist. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The
Statistician), 52, 319-329.
- Grafen, A. 2002. A First Formal Link
between the Price Equation and an Optimization Program. Journal of
theoretical Biology, 217, 75-91.

- Grafen A
and R. Hails. 2002. Modern Statistics for the Life Sciences, Oxford
University Press.
- Grafen, A. 2002. A state-free
optimization model for sequences of behaviour. Animal Behaviour 63,
183-191. Download Software
- Grafen, A. 2000. Developments of the
Price equation and natural selection under uncertainty. Proceedings of
the Royal Society (London) B, 267, 1223-1227.
- Grafen, A. 2000. A biological approach to
economics through fertility. Economics Letters, 66, 241-248.
- Grafen, A. 1999. Formal Darwinism, the
individual-as-maximising-agent analogy, and bet-hedging. Proceedings of
the Royal Society (London) B, 266, 799-803.
- Grafen, A. 1999. A note on errors in
Grafen’s strategic handicap models - A note in response. Journal of
theoretical Biology, 195, 416-417.
- Grafen, A. 1999. The correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol 10, 1862
- Burkhardt,F, Porter,DM, Harvey,J, Topham,JR. Notes and Records of the
Royal Society of London, 53, 175-176.
- Grafen, A. 1998. Fertility and labour
supply in Femina economica. Journal of theoretical Biology, 194,
- Grafen, A. 1998. Evolutionary biology -
Green beard as death warrant. Nature, 394, 521-522.
- Grafen, A and M. Ridley. 1997.
Non-independence in statistical tests for discrete cross-species data.
Journal of theoretical Biology, 188, 507-514.
- Newman, J.R., J. Bergelson and A. Grafen.
1997. Blocking factors and hypothesis tests in ecology: Is your
statistics text wrong? Ecology, 78, 1312-1320.
- Grafen, A and M. Ridley. 1997. A new
model for discrete character evolution. Journal of theoretical Biology,
184, 7-14. Download Software
- Grafen, A and M. Ridley. 1996.
Statistical tests for discrete cross-species data. Journal of
theoretical Biology, 183, 255-267.
- Ridley, M. and A. Grafen. 1996. How to
study discrete comparative methods. In: Phylogenies and the Comparative
Method in Animal Behavior (ed. E. P. Martins), 77-104, Oxford University
- Quinnell, R.J., A. Grafen and M.E.J.
Woolhouse. 1995. Changes in parasite aggregation with age - a
discrete infection model. Parasitology, 111, 635-644.
- Kell, D.B., A.S. Kapreylants and A. Grafen.
1995. Pheromones, social behaviour and the functions of secondary
metabolism in bacteria. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 10,
- Johnstone, R.A. and A. Grafen. 1993.
Dishonesty and the handicap principle. Animal Behaviour, 46,
- Grafen, A. and M.E.J. Woolhouse. 1993. Does the Negative Binomial
Distribution add up? Parasitology Today, 9, 475-477.
- Hurst, LD and A. Grafen. 1993. Technical Comment: Unusual Mutational
Mechanisms and Evolution. Science, 260, 1959.
- Grafen, A. and R.A. Johnstone. 1993. Why we
need ESS signalling theory. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society (London) B 340, 245-250.
- Grafen, A. 1992. Of mice and the MHC. Nature, 360, 530.
- Johnstone, R.A. and A. Grafen. 1992. Error-prone signalling.
Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) B, 248, 229-233.
- Johnstone, R.A. and A. Grafen. 1992. The
continuous Sir Philip Sidney game: a simple model of biological
signalling. Journal of theoretical Biology, 156, 215-234.
- Grafen, A. 1992. New Light on Modern Darwinismí (review of G.C.
Williamsí “Natural Selection: Domains, Levels and Challenges”) Quarterly
Review of Biology, 67, 343-345.
- Brockmann, H.J. and A. Grafen. 1992. Sex ratios and life-history
patterns of a solitary wasp, Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) politum
(Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 30,
- Grafen, A. 1992. The uniqueness of the
phylogenetic regression. Journal of theoretical Biology, 156,
- Boomsma, J.J. and A. Grafen. 1991.
Colony-level sex ratio selection in the eusocial Hymenoptera. Journal of
evolutionary Biology, 4, 383-407.
- Haig, D.A. and A. Grafen. 1991. Genetic
scrambling as a defence against meiotic driveí. Journal of theoretical
Biology, 153, 531-558.
- Grafen, A. 1991. Kin vision?: a reply to
Stuart. Animal Behaviour, 41, 1095-1087.
- Grafen, A. 1991. A reply to Byers and
Bekoff. Animal Behaviour, 41, 1091-1092.
- Grafen, A. 1991. A reply to Blaustein et
al. Animal Behaviour, 41, 1085-1087.
- Grafen, A. and H.C.J. Godfray 1991.
Vicarious selection explains some paradoxes in dioecious fig-pollinator
systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) B, 245, 73-76.
- Grafen, A. 1991 Modelling in behavioural
ecology. Chapter 1 of Behavioural Ecology, 3rd edition (ed.s J.R. Krebs
and N.B. Davies), 5-31. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
- Hurst, L.D. and A. Grafen 1990. Sex and flagellation. Trends in
Ecology and Evolution, 5, 419-422.
- Grafen, A. 1990. Sexual selection
unhandicapped by the Fisher process. Journal of theoretical Biology,
144, 473-516. See also Siller’s note and
paper for mathematical corrections.
- Grafen, A. 1990. Biological signals as
handicaps. Journal of theoretical Biology, 144, 517-546. See also Siller’s note and paper for mathematical
- Boomsma, J.J. and A. Grafen. 1990.
Intra-specific variation in ant sex ratios and the Trivers-Hare
hypothesis. Evolution, 44, 1026-1034.
- Grafen, A. 1990. Do animals really
recognize kin? Animal Behaviour, 39, 42-54.
- Grafen, A. (editor) 1989. Evolution and its Influence: the Herbert
Spencer lectures 1986, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
- Grafen, A. 1989. The phylogenetic
regression. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 326,
119-157. Download Software
- Brockmann, H.J. and A. Grafen 1989. Mate
conflict and male behaviour in a solitary wasp Trypoxylon
(Trypargilum) politum (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Animal Behaviour,
37, 232-255.
- Grafen, A. 1988. Origin of mutants disputed. Nature, 336,
- Godfray, H.C.J. and A. Grafen 1988.
ëUnmatedness and the evolution of eusocialityí. American Naturalist,
131, 303-305.
- Grafen, A. 1988. On the uses of data on
lifetime reproductive success. Chapter 28 of Reproductive Success
(ed. T.H. Clutton-Brock) 454-471, University of Chicago Press.
- Grafen, A. 1988. A centrosomal theory of
the short term evolutionary maintenance of sexual reproductioní. Journal
of theoretical Biology, 131, 163-173. See also Erratum, 132,
- Grafen, A. 1987. Measuring sexual
selection: why bother? In Sexual Selection: Testing the
Alternatives (ed.s J.W. Bradbury and M.B. Andersson), 221-233, Wiley,
New York.
- Grafen, A. 1987. The logic of divisively
asymmetric contests: respect for ownership and the desperado effect.
Animal Behaviour, 35, 462-467.
- Grafen, A. 1986. Split sex ratios and the
evolutionary origins of eusociality. Journal of theoretical Biology,
122, 95-121.
- Sutherland, W.J., A. Grafen and P.H. Harvey 1986. Life history
correlations and demography. Nature, 320, 88.
- Grafen, A. 1985. Hamilton’s rule OK. Nature, 318, 310-311.
- Grafen, A. 1985. A geometric view of
relatedness. Oxford Surveys in evolutionary Biology, 2, 28-90.
- Lucas, J.R. and A. Grafen 1985. Partial prey consumption by ambush
predators. Journal of theoretical Biology, 113, 455-473.
- Grafen, A. 1984. Mathematical appendix to: C.E.J. Kennedy and T.R.E.
Southwood “The number of species of insects associated with British
trees: a re-analysis”, Journal of Animal Ecology, 53, 455-478.
- Grafen, A. 1984. Natural selection, kin
selection and group selection. Chapter 3 of Behavioural Ecology, 2nd
edition (ed.s J.R. Krebs and N.B. Davies), 62-84. Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Oxford.
- Grafen, A. and M. Ridley 1983. A model of mate guarding. Journal of
theoretical Biology, 102, 549-567.
- Grafen, A. 1983. Review of “Evolution and the theory of games” by J.
Maynard Smith. Times Higher Educational Supplement, 18th February.
- Grafen, A. 1982. How not to measure
inclusive fitness. Nature, 298, 425-426.
- Ridley, M and A. Grafen 1981. Are green
beard genes outlaws? Animal Behaviour, 29, 954-955.
- Grafen, A. 1980. Review of “The natural selection of populations and
communities” by D.S. Wilson. Nature, 284, 494.
- Grafen, A. 1980. Opportunity cost, benefit
and degrees of relatedness. Animal Behaviour, 28, 967-968.
- Grafen, A. 1979. The hawk-dove game
played between relatives. Animal Behaviour, 27, 905-907.
- Brockmann, H.J., A. Grafen and R. Dawkins
1979. Evolutionarily stable nesting strategy in a digger wasp.
Journal of theoretical Biology, 77, 473-496.
- Grafen, A. and R. Sibly 1978. A model of
mate desertion. Animal Behaviour, 26, 645-652.
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